Monthly Archives: February 2019

Dr. Emanuel’s Death Wish

In 2014 Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the smiling gentleman at left, bother of Chicago Mayor and Obama confidant Rahm Emanuel, wrote an article in The Atlantic which stated that it was his desire to die at age seventy-five.  He was then fifty-seven years old, and that gave him another eighteen years on the planet until his desired date to meet with the “Grim Reaper”.  That’s almost a quarter of his perfect lifespan. 

Five years later, he still has another thirteen years to enjoy the good life while pushing grandma and grandpa off the cliff.  It’s kind of like a clip from the 1973 movie “Soylent Green” which is set in 2022 New York City.  There are now forty million people living there and pollution has caused global warming which has killed off all our natural resources,  creating a food emergency.  What are all the hungry people going to eat, and where are they going to get it from?  Dual answer: Human Protein and from the bodies of “useless” senior citizens.

Using Ezekiel Emanuel’s “Complete Lives Theory”, which basically states that between certain ages, say fourteen and Sixty-five, you are a “productive” member of society as a whole. Before and after that timeframe, you are just a “user” not producing sufficient benefits to justify expending scarce medical resources on your medical problems or needs. It’s a sliding scale process, where young adults are prioritized over younger children and they in turn are given priority over infants, which of course are the ultimate “useless” individual. Continue reading Dr. Emanuel’s Death Wish

Legalized Infanticide?

Senate Democrats yesterday were instrumental in defeating the so-called “Born Alive Bill”,  the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,  which would guarantee babies who survived a late term abortion attempt the right to medical care.

Those same Democrats say that those who feel the Second Amendment to our Constitution guarantees citizens the right to bear firearms for self defense are just extremists who pose a danger to society.

They also feel that it is perfectly acceptable to “abort” a baby in the mothers womb up to the point in the pregnancy where the woman has gone into labor prior to delivery.  Not to allow that, they say,  is a violation of a woman’s “reproductive rights”.

Think about that concept.  Self defense is evil, but what amounts to legalized murder, is not.

With the multitude of  birth control methods which have been available to women for a very long period of time, to justify late term abortions of human beings as somehow just another method of birth control is a monstrous concept. Continue reading Legalized Infanticide?



“They turned the country up on its side, and everything loose fell into California.”

Frank Lloyd Wright

California is a beautiful place.  Wonderful climate.  World class scenery, from Big Sur to Yosemite.  Legendary cities, from San Diego to San Francisco, which in the past, were some of the most prized destinations for world travelers.  Much of that has changed in the past few years, and the pace of that change is increasing.

While California’s population may not be decreasing, its demographic profile is changing, and not for the better.  Individuals and corporations are leaving the “Golden State” in ever increasing numbers, but why?  The answers to that question might seem to be complex, but are in reality very simple. Continue reading Mexifornia?


The importation of African slaves into the United States was banned by law in 1807. However, in the decades that followed, some were smuggled into the country on “slave ships”.  The last instance of this occurred when the Clotilde, shown in a period painting at left, arrived in Mobile, Alabama in 1859.

After the “Emancipation Proclamation” was signed by President Lincoln in 1863, all slaves held in bondage in the States of the Confederacy were declared to be free when they escaped into Union lines.  Later Amendments to the Constitution codified the concept that all people born in the territory of the United States were considered citizens. 

Although these Amendments were meant only to protect the rights of the freed blacks, the unintended consequence was that ALL peoples born here, whether their parents arrived in our country legally or not, were granted “Birthright Citizenship”.  This has since become a magnet, drawing millions of people to enter our country illegally, and give birth to so-called “anchor babies”, which then hopefully will allow their parents to remain, and also start the phenomena of “chain migration”.

Now, as the politics of the 2020 Presidential Election cycle have begun, there is a call by many of the Democratic Party politicians for financial “Reparations” to be paid to the descendants of former slaves in compensation for what their ancestors suffered.  This is a “Pandoras Box” that they may soon rue to have opened.

In the first place, most of the descendants of Caucasian, Asian or Latino Americans came to this country in the late 1800s or early to mid 1900s.  As such, they never owned slaves, but in fact were themselves greatly impoverished when they arrived on our shores.  Virtually every group, from the Chinese to Irish or Italians, and everyone in between,  were ostracized and vilified by the immigrants who came before them, who viewed the newcomers as competitors for jobs and resources.  It must be stressed that America has never offered equal results, only equal opportunity to compete for success and wealth.

With that said, it also must be acknowledged that for many years, during the era of segregation in the south, black Americans were indeed prejudiced against, and denied opportunities to advance, in those areas of the country.  However, after the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and early 1960s, “Equal Rights” legislation was passed to address that injustice.  From 1965 on, American blacks have enjoyed not equal, but preferential treatment when it came to hiring and educational opportunities.  Whites, Latinos and Asian students were consequently denied access to many of our most prestigious educational institutions, and blacks were promoted over others in many areas where their demonstrated aptitude or performance didn’t justify it.  This practice has generated understandable angst among those who have earned the right to the educational opportunity or job advancement, with the financial rewards that entailed. Continue reading Reparations?

Biometrics = Security

How do you tell if a politician is lying?  Easy, their lips are moving!  Yes, that’s perhaps trite and an oversimplification, but it is what many Americans are coming to believe is true. Case in point, immigration and border security. 

Politicians on both sides of the aisle have assured us for years of the necessity to have secure borders, and the American public as a whole believed them.  The problem is that most of them were lying through their teeth, and became indignant when we pointed that out.  Chuck Schumer, for instance,  stated emphatically that we needed a secure southern border, and advocated a wall or other physical barrier to accomplish that task.  You can view his unedited speech on YouTube.

The same is true for many prominent Republicans, including President George W. Bush, former Speakers of the House John Boehner and Paul Ryan, and a multitude of others when they needed to get elected and were aware that a majority of Americans wanted secure borders.  However, when it came time to vote on the matter, they were nowhere to be found.  The “Wall” hasn’t been built, and we are basically as vulnerable along that 1200 mile stretch as we ever have been, with the exception of the few miles of significant wall that has been constructed. Continue reading Biometrics = Security

Dems Trifecta Plus One

Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters.  A trifecta of Democratic Party intelligence, or lack thereof.  However, they are all now Committee Chairmen of important House committees.  Sorry Maxine, no PC pronouns in this blog.  They chair the House Judiciary Committee, the House Intelligence Committee and the House Financial Services Committee respectively.  This triumvirate is joined by Elijah Cummings who heads the House Oversight Committee.  What do they have in common?  Oh yes, they were all disruptive leaders of the “Resistance Movement” led by none other than former President Barack Obama, our community organizing “Disrupter in Chief”.

So, at least until January of 2021, these individuals will concentrate, not on fixing a seriously broken judicial system as administered by some of the leadership of the FBI, or figuring out how much our intelligence agency activities eroded under James Clapper and John Brennan.  They won’t try to figure out how we can stop the inexorable slide toward national bankruptcy created by a 22 Trillion dollar national debt, or even how we can secure our southern border and stem the flow of illegal drugs which are killing our citizens in ever growing numbers every year. Continue reading Dems Trifecta Plus One

Democrat Lemmings?

As I watch the machinations of the Democratic Party in 2019 I am dumbfounded.  I knew it was going to be bad after they retook the House of Representatives last November, but I had no idea how bad.  It is like a herd of lemmings racing towards a cliff.

From Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Bernie Sanders, and everyone in between, they are all trying to prove how far left they are willing to drag their political party, and the list of Presidential hopefuls keeps expanding.  Barack Obama had already broken the “Politics stops at the shoreline” tradition when he bad mouthed the country while overseas during the 2008 campaign and the continued to do so after his election.  His V.P., “Crazy Joe” Biden, has continued that process by once again mocking President Trump and the Republicans while speaking at a conference in Europe.  Biden basically called them racists and xenophobes because they had the effrontery to want to secure our southern border and prevent tens of thousands of  illegal aliens from entering our country on an all too regular basis. Continue reading Democrat Lemmings?

Deaths In America?

Valentines Day will never be the same for the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL.  On that day last year, an expelled former student named Nikolas Cruz walked into the school with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle and calmly killed 17 people, students and teachers, and wounded 17 others.  Cruz should not have been able to buy a gun, and indeed should not have been walking the streets.  The warning signs were everywhere, and were either overlooked or ignored.

The high school, like all other schools in Florida, and the rest of the nation for that matter, was a so-called “Gun Free Zone”.  No one but law enforcement personnel were permitted to legally carry a firearm on the premises.  However, Nikolas Cruz didn’t care about the rule.  To him, it was a “Free Fire Zone”, where he could be reasonably sure that he could carry out a massacre of unarmed individuals with impunity, at least until law enforcement arrived, and that would take critical minutes.  So, he killed or wounded 34 people, and then calmly left the school and walked several blocks to a fast food restaurant, where he purchased a soft drink.

 A year later, my local newspaper, very liberal leaning, like most media these days, is full of stories decrying gun violence and wondering why the “Shooting Gallery” (that they think America has become) hasn’t passed sweeping legislation to ban the sale and ownership of all firearms.  One article really caught my eye. It was written by a senior student at Stoneman Douglas, and had the following headline.

“Would Congress act if Parkland had been a plane crash instead?”

The young lady, a founder of “March For Our Lives”, then proceeded to say that in 2017, nearly 40,000 Americans died as a result of guns.  She didn’t think it necessary to break that number down into categories.  That didn’t matter, because it wasn’t the MANNER of death that counted, it was the THING that caused it.  The dreaded GUN!  If only all those malevolent THINGS could be banished, we would all be safe.  Everyone would follow the rules, and no one would use any other means to commit an atrocity.  Yes, of course. Continue reading Deaths In America?

How much is TOO much?

The recent pre dawn raid on the rented Ft. Lauderdale home of Roger Stone by the FBI should be a real eye opener for American citizens, whether you are on the left or right side of the political spectrum.  It should be of particular interest to those 35 and under, because it foreshadows what may be the world you will live in for the rest of what is potentially a long life.

Twenty nine assault weapon wielding FBI agents in full tactical gear and wearing night vision goggles surrounded the Stone residence and proceeded to accomplish a tactical operation which would equal, if not surpass, the raid by Seal Team Six which sealed the fate of Osama bin Laden.  It would be interesting to know if the numbers of agents, the weapons they carried and vehicles they used exceeded those used in the capture of “El Chapo” Guzman and other cartel drug lords.

One thing is absolutely certain.  They were FAR in excess of what was required for the arrest of an unarmed, sixty-six year old professional journalist.  Even if they felt he was a “Flight Risk”, was it necessary to deploy those measures, rather than just keep the house under surveillance until later in the day, and have a couple of FBI Agents serve the search warrant and make the arrest if warranted? Continue reading How much is TOO much?

Liar, liar….

As we watch the debate over whether the Congress should pass yet another “Continuing Resolution” to keep the government open, or endure another “Partial Shutdown” I am taken back to the days of my childhood, long before the constraints of Political Correctness arrived on the scene.  When kids heard what was an obvious fib, they would point at the person who uttered same and shout “Liar, liar, pants on fire!”  I believe the same comment applies to members on both sides of the political aisle in Washington, D.C.

Any rational, unbiased person must agree that it is absolutely necessary to have secure borders if a country is to exist. National boundaries are there for many reasons, economic, social and defensive among them.  To believe that we can have a world without borders is as naive as believing we can have total economic equality.  There have always, from the dawn of mankind, been social and economic strata in all societies, whether they were “civilized” or not.  Even in animal species lower down on the food chain, there are “Alpha” males and females.  They get the best food, and sleep in the most comfortable spots.  It is animal, not just human, nature.

Those who would demand a “Socialist” society would do well to examine the history of that belief system.  Every socialist society which has ever existed has been extremely stratified in the socio-economic levels of the various individuals who comprise the “collective”.  In Soviet Russia, for example, the Politburo lived extremely well, with lavish apartments in the cities and county “Dachas” for whiling away weekends and summer vacations, away from the unwashed masses in the cities.  They shopped in well stocked stores, rode in large chauffeured vehicles, and dined in restaurants not open to the average citizen. That is true in every socialist or communist state today.  In the Western Hemisphere, Cuba and Venezuela are classic examples of the economic stratification of the rulers versus the ruled. Continue reading Liar, liar….