

“They turned the country up on its side, and everything loose fell into California.”

Frank Lloyd Wright

California is a beautiful place.  Wonderful climate.  World class scenery, from Big Sur to Yosemite.  Legendary cities, from San Diego to San Francisco, which in the past, were some of the most prized destinations for world travelers.  Much of that has changed in the past few years, and the pace of that change is increasing.

While California’s population may not be decreasing, its demographic profile is changing, and not for the better.  Individuals and corporations are leaving the “Golden State” in ever increasing numbers, but why?  The answers to that question might seem to be complex, but are in reality very simple.

For years, California has competed with New York to be the highest taxed state in the nation.  Whether you are an individual or a business, if your tax burden negatively affects your bottom line to the extent that the monetary outlay exceeds the reward in services, you have only one reasonable choice.  Move to somewhere where the tax situation is more favorable.  People and businesses are doing that in droves, and that situation will only increase with time.

The other problem for California is who is replacing those who are leaving.  Declaring itself a “Sanctuary State” with many “Sanctuary Cities”, and combined with promises to provide free healthcare, education and a guaranteed “living wage”, whether you choose to work or not, has made the state a magnet for illegal aliens and others who are looking for a place which will provide the maximum benefits for the minimum effort.  California is becoming a welfare paradise.  Sooner or later that phenomena must end.  It will, when the outflow in expenses exceeds the influx of tax revenue.   At that time, when and if it truly becomes something which can be called “Mexifornia”, the state will descend into the chaos which Venezuela has become.  The leftist politicians who control the state government are relying on a bailout by the Federal government.  I think they will be shocked when that doesn’t happen.  The rest of the country is not willing to fund their fiscal insanity.