Monthly Archives: December 2020

The Third Revolution?

This statue is called The Emancipation Group Memorial, and it was removed from its pedestal in downtown Boston on December 29th after critics deemed the monument to be “demeaning and racist”.

The statue depicts a shirtless former slave rising to his feet from broken shackles while Lincoln towers over him, a hand outstretched, to symbolize emancipation.  At its base, an inscription reads: “A race set free and the country at peace. Lincoln rests from his labors.” 

It was installed in 1879 and was largely financed by contributions from former slaves and their families.  How, you might ask, is that “demeaning and racist”?  No matter, just another example of the Cancel Culture promoted by the left.

What is occurring at the present time is a concerted effort by the left to transform this country into some sort of perceived Socialist Utopia.  They have already co-opted much of our educational system and the mass media, print or electronic.  They control many of our most populous states and major metropolitan areas.  Now, emboldened by the perceived ability to control our electoral processes, they plan a total takeover of our country. Continue reading The Third Revolution?

Our Black Hole

In previous posts on this site I have discussed my feelings about the direction in which our nation is currently traveling.  It is in a situation that, if not actively and forcefully resisted, will lead to our ultimate destruction.

When were the seeds that are coming to fruition today planted in the national psyche?  It is hard to say.  Abraham Lincoln knew that our Republic was an experiment.  Benjamin Franklin knew it too.  The experiment dealt with the concept of a free society being able to govern itself, without a non-elected individual of some sort, a king for instance, setting down the rules under which the population would be governed.

The Founding Fathers thought long and hard about that concept before finally agreeing on a constitution which would be the basis for our government.  What they didn’t provide for, because they couldn’t conceive of the concept of a professional politician or jurist, was a system of term limits, both for the Legislative and Judicial branches of government.  Even the Executive Branch, had no term limits provided for. 

Until Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President, all those before him followed the lead of George Washington, who refused to serve more than two terms of office.  FDR broke that tradition, and that may have been the beginning of the end for our Republic, because it made all traditional values optional rather than mandatory. Continue reading Our Black Hole

The Flight Before Christmas, Ver. 2.0

‘Twas the flight before Christmas

Twas the flight before Christmas, and in the night sky,
The stars twinkled brightly on Bill, Fred and I

The engines had revved and the gear soon came up,
and we all looked forward for our crew meal to sup

And as we climbed higher, a knock at the door “Some coffee guys?” came, through the darkness and more

A whiff of her perfume made all of us blink,
She sure is a looker.  Single, you think?

As we pondered that thought, through our headsets we heard
“NORAD is calling, to all of you birds”

Up there in the night sky, you’ll soon have a guest
So be alert fellows, he’s leaving his nest

A slow climber at first, cause he’s got quite a load. Took off at max gross again, wouldn’t you know?

Though not all believe in him, he doesn’t care
They’re plenty that know he is up in the air

Bringing presents to children all over the earth
Who cherish this night of our Dear Savior’s birth

So hang in there Santa, on this cold winter’s night.
Merry Christmas to all, and have a safe flight!

Lessons From 2020

If there is one lesson that conservatives must learn from the results of the 2020 election it’s this. We can no longer trust the “System” of government which has been cleverly crafted by the likes of George Soros and others of his ilk, to “Transform America” into some kind of semi-socialist nation,  which is nothing like what our Founding Fathers envisioned. 

We have been “Transformed” all right, but not into something better, but instead into a tribalist society, with every grievance group demanding a bigger piece of the pie that they did little or nothing to create.  Instead of a great melting pot, where people of many different races and backgrounds could come together and share their strengths and shed their weaknesses, we have been thrown into a witches cauldron where nothing but fear, loathing and envy survives. 

I have come to believe that we have been tricked into the concept that we should all somehow blend into a “chocolate” society, mixing whites, blacks, yellows and browns, with perhaps a smattering of reds as well, ending up with a truly faceless society, which is exactly what socialism, taken to it’s extreme as communism, envisions.  I believe our creator made the various races different for a purpose, perhaps to compete with each other for excellence, and so improve mankind as a whole.  That does NOT make me a “White Supremacist”, but rather a person that believes, that ALL men are created equal, no matter their skin color, which should be irrelevant.  It is what they DO with their lives that counts.

Anyone who denies the fact that the 2020 election was fraudulent truly has their head in the sand.  The evidence is there if you only are willing to open your eyes and ears to the facts.  The reality that Big Media, Big Tech and the Deep State put their thumb on the scale and prevented the American public from hearing the truth about Joe Biden, including his medical situation, his financial dealings, and his families actions should concern, no frighten, us all.  History is replete with examples of what happens to nations where free speech is suppressed under the concept of a “greater good”.  It never ends well.  It is the precursor, of repression, domination and dictatorship. Continue reading Lessons From 2020

Foreign and Domestic


I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

This oath, or something very similar in nature, is given by every elected official in this country when they are “Sworn In” to begin their term in office.

When someone joins the United States military, they swear the following oath:

“I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

It’s basically the same oath, except that it also binds the swearer to follow the orders given by their superiors, from the President on down.  This is a very significant difference, which could become extremely important in the weeks and months to come. Continue reading Foreign and Domestic

Yeager “Flown West”

There have been many stars in the field of aviation, but none shines brighter than that of Chuck Yeager, who at age twenty-four in 1947 was the first man to successfully break the “Sound Barrier” over the Mojave Desert in California.  Yeager was already known as a fighter pilot “Ace” in WW-II, after shooting down eleven German aircraft over the Western Front.

He accomplished the feat flying the Bell X-1, an experimental aircraft whose design closely followed the profile of a fifty caliber machine gun bullet.  With stubby wings and small tail surfaces, the X-1 was hardly a stable aircraft.  There was no autopilot, so Yeager would have to hand fly it up to, and through Mach One, which was the designation given to the speed of sound.  Several pilots had already died attempting to do it prior to Yeager’s success.

While the flight was a major sequence in the 1984 movie “The Right Stuff”, Yeager’s life encompassed much, much more.  He rose to the rank of Major General in the Air Force, and continued flying well past the age when others gave it up for easier, safer pursuits.  His outlook on life was probably summed up in the following quote.

“You do what you can for as long as you can, and when you finally can’t, you do the next best thing. You back up, but you don’t give up.”

Chuck Yeager was a hero to many young aspiring pilots of my generation, myself included.  There will probably never be another quite like him.  So, General Yeager, as you fly west, I hope you are soon reunited with “Glamorous Glennis”.   Your loving wife of forty-five years that is, not the airplane that brought you so much fame.  Well, on second thought, maybe that too.  Flying it once again through clear blue skies would be your earned Valhalla. RIP.

Self Censorship


Whenever I write a post for this site, I pass it by my Editor in Chief (aka my wife) to get her perspective on the content and maybe catch a grammatical or spelling error I missed. Generally, she gives me a thumbs up and I publish it.  Not so yesterday.  She felt my subject was so inflammatory and controversial that I might end up with the guys with black raincoats and dark glasses showing up at the front door.  So, bowing to her wishes, since we’ve been equal partners in our marriage for over fifty years, I hit the delete button instead of publish, and so self censored myself.  Did I do the right thing?

For many years, but particularly since the beginning of the Politically Correct movement, people have forgotten there is such a thing as the First Amendment, which guarantees Americans the right to express their opinions, even if they are objectionable, even abhorrent, to others.  Yes, there have always been common sense limitations.  Not shouting “FIRE” in a crowed theatre is the most commonly stated example of that fact. However when someone in a position of power in the government has the ability to “weaponize” that power against an American citizen who holds different views, we have a completely different situation. Continue reading Self Censorship