Monthly Archives: April 2021

Just Say No!

Recently Joe Biden was part of a “Zoom” conference call hosted by the White House addressing “Climate Change” issues.  Of all the world leaders present on the call,  he was the only one who thought it was necessary under the circumstances to “Virtue Signal” by wearing a mask.  So let’s discuss this situation on a broader scale.

First Lady Nancy Reagan coined the phrase “Just say no!” in the 1980s as a slogan for the “War on drugs” program.  It didn’t work too well in that context.  Drug addiction is far too complex to be solved by simple abstinence.  Indeed that may work for some people, but not for the majority of those who have become victims of a drug dependancy. 

However, that concept may indeed be useful in fighting a new threat to our nation and all its citizens.  That threat is a total loss of freedom and choice when it comes to the various government imposed Covid-19 restrictions Americans are subject to at the moment, and they are manifest.  Probably the most glaring is the requirement to wear masks or other types of facial coverings, whether indoors or outside.  In some states, mainly those controlled by Democrats, the requirement is mandatory, and you can actually be arrested and incarcerated for failing to comply. 

Even children as young as two years of age are required to wear masks at all times in public places.  This is insanity.  Statistics generated since the start of the pandemic last year prove that children under the age of fifteen have little or no chance of becoming infected, and if they do, they will not suffer serious consequences unless they suffer from a serious co-morbidity condition such as childhood leukemia.  They also are at extremely low risk of passing the virus on to other individuals if they do contract it.

These facts are immaterial to politicians who have discovered that they can use the pandemic as a mechanism to control the population in their states or cities.  Paraphrasing the old saying: “They have made up their minds. Don’t try to confuse them with the facts”.  This has become a national power grab, which was used by the Democrats, aided by the media and “Big Tech”, to adversely influence the 2020 elections against President Trump and the Republicans, and in doing so, fraudulently win the Legislative and Executive branches of the government and take control of all aspects of our lives.  This will only work if we allow it to proceed.

I have mentioned before the necessity of our following the lead of the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s.  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others showed us the way. In what came to be known as “Civil Disobedience”, they refused to go along with the draconian “Jim Crow” laws of the southern states (all run by Democrats) and courageously but peacefully,  just said no. Continue reading Just Say No!

It’s Their Culture?

Every time I think the Black Lives Matter narrative can’t get more bizarre, they prove me wrong. The latest example of that is the death of 16 year old Ma’Khia Bryant. She was shot and killed by a Columbus, OH police officer as she was about to stab another black teenage girl. That’s no little pen knife in her right hand, that’s a five or six inch long deadly weapon. Instantly, the talking point pushed by various liberal commentators on various networks compared her knife attack as perfectly normal behavior, just a typical “schoolyard fight”, that happen all the time. It’s their culture. Ponder that for a moment. I’ll wait……….

Well, maybe it is a “cultural thing” in predominantly black neighborhood schools, but I find that hard to believe. Sure, there may have always been schoolyard fights, but they were mostly boy on boy, and the weapon used was fists, not deadly weapons. Public schools, particularly in Democrat controlled cities with large minority populations, have become almost war zones, not places of learning. The dropout rate is enormous, exceeding sixty percent in many school systems.

Add to that, the breakdown of the black nuclear family, which is promoted by Black Lives Matter as a virtue, contributes to an illegitimate birth rate in black communities which exceeds seventy percent, with many black women having children with two, three, even four or more men, none of which live in the household or provide a good roll model for the children they sired.

The thousand of black on black murders committed each year, predominately in major Democrat controlled cities, are ignored by the media, which instead promotes the narrative that there is widespread systemic racism in our law enforcement personnel. Repeat a lie long enough and loud enough, and it will be accepted as the truth. So, although residents of our inner cities, when polled, say they want more, not fewer police in their communities, the Democrats are demanding defunding or even eliminating law enforcement agencies altogether.

On the other hand, many well educated blacks, like Leo Terrell, Candace Owens and Thomas Sowell, to name a few, realize the scam being perpetrated on the American people, particularly the African-American community, and are speaking out. They know they have been lied to for over fifty years, when Democrats convinced that community they were their saviors, rather than their oppressors.

If, as was the case last year, the violence spills out of the inner city neighborhoods and into the suburbs and rural areas, people will inevitably be forced to fight back, defending their homes and way of life. To combat this concept, now the left is expanding the push for the teaching of “Critical Race Theory” in our schools and corporations, even in our military. This vile concept, which damns another race, namely Caucasians, simply because of the color of their skin, is as irredeemably racist as you can get.

Drunk on perceived power, the radical left, in the form of the current Democratic Party, is intent on destroying our Constitution, and the liberties it guarantees American Citizens. They must not be allowed to do this. It is really, using a much abused terminology, a real:  “Battle for the soul of our nation”. This is a fight patriotic Americans cannot lose.

It would be comforting to believe we can win this struggle using the conventional method we have always used. The ballot box on election day. However, the travesty of the 2020 elections should disabuse us of that foolish notion. Just as was the case in the Revolutionary War, a small group of dedicated patriots may have to lead the country away from where the Democrat Left would take it. Just as the Founding Fathers pledged their very lives to form this nation, a new group of patriots may have to do likewise to save it for future generations. 

Canonizing Thugs

George Floyd was a criminal, a thug who had engaged in armed robberies, during one of which he put a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman.  He did that to threaten her and her unborn child with death if she wouldn’t tell him and his accomplices where her money and valuables were hidden.  Floyd was also a drug addict and a drug dealer, who at the time of his death had three times the level of Fentanyl which could cause death.  In addition, his blood showed that he had also recently consumed Methamphetamines  and other illegal drugs.  All this was a violation of his parole agreement, and even in his heavily drugged condition he knew it.    

So, he resisted arrest, which was video taped by bystanders some minutes after being initially approached by four Minneapolis policemen who had been called to the scene by a convenience store employee on whom Floyd had attempted to pass a counterfeit twenty dollar bill.  That individual also stated that Floyd was acting erratically.

For months, the prosecutors in the case had refused to release either the body cam footage of the incident from the officers involved or the formal results of the coroner’s autopsy performed on Floyds body after he died.  As a result, all the public had to judge about the incident was video of Floyd on the ground after he had apparently been handcuffed, saying “I can’t breath”!

So, that fragmentary evidence was used by “Black Lives Matter” to inflame the nation, causing many deaths and justifying violent riots and looting countrywide.  Hundreds of businesses were looted and burned in the process.  Whole city blocks were destroyed.

George Floyd was transformed into some kind of martyr for the cause of racial injustice and police brutality.  His family has been awarded tens of millions of dollars for being denied the company of this “Gentle Giant” of a man.  However, the body cam footage and the autopsy results paint a completely different picture of the event.

Numerous times, from the first contact with the police, Floyd complained that he was having trouble breathing.  The phrase “I can’t breath” is heard many times prior to being forced to the ground and having Officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on his neck.  In fact, one of the effects of an overdose of Fentanyl is trouble breathing because of the effect the drug has on the human diaphragm.

So, was Officer Chauvin responsible for Floyd’s death because he kept his knee on Floyd’s neck (following a procedure he was trained to do at the Minneapolis Police Academy during his initial training)?  Possibly that was a contributing factor for sure, but Floyd was probably a “Dead Man Walking” due to the overdose and his existing heart condition brought on by his drug addictions.

Which brings us to the trial, in which Chauvin was convicted on all counts, including unintentional second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.  This after less than a day of deliberations.   If this verdict stands, Chauvin will most likely spend the rest of his life in prison if he isn’t killed by another inmate, that is. Continue reading Canonizing Thugs

Ruling Over The Rubble

When Barack Obama was running for office in 2008, I listened to what he said, and some of  it greatly concerned me.  Although previously he had stated that:

“There is not a liberal America and a conservative America – there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and latino America and asian America – there’s the United States of America.”

That was in 2004, during the keynote speech at the Democratic Convention.  A worthy goal.  Perhaps this young bi-racial man could actually breach the racial divide and bring this country together.

That tone continued during the 2008 campaign.  Even the images of him portrayed him as some sort of Messianic character, but then the other Obama began to emerge.

“Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket, regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad, because I’m capping greenhouse gases,” Obama said. “Coal power plants, natural gas, whatever the industry was, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money onto consumers.”

What?  Electricity rates “skyrocket”?  For seniors, living on a fixed income, that would be a disaster!  In fact, it wasn’t just electricity rates that skyrocketed.  Soon, the average price for regular gas at the pump countrywide was approaching five dollars a gallon.  Diesel fuel as well, which powered all the trucks which moved everything around the country.  That cost was passed along as well, so the prices on virtually everything quickly went up.

Now his wife Michelle chimed in:

“For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback”.

This from a woman who graduated from Princeton and Harvard Law School and won a job at a high-paying Chicago law firm—who was in many ways a beneficiary of affirmative action?   How could she sound so alienated from her country?  Maybe it’s because she believed in the teachings of her former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, who said in a sermon from his pulpit: 

“The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people,” he said in a 2003 sermon. “God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.” Continue reading Ruling Over The Rubble

The Cabal

When he was running for the presidency in 2008, then candidate Barack Obama made the following statement.  Read it carefully:

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

This is once again being called for by Democrat members of congress and the Executive Branch. The question was then, as it is now:  Just who will that  “Civilian National Security Force” defend us against?  It certainly isn’t Muslim extremists, we are once against cozying up to Iran and other radical groups in the Middle East.  It can’t be against the tide of illegal immigrants flooding across our southern border, they’re just harmless families fleeing oppression in their homelands and seeking safety and a better life in this country.  It can’t be against the Antifa and BLM supported rioters and looters, they’re just “peaceful protesters” against police brutality.  So who’s left?

Bingo! It’s got to be all the White Suprematists and Donald Trump supporting insurrectionists who we were told stormed the Capitol on January 6th and threatened to lynch the lawmakers in their own chambers.

The historical parallels to the Nazi Brown Shirts, SS Stormtroopers and Gestapo required to protect the German people from communists after the burning of the Reichstag in 1933 are frightening.  That conflagration, almost certainly started by the Nazis themselves and then blamed on a Dutch half-witted communist sympathizer, was used to gradually gain a stranglehold on the German government and cow the citizenry into total compliance with the Nazi programs.  All for “The Greater Good”.

That is what dictatorial regimes always attempt to do.  First, take over the schools, to train the “Useful Idiots” to promote their agendas.  Next control the media, to prevent the voices of dissent being disseminated.  Finally, gain control of the military, and make the local police irrelevant by dominating them with a strong national police presence.  Sound familiar? Continue reading The Cabal

There, to Here – Ver. 2.0

On September 9, 2016, a few weeks prior to that years Presidential election, I added a post to this site called “Bringing There Here”.  The text of that post is below.

A popular political pundit has come up with an interesting concept. Has our current “open borders” immigration policy had an unintended effect? Are all the illegal aliens who have streamed across our southern border since the Reagan “Amnesty”, created by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, merely bringing the problems they were escaping from in their native countries to our country? In other words, are they bringing “there” here?

In many, if not most cases, these people come from the low end of the socio-economic system in the land of their birth. They are poorly educated, and bring few useful skills to our country.  As such, in some cases they tend to take the lower end jobs that would otherwise be occupied by our least educated and skilled citizens. What happens to those people? Two words, poverty and welfare.

Unfortunately the illegals are also taking higher paying jobs, mainly in the building trades. Because they frequently work “off the books” they are paid less than the going rate. This tends to suppress wages for legal workers as well. It’s all a case of supply and demand. Many areas of our cities have become “barrios” where little English is spoken and even the signs are mainly in Spanish. Walking through these areas you might think you’ve been magically transported south of our border!

There is one other fact that the promoters of “comprehensive immigration reform” would prefer not be discussed. The issue of the number of criminals who have come here from Mexico and Central America during the past  30 years. Our country has been inundated by a flood of drugs flowing across the border between Mexico and our country. The latest in this scourge is heroin, and it is killing people on a daily basis in America. These drugs are manufactured and distributed by the various drug cartels which are allowed to operate with relative impunity south of the border. Those cartels then transport them here, and vicious Hispanic gangs like MS-13 distribute and market the poison to our citizens.

If we fail to round up and deport all criminal illegal aliens from our country we will pay a fearful price in the end. I would far prefer we bring “here” to “there” than vice versa.

So, here we are, five and a half years later, and the same questions exist.  One thing is for certain, they indeed ARE bringing all the problems they thought to escape from in their native lands into this country.  In the process, they are making life harder for our poor and shrinking middle class by competing for benefits and keeping wages artificially low.  It’s all a case of supply and demand.  More workers available to be hired means lower wages the employer has to pay. Continue reading There, to Here – Ver. 2.0



Frederick Douglas was born a slave in Maryland in 1818.  He escaped bondage in 1838, after several failed attempts, and traveled to the north, first to New York and then Massachusetts.  Self educated, he became one of the leading abolitionists of his day because of his great skills as an orator on the subject.  After the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, he became a close friend of the President, and remained a staunch Republican for the remainder of his life.  One of his more well know quotes is:

“The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” 

I find it quite strange that today, Douglas would probably be considered an “Oreo” (black on the outside, but white on the inside) by the likes of the Black Lives Matter crowd, and those who support them.  Although he had been enslaved by whites for a quarter of his life, Douglas didn’t harbor any animosity for Caucasians.  His thoughts on race closely mirrored those of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr,  in that he judged each individual on their character traits, rather than the color of their skin or their national origin.

A man like Douglas would probably be appalled if he could see what has happened to the descendants of former slaves in this country, who have aligned themselves with the very political party which fought for years to keep them in bondage, and then to prevent them from enjoying their freedom after the Civil War abolished slavery in this nation.  The Democrats, right up to the passing of Civil Rights legislation in the mid 1960s, fought to maintain the practice of racial segregation through the “Jim Crow” laws in the south..  That onerous practice only ended because of the actions of the Republican Party.

Now, the Biden-Harris regime is trying to convince the American public, particularly the African-American community, that the Republicans were responsible for “Jim Crow” America.  They perpetuate this falsehood for one purpose, and one purpose only.  The maintenance of their political power at all costs, and by any methods required.  By ignoring the 50% of the American public who supported President Trump in the November elections, they are creating a situation where eventually that group will rise up and bring back sanity and respect for the rule of law and our Constitution.  The only question is how that will be accomplished, and when. Our endurance has about reached its limit.

A Very Bad Idea!


As I have watched the debacle which is the Biden-Harris regime unfold since he was sworn in on January 20th, I knew, by his campaign promises, what was coming.  Cancelling the construction of the southern border wall, allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to enter our country during the current pandemic, and an assault on our voting system and the Second Amendment were all expected.  I have opinions about all these issues, but no actual hands on experience in dealing  with them.

However, now an issue has arisen in which I do have decades of experience.  That issue is the hiring and training of pilots for the nations airlines.  For the average individual reading this piece, it might seem reasonable to lump the field of aviation in with all the other occupations and job specialities that make up our countries work force.  In some aspects, that is reasonable.  Mechanics, clerical workers, or various service personnel who occupy the ticket counters, clean or fuel the aircraft, or load and handle baggage or cargo can be compared to similar positions in various other corporations.  But for the pilots, who occupy the cockpits, it is a completely different situation.

In many, if not most corporations in this country, the job of hiring, and even promoting employees  has been delegated by managements to the corporate “HR” personnel.  These “Human Resources” departments have morphed from being tools for corporate management to help them select appropriate job applicants, into the final arbiters as to whom is hired and later promoted.  Frankly, I think this is a bad idea on it’s face, but is particularly inadvisable where technical positions are concerned.  The people who have the expertise to do those jobs are the ones who should select new employees, and promote them, based not on artificial criteria developed within the HR Department, but rather on the skill level and performance of the individual involved.  Simply said, it should be based on merit alone.

Now, based on amorphous principles of “Equity”, some airline CEOs are making decisions which will determine who will occupy the cockpits of our airliners for years to come, and potentially place crews and passengers in great danger.  If there is one single place where all hiring and promotion should be determined by demonstrated merit and competence it is in the hiring and training of airline pilots.  That “merit firewall” may be coming to an end.  A classic example of that situation involves Scott Kirby, the new CEO of United Airlines.

Perhaps bowing to pressure from the current administration, Kirby recently announced a hiring program which will provide more “diversity” in the cockpits of United’s aircraft.  He recently stated that:

“Our flight deck should reflect the diverse group of people on board our planes every day. That’s why we plan for 50% of the pilots we train in the next decade to be women or people of color”.

It may well be that the other major airlines in this country will follow suit in an effort to placate the current government and so receive federal grants and other financial aid.

That is a very bad idea! Continue reading A Very Bad Idea!

Black Privilege?

My last post dealt with issues facing the black community in this country.  This will continue in that vein.  Today, I’m asking a simple question.  If indeed, something called “White Privilege” exists, supposedly granted Caucasians solely due to the color of their skin at birth, is there also “Black Privilege”, bestowed on that race due to perceived injustices against them or their ancestors?

If “White Privilege” exists, what does it grant you?  Preferential treatment when you attend school?  Entrance into a scholastic institution of your choice?  Preferential treatment when being interviewed for a job, or accelerated promotion when hired?  In todays world, exactly what does supposed white privilege allow you to do?

“Black Privilege” however, has definite benefits, should you choose to avail yourself of  them.  Since the Civil Rights laws were passed in the 1960s, African-Americans have enjoyed all the things mentioned above.  Government mandated setbacks and quotas require employers to hire certain people based on the color of their skin and not, as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. hoped for in his “I have a dream” speech, because of the content of their character.

More to the point, many corporations, blackmailed by the likes of “The Reverends” Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others, have hired and promoted individuals manifestly unqualified for the position because of, instead of in spite of, their race.  During the Obama administration, that process greatly accelerated and is continuing apace under the Biden-Harris regime.  And yes, there are even more egregious examples of “Black Privilege”. For instance: Continue reading Black Privilege?

Are American Blacks Stupid?

The quick answer to the above question is of course not.  However, to understand why that would ever be asked, we must examine some historical facts from an unbiased viewpoint. 

One of the great tragedies of the clearly fraudulent November and January elections is a growing sense among a large portion of the American voting public that our election system is broken, perhaps beyond repair.  The Democrats for years have manipulated election results in cities and states they controlled.  It has been an inside joke that anywhere there might be a threat to their maintaining power, the Democrat machine will find the required voters in the graveyards.

So, the Democrats, using such chicanery, have basically destroyed many major cities in their lust for power.  They have done this by encouraging certain minority groups to come to those cities and vote in a block for the Democratic Party.  While initially some groups, like African-Americans from the “Jim Crow” south, lived in better conditions in the north due to various welfare programs, the end result has always been the same.  A city racked with poverty and crime, with the criminals among them preying on their own people after whites and others ethnic groups were driven out as the conditions worsened.

Cities like Detroit, Newark and Baltimore became crime ridden slums, a shell of their former selves.  In other numerous American metropolises like New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Atlanta and Los Angeles, Black and Latino ghettos developed and became the norm.  The majority of these cities have been controlled by Democrats for decades, initially by white, and later by various minority politicians, who promised the world, but in the end were the only ones who profited from their citizens misery.

The Democrats, whose party was formed in the 1820s and 30s, quickly learned that they could achieve control by creating special interest groups who would become reliable voting blocks to allow them to initially gain, and then maintain political power.  Although they would have you believe otherwise, they were the party who promoted the “Peculiar Institution” of slavery, and wished that foul system to expand westward as new states came into being.  Every single state which formed the Confederacy was controlled by Democrats prior to the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860.  Fearing the abolitionist policies of the newly elected Republican President, these Democrat states seceded from the Republic in 1861, and the American Civil War raged for four awful bloody years. Continue reading Are American Blacks Stupid?