Monthly Archives: April 2018

Compassion or Stupidity?

Picture this.  You receive a phone call from an individual who tells you that they are going to break into your home.  Furthermore, they tell you how they are going to break in, and when.  Of course you contact the police to report the call. They tell you that there is nothing they can do to help you.  In addition, they inform you that you must do nothing to stop the home invasion, that the home invaders have rights which you must not violate!  Crazy, you say?   Well maybe, but this is exactly what is happening on our southern border as we speak.

A “caravan” of Central Americans has been allowed by Mexico to transit their country en route to illegally entering the United States.   The members of the caravan have been coached by lawyers provided by “immigrant” advocacy groups as to what to say to American authorities in order to be granted asylum in our country.   What a travesty. Continue reading Compassion or Stupidity?

British “Death Panels”?

The country we know as Great Britain or the “United Kingdom” is composed of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.  Most of our legal system is loosely based on “English Common Law”.  The majority of the original group of Europeans who settled in North America were from those countries.

The history of Great Britain is rich and complex, replete with stunning accomplishments against their adversaries and infamous acts of aggression against their own people.  Winston Churchill once said that if the British Empire lasted another  thousand years, the period of the Second World War would be considered to be their “Finest Hour”.

Unfortunately, the current state of affairs with regards to their socialized medical system may indeed be one of the lowest points in the history of that nation.  If we have one awful example to point to, of why we don’t want a British style socialized medical system, it must be the case of twenty-three month old Alfie Evans. Continue reading British “Death Panels”?

A “PhD in STUPID”?

For years I have tried to come to grips with the basic concepts practiced by self declared “Liberal” or “Progressive” individuals.  I have finally come to the conclusion that they live in a world which they wish existed, rather than in the “real” world environment.   As a result, it is almost impossible to have a rational discussion or debate with these people unless you are willing to dive into their bottomless pit of emotions.

Case in point.  A nearly naked man shoots and kills two people in the parking lot of a Waffle House restaurant near Nashville, TN.  He then proceeds to fire through the windows of the establishment and enters, killing two others before an unarmed man decides to wrestle the weapon away from him.  In the process he probably saved his own life, and that of other early morning patrons.  This was a very brave act on his part, but also a classic example of “fight or flight” response to danger.

The “Liberal/Progressive” media jumps in with the comment that:  “See! He was better off defending himself unarmed!”  What?  That can only be viewed as the thought pattern of individuals with a PhD in STUPID!  When all you have left to defend yourself with is your bare hands, you had better be a black belt in one of the martial arts, or VERY lucky!  Come on people…… Get real! Continue reading A “PhD in STUPID”?


Surviving a long flying career requires attention to details and the ability to follow a complex set of “rules” along the way.  Most of those rules made sense to me, but one in particular did not.

All airlines have a Flight Operations Policy Manual.  It’s required by the FAA, and gives pilots specific directions about how they are expected to operate the aircraft under their control.  TWA was no exception.  However, we were always taught that while the procedures dictated in our Policy Manual and Flight Handbook specific to the aircraft we were flying should routinely be followed, there were times when the “book” must be thrown out the window, so to speak, and whatever must be done to safely fly the airplane, be done.

When I was hired by TWA in the summer of 1964 there was a caveat printed at the top of each page of all our manuals.  It had been placed there by the the first President of the airline, aviation pioneer Jack Frye.  It simply stated “No written word can replace good judgement on the firing line!” With the coming of the “Jet Age” and the non-fliers who assumed control of the airline managements, such a concept was unthinkable. ALL the rules must be followed.  The printed “caveat” was removed from our manuals.   Which brings me to the subject of this post. Continue reading “Rules”

The Attack on Syria.

In January of 1915, the first use of a lethal poison gas as a battlefield weapon occurred when Germany fired shells loaded with xylyl bromide at Russian troops on the Eastern Front.  More than 1000 were killed by the substance.  Then, on the morning of April 22, 1915 at the French city of Ypres, a German attack was proceed by the normal artillery “softening up” bombardment.  After it stopped, the Allied defenders waited in their trenches for the infantry attack to begin.  Instead, slowly blown by a gentle breeze from the east, a white cloud of vapor advanced across “No Man’s Land” and into their trenches.  Along a four mile front, two divisions of French and Algerian Colonial troops were devastated by the horrific effect of this new weapon of terror, which would soon be used by both sides in various forms during the conflict.  The age of gas warfare had begun. Continue reading The Attack on Syria.

A Sad Night At Shiprock.

The Navajo are an extremely interesting and complex people.  Formerly fierce warriors who warred with neighboring tribes, the Spaniards, Mexicans and finally newly arrived Americans, they were finally defeated by the U.S. Army commanded by the famous “Mountain Man” Kit Carson in 1863.  His scorched earth campaign ended with their surrender and the infamous “Long Walk” from Canyon de chelly to the Bosque Redondo in southern New Mexico, a distance of 300 miles, during which many died of exposure and exhaustion.

After the “Treaty of Bosque Redondo” in 1868, the tribe was allowed to return to their former homeland.  Theirs is now the largest reservation of any Indian tribe, encompassing nearly 28,000 square miles of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado in the “Four Corners” region of those states.  The Navajos are unerringly polite people, with unique tribal customs and beliefs, many described in an excellent series of novels by author Tony Hillerman who was made an honorary member of the tribe by the Navajo Tribal Council. Because of their unique language, many volunteered to become the famous Navajo “Code Talkers” for the U.S. Marines in the Pacific campaigns of World War II.  A fascinating story in itself.

Unfortunately, many problems which plague a large number of Native Americans also exist on the Navajo Reservation.  One of them, abuse of drugs and alcohol among teenagers, reared it’s ugly head one dark night as I approached the tribal run airport at Shiprock, NM in the air ambulance I was flying to pick up a patient from the Shiprock BIA Hospital to take him to Albuquerque for specialized care. Continue reading A Sad Night At Shiprock.

The Mueller Witch Hunt.

As I watch the continuing apparent witch hunt being conducted by Special Council Robert Mueller, I am becoming more and more concerned about the existence of what has been described as the “Deep State” in Washington, DC.

My experience with the actions of the FBI, CIA and NTSB during the TWA 800 investigation obviously color my opinion of those organizations, especially the leadership thereof.  However, I continue to be shocked by the excesses demanded by Mueller and his team, and the acceptance of those practices by the Democrats and “Never Trumpers” in the Republican party.

If we allow extra-legal activities to occur in the various government agencies (which was unfortunately an all too common practice during the Obama administration)  because those activities benefit the causes of a particular group or groups, we degenerate into a de facto “Banana Republic”.   Our Constitution, and the rule of law based on that document, go out the window. Continue reading The Mueller Witch Hunt.

Lack of Candor or “Newspeak”?

In 1949, British author George Orwell wrote a novel called “1984”.  It was a dark view of what could happen to formerly free countries if their citizens allowed their government to achieve excessive control over their lives. 

Part of that control, in the case of the novel, was the creation of an artificial language called “Newspeak”.   It was a tool, used by the government, to limit freedom of thought, and concepts which might pose a threat to the regime, such as freedom of self-expression, and individuality.   Any form of thought alternative to the party’s policies was classified as a “thoughtcrime”.

In many European countries that situation already exits.  Individuals can be arrested and prosecuted for what is loosely defined as “Hate Speech” against another group.  If the left in this country has it’s way, we will soon be subject to these “Orwellian” policies here.  In many ways we already are.  The concept of “Political Correctness” has gradually chipped away at the very foundations of the “Bill of Rights” enshrined in the First Amendment to our Constitution.  People can be sued, by federal, state or local governments, simply for expressing their opinions.  Remember, the concept of protecting the right of “Free Speech” isn’t there to protect what is commonly acceptable.  It’s to protect ALL speech, even if it is offensive to virtually everyone but the speaker. Continue reading Lack of Candor or “Newspeak”?

When All Else Fails….

Early in my airline career I tried to be a sponge, soaking up the vast pool of aviation knowledge stored in the brains of the TWA Captains I flew with.  I soon realized I had to be more selective, filing away the really good stuff, and discarding what later proved to be faulty or even totally false.  One comment has stuck with me over the years because it applies to all facets of life, not just aviation.

For weeks I had flown the same route.  New York’s LaGuardia Airport to Columbus, OH and back.  I had basically memorized all the radio frequencies, navigational aids and airway headings.  I could do it all, without even looking at the charts or approach plates like the one shown at the left.

One day I flew with a Captain I had never flown with before.  He watched as I tuned the radios and put in the airway compass headings without even referring to a single map or approach plate.  Finally, after we reached our cruise altitude, and had left the busy New York airspace he turned to me and said:  “Let me give you a piece of advice.”  “About aviation, it’s not what you don’t know that gets you.  It’s what you know for sure that’s not so.” Continue reading When All Else Fails….

To “Wall” or not?

Once again the debate rages.  To “Wall” or not to “Wall” off our southern border.  To the “Globalists” on the left, led by unsavory billionaires like George Soros and company, there should be no borders at all.  The concept of national security and integrity is passé, they say, everyone and everything should be able to pass seamlessly and unrestricted from one region on the planet to another.  Unemotionally, let’s examine that concept.

If you have an ideology, like communism, that will spread unchecked.  A religion, like Islam will do likewise.  Unfortunately, unlike democracy or the western religions, they will spread not by example or proselytism, but by the sword or the bullet.  Dangerous addictive drugs, and worse, new strains of diseases will spread faster and with more deadly results than they do now. Continue reading To “Wall” or not?