Monthly Archives: October 2016

Drain the swamp?

alligatorsMany years ago, in another era of our nation, a grizzled old retired Army Colonel stood up in front of a group of Air Force ROTC Cadets on the first day of class and made the following statement: “Anybody can demand respect, but only a true leader can command respect”.  Over a forty-five year flying career, thirty-seven of those years as Pilot-In-Command, I never forgot that concept.

In the current election cycle we have two candidates for President.  One demands, in a loud and strident voice, that we respect her accomplishments in life, in and out of politics, and so choose her to lead the country for the next four years.  The other, in frequently brash and not so eloquent language, points out his personal successes in the private sector, which are undeniable.  The question then becomes who really deserves our respect? Continue reading Drain the swamp?

Quo vadis America?

comeyIn the eighth year of President Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation of America”, we must ask ourselves the above question. “Quo vadis” is a Latin phrase meaning “where are you going?”  I believe that is a question we need answered.  Where indeed are we headed as a nation?

We certainly aren’t proceeding towards the “post racial society” envisioned by Barack and Michelle Obama.  Relations between the races have deteriorated at an alarming rate under his administration.  We aren’t more energy self reliant.  Our borders aren’t more secure.  Drug trafficking hasn’t decreased.  We aren’t better protected  from threats from within or without.  The United States military has been severely reduced while our traditional enemy’s armed forces have been growing at an alarming rate.  We are debating whether “transsexuals” should be allowed to serve after sex changes paid for out of the military budget.  Meanwhile, our dedicated “warriors” are leaving in droves.  Nuclear weapon development by rogue nations has gone unchecked and our standing in the world community has been greatly diminished.  Our national debt has doubled with no visible value received.  Our infrastructure is crumbling, and Obama’s claim of “shovel ready projects” was proven an outright fabrication.  Our stock market is at near record highs but is being kept there by unrealistic rates of interest maintained by our Federal Reserve system.  Those in the know are buying precious metals as a hedge against the “bubble” which must surely burst. Continue reading Quo vadis America?

“Ask not what your country can do for you”…………

john-f-kennedy-inauguration-1961On January 20, 1961 John F. Kennedy was sworn in as the 35th President of the United States.  In the closing sentence of his inaugural address, Kennedy said: “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.

JFK was not a perfect person, as the revelations concerning his extra-marital affairs and substance abuse due to his chronic back injury have proven.  However, I believe that no one can dispute that he was a proud and loyal American who loved and believed in this country.  Were he alive today, he would probably not recognize what his Democratic Party has become in the Twenty-First Century.  It is unlikely that he could become it’s nominee.

Somewhere along the line, the Democrats have morphed from the party of the working man to the party of those who don’t work.  Yes, I understand that their are millions of hard working people out there who loyally support Democrat candidates.  My question is: Why?  Why support a political party which ensnares an ever growing portion of our population in a never ending state of dependence on the government for their needs?  Why support a party which supports so-called “open borders” that allow a never-ending stream of individuals to enter and remain in our country illegally?  Why support a party which continues to expand our crushing national debt, passing that on to our children and grandchildren?  Why support a party which refuses to face the reality that this county MUST use every source at our disposal to gain energy independence?  Why support a party which has been complicit in driving good paying jobs out of our country due to regressive and excessive corporate tax policies?

Finally, why support a party which has put forth an individual as their presidential nominee who is so obviously dismissive of the responsibility to follow the letter of the law when it comes to keeping our country safe and secure, and who seems to consider herself above these mundane concepts?

FDR, Harry Truman and JFK must be spinning like tops in their graves at the scope of this national travesty.

I Listened……….

brownshirtDuring the Presidential campaign of 2008 I listened with interest and growing concern to the speeches given by, and various interviews of,  Barack Obama.  As a recent retiree, I was aware that some of his stated positions, especially concerning the cost of energy, could have a very detrimental effect on those in this country with fixed incomes, such as Social Security payments or pensions.  Remember his statement: “If my plan for cap and trade is implemented, energy rates will necessarily skyrocket”?  In point of fact, the price of energy, whether it be electrical or fossil fuel, affects the price of EVERYTHING.  From the cost of heating or cooling your home, to filling your gas tank, to the food you purchase at the grocery store, when the cost of energy goes up, virtually everything else follows that trend.

He then stated that he felt that we needed a “domestic force, equal in strength to our military”!  What?  The only thing I could think of that was comparable to that was the “Sturmabteilung” or “Brown Shirts” who were the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party, and whose strong arm tactics helped cow German dissenters and bring Hitler into power in 1933.  Now, before the outcry of “You’re calling Obama Hitler” goes up, I’m doing no such thing.  I’m just pointing out a statement by the man which made no sense to me.  After all, we already pretty much have such a force.  It’s called The National Guard, and is under the direct control of the Governors of the individual states. Continue reading I Listened……….

It comes out in your face.

hillary-clinton-angryMy maternal grandmother was a font of wisdom in my youth.  She worked hard jobs for most of her life, but I never heard her complain.  She was among the last of the “Frontier Women”.  Born an only child to parents of German-Swiss origin in the 1880’s, she was orphaned at an early age, and sent to a girl’s orphanage in Denver. Rescued from that institution at age 14 by Denver philanthropist Molly Brown (later to be known as “unsinkable” after surviving the Titanic tragedy) she was trained as a domestic servant and later “properly” introduced to her future husband by Mrs. Brown’s major-domo.  She survived the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918 and went on to raise 4 surviving children, after losing one to a childhood disease.  After I had a bad experience with a grade school bully and came home crying and despondent, she asked me “does he look mean”?   When I allowed that yes, he always looked angry, she nodded and said “what you are inside eventually comes out in your face”.  I always remembered that statement, and found that it indeed applied to most of the unpleasant people I encountered in life.  So, the next time you see the smiling countenance of Hillary Clinton at a staged rally or the like, ponder the picture at left.  I believe that face is the true person hidden behind the smiling Kabuki mask. Do you really want that individual to be the next leader of our country? Think about it……………..

Color Her Orange?

hillary-in-prisonIn a recent Rasmussen poll 53% of those likely voters surveyed still disagree with the FBI’s decision not to seek an indictment of Hillary Clinton over the private server, national security issues.  A Gallup poll showed 26% of Americans identified themselves as Republicans and 29% as Democrats.  My public school educated math then indicates that the rest, 45%, must be considered either fringe party members or “Independents”.  That’s a bunch, larger than either of the two “major” parties, and that means that 27% of them want to see Mrs. Clinton brought up on charges.  Unless those folks can bifurcate their feelings and vote for someone who they feel might well be a felon, this should bode ill for Hillary.  Is this a strange election season or what?

Meanwhile, the continued leakage of sewage from Wikileaks is ignored by the mainstream media.  The collusion between the Clinton campaign, DNC and various media outlets is undeniable.  For Hillary and DNC Chair Donna Brazile to be able to get away with lying about these actions indicates just how corrupt and politically controlled the Department of Justice has become.  The number of former Clinton team members “taking the fifth” before congressional committees about their involvement with the private server is beginning to look like an episode of “The Sopranos”.

So, there is a very good possibility that we will soon have an individual sitting behind the “Resolute Desk” in the oval office who has a proven record as a serial liar.  An individual who’s moral compass has been broken for years.  A person who’s lust for money and power is legendary and documented. The popular Netflix comedy series called “Orange is the new black” deals with a woman whose illegal behavior in the past finally catches up with her and she is sentenced to prison for her crimes.  Will justice for Hillary’s crimes ever prevail?   Will we ever be able to color her orange?  For the good of the country, I hope so.

Liar, liar…………………

pants-on-fireAs stated in the “About the Captain” section, this is an opinion blog.  A wag once observed that opinions are like an odious but necessary part of our anatomy.  We’ve all got them.  Apparently, the story I passed on about “First Grandmother” Marian Robinson being set to receive a lifetime $160K pension when her son-in-law leaves the White House in January is a hoax.  There isn’t a publication called “The Boston Tribune”.  Although the slick hoax sent to me by a friend sure looked real, I should have known better.  A conservative publication in Boston?  They are there, but rare as hen’s teeth!

Anyway, even though the pension story is a fake, it apparently is true that Mrs. Robinson came along on many of the Obama’s grand vacations and world adventures flying on Air Force One over the last eight years.  I wasn’t alone in being sucked in by the hoax.  Many respectable news sites bit on it too.  Why?  I think it’s because the Obama administration has frequently been so blatantly and scornfully untruthful in it’s actions over his two terms in office.  It is easy to accept a story of yet another egregious act.  From Solyndra to the “shovel ready projects” to the complete fiasco of “Obamacare”, there has been one falsehood after another.  I’ll be more careful to check my facts in the future.

So, my apology Mrs. Robinson.  I may get it wrong sometimes, but at least I have the character to admit it.  And hey, you have to admit I picked a nice photo of you!

Grandma Gets A Pension…………..

marianrobinson_with_kid_bkWhat follows is a hoax post from a fictitious publication. I and others were fooled by this incorrect information from the internet. In the post that follows I will explain why.

First Grandma Marian Robinson to Receive Lifetime Pension

Washington D.C. – First Grandma Marian Robinson, 79, will receive a lifetime 160K government pension when she leaves the White House next year, according to congressional budget statements.

According to documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Mrs. Robinson earned the lifetime pension for “services rendered as full-time/in-home caregiver” for granddaughters Malia, 18, and Sasha, 15, during President Obama’s two terms in office.

In January of 2009, it was reported that Mrs. Robinson was living in the White House full-time to tend to her granddaughters. She was the first live-in grandmother at the White House since Elivera M. Doud, the mother of Mamie Eisenhower, during the Eisenhower Administration.

Critics say Mrs. Robinson should not profit from something as simple as taking care of family. Sally Kellner, volunteer/activist for the National Taxpayers Union, says this is a prime example of needless spending. “I think it’s ridiculous that taxpayers must pay this woman a lifetime salary for something everyday Americans do for free. We take care of our families because we love them, not for profit.” Continue reading Grandma Gets A Pension…………..

Justice For All?

gulliver“With liberty and justice for all.”  That sound familiar?  Oh yes, it’s from the “Pledge of Allegiance”.  Only problem is, the United States Government under the present administration isn’t providing equal “Justice” for all.  It is allowing for selective enforcement of our laws, and that cannot be considered “Equal” or “Justice” by any rational measure.  Some examples, you say?  Ok, how about the Internal Revenue Service being used as a weapon to stifle dissent and penalize groups which IRS executive Lois Lerner disagreed with politically?  How about the fact that when this illegal behavior was exposed by a congressional committee, the Obama DOJ refused to indict her, and she was then allowed to retire on a full government pension?  How about a Secretary of State setting up and using a private, unsecured e-mail server, in direct contravention of State Department rules, and then deleting over 30,000 e-mails from that server, all of which were under subpoena from congress?  How about that same Secretary of State using multiple unsecured electronic devices for official communications, and then lying to congress, saying that she had used only one such device, and then destroying the others in question?  How about that same Secretary of State criminally violating numerous federal statutes concerning the proper safekeeping of confidential government documents in her care?  Again, the DOJ refused to indict, and now, that same individual is the Democratic candidate for President of the United States, with a very good chance of being elected?  This is “Justice”? Continue reading Justice For All?

“He’s coming. I’m gonna die.”

wolfThe final words texted to his mother by one of the victims of the “Pulse” nightclub shooter in Orlando last June were:

“Call them mommy. Now. I’m tell I’m bathroom. He’s coming. I’m gonna die. he has us, and he’s in here with us,”

The text might not be grammatically correct, but understand, it was from a terrified person who had apparently ACCEPTED the fact that he was about to die.  It was from a thirty year old man, not a child.  Yes, it was a “gay” nightclub, and the individual was as such presumably gay himself.  That has no bearing on the issue.  His sexual preferences should have nothing to do with a will to defend himself against a murderer.  He was not alone in that restroom.  Others were hiding in there with him, and presumably died there with him.  All but one.  She climbed out a window and ran for help.  Though smaller in size and weight than most of the victims, she had a will to live.  He and the others did not, and as a result were brutally murdered by one individual with a gun.  He could have just as easily used a knife, axe, club or a machete.  Those who won’t even try to defend themselves become victims.  It’s as simple and tragic as that. Continue reading “He’s coming. I’m gonna die.”