Monthly Archives: December 2022

Friendly Fire Isn’t!

There is an old saying in the military. “Friendly Fire Isn’t”.

Pity the poor bastards watching “short rounds” from their own artillery falling closer and closer to their foxholes. It happens, and far more often than people realize. That concept can be expanded to what is happening currently in our country. I can’t imagine anything more tragic than a group of Americans being killed by a weapon we manufactured and supplied to former allies. As I said in a recent post, that is a distinct possibility in the not too distant future. 

Attacks on electrical substations in Oregon, Washington and North Carolina in the last few weeks bring another serious threat to the nation to the forefront. It has been know for years that our electrical “grid” is extremely vulnerable to natural events such as solar flares, hurricanes and even snow storms, as well as physical assaults on sub-stations. Incredibly, the focus of the Biden government seems to be that these incidents may be the work of “Domestic Terrorists” (to them, that’s anyone who disagrees with the Democratic Party). To me, the threats are far more likely to be the work of international groups sworn to destroy our nation at any cost. The Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and the Iranian Mullahs for example.

Any one of those groups are dedicated to our destruction after all, so It would be foolish to ignore them while we search for right wing bogeymen at home. You know, the MAGA hat wearing, sign waving thugs who verbally attack school board members at their meetings. Obviously, they are capable of anything, even taking down our electrical power grid in their angst. These are the folks the full force of the Biden DOJ areisn get trashed in the process, who cares. Hell, it was written by a bunch of rich old white slave owners, right? It needs to be rewritten to match the needs of the 21st Century. It doesn’t even mention Transgenders and Double Latte Machiatos for God’s sake!

So, the Lefty Lemmings aren’t just satisfied to jump off the cliff by themselves, they demand that we all join them in their suicidal leap of faith. Well guess what buttercups? We’re not coming along, and when you hit that freezing water we’re not going to toss you a life preserver either. You’re on your own. Continue reading Friendly Fire Isn’t!