Monthly Archives: August 2017

Robert Byrd and the hypocrisy of the left

The hypocrisy of the left continues to amaze. They have always claimed to be the champion of the poor, the minorities, and the working man.  In fact, their actions continue to prove otherwise. The poor, which encompass a large portion of the minorities, have been hurt, far more than they have been helped, by the policies and political positions of the Democratic Party.  Welfare, ETB cards and “Aid To Dependent Children” (many illegitimate) does nothing to elevate society.  The supposed “safety net” has simply become a hammock for too many families, where welfare has become a family tradition rather than a hand up, to help those in temporary distress.

The latest hypocrisy is the demand to remove certain historical monuments and statues because they are “offensive” to a portion of our population, forgetting to realize that they are venerated by another, equally large group.  You cannot learn from history by pretending it doesn’t exist.  Among the statues the left are demanding to be removed are some of those in the National Statuary Hall in the United States Capitol Building which represent formers members of the Confederacy.

Continue reading Robert Byrd and the hypocrisy of the left

Close the Jefferson Memorial?

I am growing very tired of the professional race baiters like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and others using their platform to continue to stir the caldron of race relations into a frenzy of hate and fear.  Blacks are continually told by these agitators that they must fear the very individuals who bring a modicum of safety into their communities.  Namely, the police.  Blacks are told that whites hate them, and want to “put the chains back on”. Remember who said that?  It was the Vice President Joe Biden.  Yes, he was referring to the Republicans, but the implication that all whites hate all blacks was what remained in the mind of many in the black community.

Sharpton’s latest crusade is to have the Jefferson Memorial in Washington shut down because Thomas Jefferson owned slaves.  Next, will he demand the shut down of the Washington Monument, or indeed changing the name of our nation’s capital?  The covering or removal of statues of Confederate Generals or common soldiers is a deliberate poke in the eye of a significant portion of our population, those whose ancestors served on the Confederate side during the Civil War.  Confederate symbols such as their flag are being compared with the Swastika of the Nazis.  This is madness.  Might I once again point out that it was the North that invaded the South in 1861, not the other way around.  The Confederate President Jefferson Davis repeatedly said “All we want is to be left alone”.

Instead, the Union armies marched on Richmond, instigating the first major Civil War battle at “Bull Run” and starting a war that resulted in the deaths and wounding of hundreds of thousands of Americans on both sides.  Yes, it resulted in the freeing of the slaves, but history indicates that would have occurred in any case, slavery having been eliminated in all other western countries prior to 1860.

So, 152 years after all American slaves were freed, 53 years after the ending of racial discrimination with the signing of the Civil Rights Act, and 9 years after the election of our first black President, we still have racial discord.  Why?  Because we have the likes of the “Neo-Nazis”, David Duke and the KKK on one side, and Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan and “Black Lives Matter” et al on the other.  None of these people or groups have the best interests of our nation at heart.  They are there to promote division and discord, hate and distrust.

We must all step back, take a deep breath, and remember that we can’t guarantee our rights and freedoms by denying the rights and freedoms of others.  We must must stamp out the divisive concept of “Political Correctness” and embrace the rebirth of personal responsibility in our daily lives.  If we don’t, we are headed for a very dark place indeed.

I’m A Racist?

Some would call me a racist.  Here’s why.

On May 8, 2008, Michelle Obama made a speech to a crowd in San Juan, Puerto Rico.  She said in part:

“Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation to provide the kind of future we all want desperately for our children.”

I was horrified she said that, because I believe that it is ignorant, and possibly even dangerous, to attempt to expunge or in any way re-write history.  I was very vocal in my condemnation of her statement.   Does that make me a racist?  You can’t possibly “change” history.  You can only learn from it.  Any time a group engages in revisionist history, bad things happen.  In the last century they happened in Italy under Mussolini.  They happened in Germany under Hitler.  They happened in Russia under the Bolsheviks.  They happened in China under Chairman Mao, and each time they happened, people were oppressed and died, over time, millions of them.

Continue reading I’m A Racist?

Equality or Submission?

Always just below the surface there is a monster lurking.  It isn’t the “Creature From The Black Lagoon”,  it’s the paid protesters and anarchists.  Who is financing these people?  Multi Billionaires like George Soros, the American Communist Party and a host of other left wing individuals and organizations.  These people are against freedom of speech, they are against personal liberty and responsibility.  They are against our very way of life. They envision a socialist paradise where all people are equal, not in opportunity, but in outcome.

But wait, George Soros, Mark Cuban, Mark Zuckerberg and others are BILLIONAIRES, what could they possibly have in common with the common man or woman.  It’s quite simple, and was explained by the pig in George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”.  it said: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”. Got that?  YOU, of the great unwashed masses.  You don’t need to think for yourself.  WE will do your thinking for you. We will shut down debate by using political correctness to intimidate you.  If that doesn’t work, we will use frivolous lawsuits to destroy you financially.  If you persist, we will use masked protestors to physically threaten you.  If you persevere, we will use the legal system to arrest and incarcerate you.

At least half of this country has figured this out.  They elected Donald Trump because he promised the end of business as usual in Washington.  Because he promised to secure our borders.  Because he promised to reform the tax code and get the government off the backs of the people.  Because he promised to restore our national pride and honor and “Make America Great Again”.  If the Republicans currently in office can’t figure out what put them there in the first place, they will be replaced in droves by left wing Democrats, and this country will inexorably be driven towards our second Civil War.  Americans, real, proud, patriotic Americans, will once again rise up against tyranny.  They will not submit. Remember the quote from Thomas Jefferson: “The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure”.  We can only hope it never comes to that.

Coming to a town or city near you.

Fourteen dead and over 100 injured, some critically, in Barcelona by Muslim terrorists.  The insanity of uncontrolled illegal immigration from Middle East Islamic states has allowed these frightful attacks to happen all over Europe, and there is more to come.  Much more.

What I am going to say can’t possibly be said in a politically correct America.  However, for the sake of the living it must be said, or many of you will soon be dead or maimed.  Radical Islam is coming to our shores in a manner and scope most Americans cannot understand.  I can’t say it any plainer than that.

Continue reading Coming to a town or city near you.

Racism, a Caucasian Phenomena?

Racism.  Is it only a caucasian phenomenon?  I don’t think so.  Many races over the millennia have considered themselves superior to others.  The Japanese, for centuries prior to World War II indoctrinated their people to believe they were superior to all others. That concept allowed them to perform unbelievably cruel acts against other human beings in their “Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere”.  Yellow, brown, black or white, it didn’t matter.  Non-Japanese were inferior, and could be treated as sub-human with no rights.  In many areas on the African continent, various tribes, such as the Zulu, considered all others to be inferior, worthy of enslavement or extermination.  Africans sold other Africans to Arab traders, who then transported them to the coasts where they were put on the block, and sold to whites and non whites alike.  The last place on Earth where slavery existed in it’s most brutal form is Africa.

In the Western Hemisphere, the Meso-American societies such as the Incas, Mayans, Toltecs, Olmecs and Aztecs brutalized their neighbors.  The North American tribes fought vicious conflicts over hunting grounds, killing each other in the most brutal fashion.  The myth of the peaceful red man, who’s only goal was to live in harmony with nature, is just that, a myth.  Native Americans were and are just like the rest of humanity, with good and bad aspects of their history.

Continue reading Racism, a Caucasian Phenomena?

Robert E. Lee, Patriot or Traitor?

I was listening to a talk show program this morning, and the subject was the demand by individuals in Baltimore, MD that all statues of Confederate generals be torn down as “offensive” to a segment of the population. The riot in Charlottesville, VA which pitted members of the KKK and Neo-Nazi groups against far left groups like “Antifa” and Black Lives Matter over a decision to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee was being discussed, and I was astounded to hear a caller refer to Lee as a “Traitor”.

Continue reading Robert E. Lee, Patriot or Traitor?

What are these people thinking?

U.S. Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN) who is also the Deputy Chair of the Democratic Committee, made a statement recently that North Korean “Supreme Leader” Kim Jong-un has been more responsible in his recent actions than our President, Donald Trump.


U.S. Representative Kathleen Rice (D-NY) has stated that the National Rifle Association in general, and NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch in particular are “Quickly becoming a national security threat”. Rice is on the House Committee on Homeland Security, and is the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence. This is a woman with considerable power in government. What are these supposedly responsible people thinking?

Continue reading What are these people thinking?