Racism, a Caucasian Phenomena?

Racism.  Is it only a caucasian phenomenon?  I don’t think so.  Many races over the millennia have considered themselves superior to others.  The Japanese, for centuries prior to World War II indoctrinated their people to believe they were superior to all others. That concept allowed them to perform unbelievably cruel acts against other human beings in their “Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere”.  Yellow, brown, black or white, it didn’t matter.  Non-Japanese were inferior, and could be treated as sub-human with no rights.  In many areas on the African continent, various tribes, such as the Zulu, considered all others to be inferior, worthy of enslavement or extermination.  Africans sold other Africans to Arab traders, who then transported them to the coasts where they were put on the block, and sold to whites and non whites alike.  The last place on Earth where slavery existed in it’s most brutal form is Africa.

In the Western Hemisphere, the Meso-American societies such as the Incas, Mayans, Toltecs, Olmecs and Aztecs brutalized their neighbors.  The North American tribes fought vicious conflicts over hunting grounds, killing each other in the most brutal fashion.  The myth of the peaceful red man, who’s only goal was to live in harmony with nature, is just that, a myth.  Native Americans were and are just like the rest of humanity, with good and bad aspects of their history.

So, why are whites singled out?  Why are they the only group which has to feel shame for their deeds, past and present?  Because politically correct progressives have decided that whites are the only ones who can be racists and many whites fear to dispute that notion for fear of being labeled as racists or bigots.  What about “La Raza”, “Black Lives Matter”, “The New Black Panthers”, “Southern Poverty Law Center”, “Council on American Islamic Relations” or “The Nation of Islam”?  These are all racist based organizations which occasionally masquerade as something else.

Many whites in America who are not Neo-Nazis, members of the Klu Klux Klan or any other white supremacist group are just tired of knuckling under, and being called racist by people who are indeed racist themselves.  Barack Obama had a wonderful opportunity to bring our country together along racial lines.  Instead, the racial victimization attitudes of many in his administration have left us more racially divided that ever before.  The Charlottesville, VA riots last weekend are a symptom of something which must be addressed.  It is simply that racism has no color or creed.  We had better all figure that out, and soon.