Monthly Archives: September 2019

Starve in the Dark?

In the year 1600 it is estimated that somewhere between 60 to 80 million buffalo were in America, millions more in Canada, our neighbor to the north.  In addition, there were tens of millions of deer, elk, mountain goats and bighorn sheep.  All these animals ate grass and were indeed as flatulent as todays domestic cattle.  Forest and grass range fires, started by lightning, burned unchecked for weeks or even months, spewing pollutants into the atmosphere.  Measurement of tree rings from trees over a thousand years old show that there were long periods of drought hundreds of years before the first European set foot on the Americas. 

One group of people who lived here at the time were dramatically affected by “Climate Change”.  They were the “Anasazi” of the American Southwest.  The word “Anasazi” is a Navajo word, meaning “ancient one” or “enemy ancestor”.  They arrived in the area as early as 1500 BC and flourished between 200 and 1500 AD.  They are generally thought to be the direct ancestors of the Pueblo tribes, who today form a large portion of the American Indian tribes living in Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico, including the Hopi and the Zuni.  Sometime in the mid 1200s these people, who had formerly lived on the tops of mesas or in the valleys below, tending their crops of corn and squash, were forced to build the “Cliff Dwellings” which dot the desert southwest today.  This dangerous decision must have been caused by the necessity to defend themselves from unknown enemies who had appeared on the scene.  Were they the ancestors of the present day Navajo?  The derivation of “Anasazi” would seem to indicate that is so.  Before the first Spaniard set foot in the region, they had completely disappeared. Continue reading Starve in the Dark?


I will never forget a statement made by an Air Force Major to his ROTC class.  “Anyone can demand respect.”  He said.  “But only a true leader can command respect”.  As I look at the current political landscape from the viewpoint of a child of the “Greatest Generation”, I find very few individuals on either side of the political aisle in Washington who typify the latter.  I can name none in the Democratic Party who do.

From the time in the mid 1980s when the Democrats began their seemingly inexorable slide to the left, that party has become a pale shadow of what it was in my youth.  Politics is a dirty business, and George Washington warned against giving unquestioning allegiance to a single political party or group. Unfortunately too many future generations failed to follow that advice.  The catastrophic events of the First World War, followed shortly thereafter by the Great Depression of the 1930s, allowed a charismatic individual in the form of Franklin D. Roosevelt to build a power base which has threatened our country ever since.  He is venerated as the person who saved this country, not only from the events of the Depression, but also from the threats of the Axis Powers in World War Two.  He was elected for an unprecedented fours terms as President, the last cut short by a fatal illness which thrust a little known politician from Missouri, namely Harry Truman, into the Oval Office and the annals of history.  He was perhaps the last truly great Democrat to hold that office with dignity and humility.  After the inauguration of his successor, he made his own way home to Missouri, and a life of relative obscurity in retirement.

Contrast that with the Democrats to follow.  If it were not for the bullets fired by assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, John F. Kennedy might have gone down in history as a womanizing philanderer.  Lyndon Johnson was worse, trying to micro-manage a jungle war from the White House, he engineered the first major defeat of United States Forces in history, and ushered in the radical left element of the Democratic Party, who have inexorably grown in power ever since.  Jimmy Carter was a bumbling fool.  The “Co-Presidency” of Bill and Hillary Clinton was marked by unbelievable corruption, a fact which could only be denied by individuals who refused to examine the facts, and allowed a willing mass media to distort the actions of the Clinton Administration into being wildly successful.  The country was saved from a disastrous Al Gore presidency by the unlikely victory of George W. Bush in 2000.  I can’t imagine what would have happened if Gore had occupied the Oval Office on September 11, 2001.

Then came the “Anointed One”, Barrack Hussein Obama, our first minority President.  To the lapdog media, he could do no wrong, although the laundry list of ignorant, possibly even treasonous actions on the part of his administration is lengthy to say the least.  Then, the unthinkable happened.  A crude, rude, hyper-egotistical businessman named Donald Trump stole the Presidency from its rightful heir, Hillary Rodham Clinton.  At least that’s what the pundits in the media would have you believe.  In order to correct this awful mistake, the outgoing President formed the “Resistance Movement” which has plagued the Trump Administration from the very beginning.

The Democratic Party has gone so far left that it probably never will be able to move back to the center.  They have burned those bridges behind them.  All the remaining Democrats running for the Presidential Candidate Nomination of their party have gone mad.  They want open borders and national healthcare (in the form of universal Medicare) for everyone, including illegal immigrants.  They want the abolishment of student loan debt, thereby absolving responsibility for stupid choices made in the form of college degrees by the students, frequently validated by their parents.  They want a guaranteed “Living Wage” for everyone, whether they choose to actually work or not!  They want to do away with the Second Amendment, and allow “Free Speech” only if it doesn’t offend them in some way or other.  They want equal results, not equal opportunity.  They are living in a fantasyland which does not exist and never will.  If they succeed in selling this concept to the voters in 2020, they will bankrupt the country and precipitate our Second Civil War. Those of us on the right will not be bludgeoned into submitting willingly to the destruction of the country we love.

In every society since the dawn of civilization there has been a ruling class.  They sometimes maintained that status by their good deeds, and sometimes by brute force.  So I return to my opening paragraph.  Do Americans want leaders who demand our respect, like Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama or the current field of Democrats?  Or instead do we want someone like Donald Trump, perhaps sometimes a little rough around the edges, but who commands our respect by getting things done, even when a seemingly endless stream of roadblocks are thrown in his way?  November 3, 2020 will give us the answer to that question, and God help us if it isn’t the right one.

Red Flag Laws?

As the push for stricter gun control by virtually all of the Democratic presidential candidates continues, the very important issue which isn’t part of the discussion is so-called “Gun Free Zones”, and the very real threat they pose to everyone in this country. I have written on this subject before. I can find no possible reason to allow any venue to arbitrarily declare that it is “Gun Free”, and thereby lull individuals into a false sense of security while there. Whether is is a school, restaurant, retail store or entertainment venue, unless there is a mechanism in place to properly scan people for weapons prior to entering, the concept of a location being “Gun Free” is ridiculous on its face.

There is an old saying that “Locks only keep out honest people.” That certainly applies to most “Gun Free Zones” as well. It has been shown time after time that terrorists, criminals and mentally disturbed people are not deterred in the least by the posted signs which declare an area to be free of guns or other deadly weapons. Only honest people, who are entitled by the provisions of the Second Amendment to “Keep and bear arms” for self defense, and in many cases have gone through the additional background checks and training to obtain a Concealed Weapons Permit, are deterred from entering such a venue while armed.

The mass shootings which we have witnessed recently generate great public concern as they should. However, the fact that many of them have occurred in “Gun Free Zones” is ignored by many politicians and the majority of the media. The shooters gravitate to these places because they are virtually assured there will be no one to stop them for those crucial minutes required to execute helpless unarmed people. Continue reading Red Flag Laws?