Monthly Archives: June 2017

Kill all the lawyers?

In William Shakespeare’s Henry VI, one of a group of unsavory characters makes a suggestion as to how to improve the kingdom.  He says: “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”.  This phrase has sparked controversy and debate ever since.  Did the “Great Bard” really mean that, or was it just a cast off line, uttered to shock and amuse the audience?  Or indeed was it something more?  Was he looking into the future?

Fast forward to 2017.  The United States has become one of the most litigious societies on the planet.  We have more lawyers per capita than virtually anywhere else in the world, but are we better for that fact?  I would say no.  Free speech, one of the cornerstones of our Constitution, is constantly threatened by battalions of lawyers willing to sue at the drop of a pin for supposedly “offensive” behavior by citizens of this country.  Where in the Constitution is the right not to be offended granted?  Where in the Constitution does it say that anyone, from anywhere, should be allowed to enter our country and remain here unmolested in so-called “sanctuary cities”?  Where does it say that we must be forced not only to accept, but embrace lifestyles or behaviors unacceptable to our personal belief system?  Please, if you can, show me.  Yet the lawyers, and organizations like the ACLU say it is so, and liberal judges are willing to back them up.

Continue reading Kill all the lawyers?

“CERT” Training.

Have you ever heard of the “CERT” program? Neither had I until my local Beaufort County Sheriff’s Department announced that a CERT training course would be offered at a local facility. I signed up for the course, and this is some background information.

On September 19, 1985, an 8.1 earthquake hit the Mexico City metropolitan area, destroying 412 buildings and seriously damaging an additional 3124. Over 5000 people died and thousands more were injured, many seriously. First responders, including police, fire and medical personnel, were overwhelmed by the magnitude of the event. Hundreds of people who might have been saved died. One of the results of this was the revelation that citizen volunteers must be trained to assist authorities in the event of catastrophic events which, at least initially, are beyond the capability of local first responders to handle. This was the birth of the Citizen Emergency Response Team concept (“CERT”).

Continue reading “CERT” Training.

Who Are They?

Look at the photos of two of the latest terrorists killed after murdering 7 and injuring 47 others, many critically, in London.  Notice anything familiar?  Yep, probably Middle Eastern descent, and most probably Muslims.  As the facts come out it is apparent that the actions of at least one of them should have SCREAMED “potential terrorist”.  However, although they were “on the radar” of the British authorities, nothing of substance was done to prevent what was almost surely coming.  Why?  Two words: “Political Correctness”!

We have allowed ourselves to be stripped of common sense over concerns about “offending” others.  This collective insanity has been supported by leftist politicians and organizations like the ACLU, who are willing to file lawsuits at the drop of a hat to support any cause, no matter how bizarre.  Individual lawyers become wealthy filing nuisance lawsuits which cow individuals because of the potential ruinous financial burdens which can be imposed.  How long can this be allowed to continue?

If citizens of western nations, particularly the United States, are unwilling to act proactively to identify the problem and it’s causal factors, we will shortly see our lives and lifestyles torn asunder by the adherents of one religion.  Which one?  Well a hint.  It’s not Catholicism or any of the other forms of Christian worship.  It’s not Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Confucianism, Judaism or the Bahai Faith.  What’s left?  Islam, which is practiced by 1.7 BILLON Muslims.  It is the fastest growing religion in the world. That fact alone should be frightening to all free peoples.  It is past time that we should rationally and dispassionately study and understand the real goals of the Muslims faith.  Not to do so will be a fatal mistake on our part.

Another Bridge – Tolerance Or Stupidity?

Another bridge in London.  Another attack by Muslim men shouting “God is Great” in Arabic.   Another body count of dead and maimed victims.  Last December 23rd I wrote a post  called “The Nisei Versus Muslims”.  I would suggest that you go to the archive section of this site and read it.  It’s premise is simple.  During World War Two, second generation Japanese-American men fought for the right to serve in our military and so prove their loyalty to this country.  In many cases the families of these men were interned in camps surrounded by barbed wire and guard towers.  That fact is a stain on our country which has never been fully expunged.  The government’s excuse for these actions was that we were at war with Japan, and the round-up of people of Japanese origin on the West Coast, whether they were native born citizens or not, was justified by the “national emergency” which existed.

Now, we face a real threat from so-called “Radical Islam”.  I say “so-called” because I believe that a case can be made that the entire religion of Islam is radical if practiced following the principles of the faith as written by the Prophet Muhammad in the Quran.  To believe the fantasy that Islam is actually a tolerant religion of peace and love flies in the face of the empirical evidence available.  Millions have been slaughtered by the proponents of Islam since it’s inception in the sixth century, tens of thousands in the last five years alone.  While most of the recent deaths have been in the Middle East, a disturbing number have recently occurred in the west, mainly in the U.K. and Europe.  That they will soon migrate to the United States and Canada is inevitable if we don’t act proactively and soon.  What must be done? Continue reading Another Bridge – Tolerance Or Stupidity?

A new low from the left.

Just when I think that the “Trump Derangement Syndrome” has run it’s course, a new example appears to prove me wrong.  The latest piece of lunacy and bad taste came from so-called “comedian” Kathy Griffen where she is shown holding a bloody mask of Donald Trump as if it was a beheading trophy of a proud Jehadi.  This is so tasteless as to be unbelievable.  Yes, this is “protected” under the First Amendment to our Constitution.  However, if it ruins her career it would be poetic justice.

Continue reading A new low from the left.