Monthly Archives: April 2022

The “Trans” Phenomena



In 1973, the Board of Trustees of the American Psychiatric Association decided to remove homosexuality from its official list of mental diseases.  They referred to the practice as merely being an “Alternate Lifestyle”.  This action precipitated a large number of homosexuals “coming out of the closet” and declaring themselves to be “Gay” in the case of males or “Lesbians” in the case of females.

Because of a demonstrated tendency for promiscuity in certain sectors of the “Gay” community, when the Human Immune Deficiency Virus or “AIDS” came on the scene in the early 1980s, it rapidly spread through a large portion of that group.  Because it is transmitted in blood as well as sexual fluids, the disease quickly jumped into the “straight” community either by infected blood used for transfusions, or shared needles used by intravenous drug users, and finally by heterosexual relations with an infected individual. 

In an effort to remove the stigmas attached  their homosexual behavior, gays and lesbians, now a “protected status” group, began to look for others who could add to their projection of lobbying power over segments of government.  Enter the “Trans” society.

Back through the pages of history, there are example of individuals of both sexes who got some form of gratification by dressing in the clothes of the opposite sex.  This was easier for women than men, since mannish “Pant Suits” had been in style at least since the 1930s. Male “transvestites” were another matter altogether.  Many of them were happily married heterosexuals who just wanted to be accepted as females when wearing feminine attire.  This was referred to as “passing” in that community. Continue reading The “Trans” Phenomena

California Dreaming?

“If you turned the country on its side, everything loose would fall into

Southern California.”

Frank Lloyd Wright

I have never lived in the State of California, but flew out of there, from either the TWA Los Angeles or San Francisco Domiciles, for many years in the 1970s through the 1990s.  I knew it as a truly remarkable place, from the nearly perfect climate of the San Diego area to the majesty of the Big Sur coastline and Yosemite National Park.  It abounds with truly unique coastal cities, from San Diego to San Francisco.

However, as Mr. Wright so aptly noted, it has always attracted the full spectrum of the American population from the east.  Starting with the “Forty-Niners” of gold rush fame, a strange mix of people, from the very rich to the desperately poor, have made their way to “The Golden State”, which is California’s official nickname.  Unfortunately, the gold turned out to be “Fools Gold” or tarnished brass for many of the hopeful new arrivals.  However, through cycles of boom and bust, they kept coming.  Until recently, that is.  In 2021, basically for the first time in the history of the state, more people left California than moved there, and there is a darker factor to ponder as well. Continue reading California Dreaming?

What is a Democracy?

What is a democracy?  In its purest form it is a system where a group of people get together and agree that all issues before them will be settled by a majority vote of that group.  It is a “one man, one vote” system.  Now ladies, don’t get your hackles up.  I of course include you in the process, so let’s call it instead a “one person, one vote” system. 

It has rarely functioned in that manner where governments are concerned.  It is too unwieldily.  Our system of government in this country isn’t a democracy, it is a Democratic Republic.  That, simply stated, is a system where people elect individuals to represent them, and have an elected or appointed President instead of a Monarch.

So far, so good, and that system, with slight modifications, has served us well since this nation was formed and our Constitution written by the Founding Fathers.  They wisely included provisions to allow Federal officials to be “Impeached” and removed from office if they were found guilty of “High crimes and misdemeanors”.  This is a very serious business, and has rarely be done in our history.  Some states mirrored these provisions when they wrote their State Constitutions as well.

However, as I write this, the system is beginning to unravel.  Politicians in all levels of our government, including federal, state and local, are NOT voting the wishes of their constituents, but rather their personal interpretations of what should be adopted as law or procedures.  Since there are no term limits on the federal level, and very few in place elsewhere, the power of incumbency keeps politicians in office far past their usefulness to their constituents.  They feel they are answerable to no one but themselves.  This has got to stop. Continue reading What is a Democracy?

Another Biden Appointee!

Meet Sam Brinton, a January 2022 Biden Administration appointee to the post of  Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy. No, I’m not kidding.  Feel free to look it up.  Since I’m not sure of this individuals gender pronoun preference, I will use the non-binary “It”.   

It is obviously very intelligent (by some measures, at least) having received a BS degree in mechanical and nuclear engineering from Kansas State University and a MS degree in nuclear engineering from MIT.  It is also a Bisexual, having self declared that status at a young age.

So, this individual now represents the United States of America in an important post.  As such, it must be open to comment and possible criticism by American taxpayers who fund its salary and benefits through their taxes.  Ergo, it isn’t some form of “Hate Speech” for me to say that I am appalled that this person could be selected to represent our country in any function other than a private citizen exercising its Constitutional right to act in a bizarre manner so long as it isn’t offending others.  After all, being offensive isn’t permitted in this Politically Correct society, is it?

Well, come to think of it, I AM offended, “They/Them” Sam Brinton.  I am offended that an administration brought to power by a very suspect election in 2020 feels it has the power to stick its middle finger in the eye of every American who treasures our traditional values, by appointing members of a fringe group like yourself to important offices within our government.

I am also offended that gender bender “Rachel” Levine has been appointed as the Assistant Secretary For Health and Four-Star Admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps by the Biden Administration.   Additionally, I am offended that “Transgender” swimmer “Lia” Thomas is being allowed to compete against biological females in college competitive matches.  That the NCAA would even condone this is beyond comprehension.

A reckoning is coming for the Democratic/Progressives.  It may occur on Election Day 2022, or even earlier than that.  It sure can’t come soon enough for me.