California Dreaming?

“If you turned the country on its side, everything loose would fall into

Southern California.”

Frank Lloyd Wright

I have never lived in the State of California, but flew out of there, from either the TWA Los Angeles or San Francisco Domiciles, for many years in the 1970s through the 1990s.  I knew it as a truly remarkable place, from the nearly perfect climate of the San Diego area to the majesty of the Big Sur coastline and Yosemite National Park.  It abounds with truly unique coastal cities, from San Diego to San Francisco.

However, as Mr. Wright so aptly noted, it has always attracted the full spectrum of the American population from the east.  Starting with the “Forty-Niners” of gold rush fame, a strange mix of people, from the very rich to the desperately poor, have made their way to “The Golden State”, which is California’s official nickname.  Unfortunately, the gold turned out to be “Fools Gold” or tarnished brass for many of the hopeful new arrivals.  However, through cycles of boom and bust, they kept coming.  Until recently, that is.  In 2021, basically for the first time in the history of the state, more people left California than moved there, and there is a darker factor to ponder as well.

A dispassionate examination of the new arrivals reveals the fact that they are mostly illegal aliens, who have been streaming across our souther border in ever increasing numbers since Joe Biden took office and basically opened the border to anyone who wanted to come into our country.  Another group are the so-called “homeless”, not families down on their luck and hoping for a new beginning, but instead drug addicts, looking for an easier place to score their illegal drugs.

Many of Californias largest cities, including Los Angeles and San Francisco, have turned into semi war zones, with crime rampant and drug paraphernalia and human feces littering areas of the cities which formerly attracted tourists.  A totally out of touch governor, along with mayors, district attorneys and city councils have, with the help of the Democrat controlled state legislature, turned much of the state into a dystopian hell hole.

In the past, the songs written about the golden state extolled its virtues. Songs like “California Dreamin” by the Mamas and the Papas. Now perhaps, “All the Gold in California” by the Gatlin Brothers is more appropriate, when it says:

“All the gold, in California, is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills, in somebody else’s name………”

For too many people, the California Dream instead has become a nightmare.  We can’t allow the Democrats to do to the rest of the country what they have done out there.