Monthly Archives: May 2020



When we see bad things happen and look the other way, more bad things happen.  When we hear people say things which we know are factually incorrect, and don’t speak up because we fear being ostracized as “hurtful”, bad things happen.  When we allow ourselves to be bullied into accepting our Constitutional Rights being denied us, really bad things happen.  That is exactly where we find ourselves today.

Many  of our most basic Constitutional Rights have been systematically stripped away for years by politicians and un-elected bureaucrats, and we haven’t fought back because most of us were too lazy to do so.  Let someone else do it.  “You can’t fight city hall!” has been the mantra of far too many of us, and because of it, we are on the verge of losing all our freedoms and our Republic.

On one side of the street stand shouting individuals who call themselves “Protesters”.  If they only choose to shout, scream and wave signs, that is their right under our Constitution.  However, if you allow them to escalate into preventing others from expressing opposing views, and doing so by violence, that is mob behavior, and that is not a “Right”.

An ever increasing group of people in this country feel that they have permission to riot and loot, and a large group of politicians and officials in Democrat controlled states and cities have allowed that to happen.  The rioters we see on the streets are not solely black. All skin colors are represented.  But they all have one thing in common.  They condone violence if directed towards the one thing they all hate.  That thing is authority. Politicians and academics who pander to these people just to maintain their own power must understand that there is indeed what has been referred to as a “Silent Majority”.   Americans, who are willing to allow this behavior to go on for just so long until they rise up in self defense and strike back.  We are perilously close to that time. Continue reading Enough!

Them and Us…

Shortly after being sworn in as our 44th President, Barack Obama had an occasion to comment on an incident which occurred in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 

After police responded to reports of a possible break-in at a house in that city , the individual who was found at the scene initially angrily refused to provide any identification.  Following a verbal confrontation, during which he refused to step outside and speak with the officer, the man was arrested on a charge of disorderly conduct.  At that time he produced an ID from Harvard University.  He was in fact the owner of the residence, a professor at Harvard, and a friend of Barack Obama.

When Obama heard about the confrontation he stated: 

“I think it’s fair to say.  Number 1, any of us would be pretty angry.  Number 2, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home; and,  Number 3 … that there’s a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.”

For the next eight years our country was led by an individual who had an obvious racial chip on his shoulder.  Instead of bringing us together as a nation, being the first minority president, the actions of his administration almost systematically drove us apart.  In incident after incident, Eric Holder’s Department of Justice fanned the flames of racial discord when police were involved in the death of an individual who happened to be black.  For instance, consider the case of Michael Brown.  Even though it was later proved that the shooting was completely justified, the attack on a police officer by Brown, which resulted in his death as he tried to wrest the officer’s firearm away from him while resisting arrest, caused days of rioting and looting in Ferguson, Missouri.  The riots caused millions of dollars of property damage.  Much of it to minority owned businesses in the city.   Other riots in other cities where police were involved in the deaths of criminals who were black caused more damage and destruction.  Fear and chaos reigned, common sense did not. Victim mentality and promotion of violence and rioting continued to be spread by groups like “Black Lives Matter”, The Southern Poverty Law Center, Antifa and others.  People who waited to hear the facts about the various incidents, giving the police the benefit of being innocent until proven guilty were branded as bigots and racists. Continue reading Them and Us…


Many times during the history of our country we have been called upon as a people to rally around a cause in order to defeat an enemy.  We were asked to “Remember”.

Remember the Alamo.  Remember the Maine.  Remember Pearl Harbor.  All these events stirred our emotions and steeled our will to fight battles against enemies which in many cases must have seemed invincible.  They weren’t.

Now, we are engaged in another kind of battle.  Some would claim that it’s against a microscopic virus, and that’s partially true.  The bigger villain, however, is the nation who created it and allowed it to be unleashed upon an unsuspecting planet.  That nation is unquestionably China, but they are not alone in their complicity.  The left around the world has closed ranks to protect them, and that includes virtually all the mainstream media in this country and the Democratic Party. Continue reading Remember…..

A Second Civil War?

I believe we are slowly drifting towards our second Civil War. I wish I didn’t.  However,  many of the factors which caused the first one are yet again in play, and made worse by the fact that an unbiased press no longer exists in this country. The vast majority of that institution is solidly on the left, and objective news coverage is no longer being distributed by the majority of media outlets, replaced by opinions.  In addition the so-called “Social Media” outlets like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are moving to eliminate any content that they feel is “inappropriate”.

There is a place for opinions, but it should be on the opinion pages of the newspapers and magazines, or as opinion shows on the broadcast media.  With very few exceptions that is no longer happening, and as a result our country is becoming more and more divided, and in a very toxic way.  If civil debate is no longer possible, civil war in some form must necessarily follow.

Barrack Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation” of our country added over nine and a half trillion dollars to our national debt, doubling that liability in only eight years, and for no visible gain.  We were in recession when he took office in 2008 and had not recovered from that when he left office in 2017.  All the benefits of a “green energy” economy never occurred.  Neither did the “shovel ready” projects which were supposed to rebuild our infrastructure.  Instead, we continued to allow our essential industries to be “outsourced” to nations like China, who is bent on world domination.  The results of those unwise policies are apparent in the current pandemic.

Instead of coming together against the common enemy of this disease, the Democrats under Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, along with former Obama administration officials, led by the former POTUS himself, continue to obstruct in any way possible the efforts of the Trump administration to deal with the crisis.  The overwhelming majority of the national media are assisting them at that task.  It is obvious to anyone with an ounce of objectivity that their only goal is to regain control of all three branches of our government, and they don’t care how much damage to our society is done in the process.

If the Democrats are successful, our country forevermore will be controlled by the wishes of politicians who hold office in few large cities and counties across our nation. Disagreement with those opinions and policies will not be tolerated. The Democrats have allowed a weaponization of various federal, state and even local  agencies to the point that, taken to its almost inevitable extreme, some sort of armed insurrection is the only course left open to to an oppressed population. Continue reading A Second Civil War?