Monthly Archives: June 2018

The Mentality of the Mob.

When President Lyndon Johnson used a questionable incident which occurred in the Gulf of Tonkin off the shores of North Vietnam as an excuse to formally commit U.S. military forces to an active combat roll in South Vietnam in the fall of 1964, the left rose up against him.

What up to that time had been a small fraction of the Democratic Party suddenly grew rapidly into the “Anti War Movement”.  Instead of praise for the man who had taken over after the assassination of President Kennedy, we now had mobs with bullhorns shouting “Hey, hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?” 

Since they were both heavily involved in left wing college politics, it isn’t too much of a stretch to believe that Bill and Hillary Clinton were right there with them.  The Saul Alinsky “Rules for Radicals” principles were their guidelines, and the subject of Hillary’s thesis at Wellesly College in 1969. Continue reading The Mentality of the Mob.

Stop the B.S.!!!

The Congress is failing this country.  There is no more important issue that we face as a nation than that which deals with our immigration policies.

Those who call for “open borders” are basically saying that they don’t consider themselves Americans, but rather just residents of a particular place on the planet.  That concept is both naive and dangerous.

The reason so many people want to get into this country rather than escape from it is that this is, or at least used to be, the finest place on earth to live. 

After a brief period of colonial experimentation in the 19th century, where we were instrumental in overthrowing the Hawaiian Monarchy and then occupied several former Spanish colonies after the Spanish-American War, the United States concentrated on making the most of what we had at home, which was considerable.

During the 20th century, we basically saved the world twice from attempts by aggressive countries to overwhelm Europe during World War One, and a series of dictators planning to rule the world before and then during World War Two.  As the “arsenal of democracy” our military, in conjunction with our allies, defeated the Axis Powers on two continents and on and under the two greats oceans of the planet. Continue reading Stop the B.S.!!!

Unintended Consequences?

When did we get to the point in this country that we can choose the laws we wish to obey, and those we wish to ignore?  A case can be made that the transition occurred in the early 1960’s with the start of the civil rights movement, which was certainly a righteous cause, but a classic example of the “Law of Unintended Consequences”.   How, you say?  Well think about it.

When a significant percentage of the population condones what is referred to as “Civil Disobedience”, you make ALL laws subject to being ignored, and that is exactly what is happening at an ever increasing pace.  From speed limits being disregarded to illegal dumping or littering, a larger and larger segment of the population is ignoring laws they feel are stupid, or shouldn’t apply to them.

The politicians then strike back, by passing more and more laws, covering ever increasing facets of our daily lives.  Seat belt laws, child seat laws, anti-smoking laws, even laws determining the size of soft drinks which can be sold in a given city, the list continues to grow.

Now, we are told that our immigration laws are racist, and prejudiced against a specific group, namely Hispanics.  So, our southern border has become a joke.  Hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of individuals, have crossed from Mexico into our country over the last 10 years.  Most of these people don’t bring anything valuable in the way of skills to the United States.  Instead, they frequently only bring their poverty, disease, drugs and criminal behavior. Continue reading Unintended Consequences?

The “Asylum” Mess

The left frequently accuses conservatives of “wrapping themselves in the flag”, and being too overtly patriotic.  Well, I would posit that those on the left wrap themselves in a flag as well, but it’s the flag of the United Nations.  “Progressives” apparently believe that there should be no national borders.  Everyone has a RIGHT  to seek asylum in the United States!   Come one, come all to the land of free stuff, where we steal from the rich to give to the poor.   Only problem is that the national cupboard is bare.  In fact it has a 20 trillion dollar credit card bill which needs to be paid before we can even start being benevolent again. 

The latest mantra being chanted by the left is that by obeying the immigration laws currently on the books we are somehow prejudiced against Hispanics.  Previous administrations, especially under Bush ’43 and Barack Obama, basically told the world that if you could somehow get into this country with a child in tow, you would have a get out of jail free card, and would not be arrested and detained, but instead released into the general population with the stipulation that sometime in the future you would turn yourself in for an immigration hearing.  Few did once here.

So, because President Trump has finally declared a zero tolerance program for persons who enter our country illegally, whatever their age, the left and it’s lapdog media is in a tizzy.  The current tactic of illegals requesting “asylum” when apprehended automatically causes children to be separated from parents, since there are insufficient “family friendly” detention centers available to house the ever increasing influx of asylum seekers, and the granting of asylum is a complex legal matter, requiring extra time to examine the claims. Continue reading The “Asylum” Mess

22 Years Later…

A month from tomorrow is a sad day for former TWA employees.  On the evening of July 17, 1996 we lost over 50 friends and acquaintances when TWA 800 exploded in mid air only minutes after departing from JFK International Airport en route to Paris.  Those active or retired employees were among the 230 souls who perished that clear summer evening.  It can rightfully be said the horrible event was the beginning of the end for a once great airline which, when it finally went out of business on December 1, 2001, was the  longest continuously operating airline in U.S. history.

The coverup of the actual cause of that fatal crash by the Clinton administration, including members of the DOJ, FAA, NTSB, CIA and FBI have been well documented, including by six posts in the “TWA 800” category of this blog.  Sadly, even members of the United States Navy were drawn in to the web of lies and deceit which was created by the initial actions of the White House on that terrible evening. Continue reading 22 Years Later…

Clever People……….

One of my favorite quotes from a movie was uttered by Anthony Quinn, a man of Mexican ancestry who was playing a Greek fisherman philosopher in the movie “Zorba the Greek”.  He said:

Clever people and grocers, they weigh everything…..”

Boy, is that true of our modern day pseudo intellectual “Progressives”. 

If someone points out the fact that people who overstay their visas or enter our country anyplace but at a legal port of entry are here illegally, and are as such “illegal aliens”, the “intellectual” left fly into an emotional tirade.

How can someone say such xenophobic things, they say?  These people are just here trying to make a better life for themselves and their families.  They should be referred to as “undocumented immigrants” not the demeaning “illegal” term.  That form of convoluted “Newspeak” pervades all phases of “Progressive” thought. 

In the case of North Korea, for instance.  In 2000, President Bill Clinton sent then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to North Korea to negotiate with Kim Jong-il, father of current dictator Kim Jong-un, to try to dissuade the North Koreans from continuing their nuclear missile delivery system program.  While there she was made to appear as a buffoon, watching and applauding a propaganda spectacle by the tyrannical Communist regime, because she was afraid that not to do so would “anger” the dictator. Continue reading Clever People……….

Three Days…Worst Scenario?

On October 30, 2000, as part of the National Defense Authorization – Fiscal Year 2001, a commission was formed to study the possible effects of an EMP attack on the infrastructure and population of the United States.  Eight years later, the commission published it’s findings in:

“Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack”

During the following eight years of the Obama administration, virtually nothing was done to address the dire warnings presented in that document, which included the prediction that in a worse case scenario “Ninety percent of the U.S. population would be dead within a year, from starvation, disease and civil unrest”.  I’ll repeat that. Ninety percent, which equals over 300 million people!

How could this possibly happen to the most prosperous nation on the planet?  Quite simply because we have become a nation of food consumers, not producers.  The average supermarket has 3 days of food on hand, and relies on a sophisticated food distribution network to replenish that supply every 72 hours.  The effects of an EMP attack would render that network useless.  The road system would be jammed with inoperative vehicles, even if the trucks to deliver the food were operational themselves, and fuel was available to supply them. Continue reading Three Days…Worst Scenario?

The Drone Menace?

Some years ago a thriller novel titled “Black Sunday” described an attack on Super-Bowl Sunday utilizing a highjacked blimp loaded with explosives which would be exploded over the stadium, potentially killing tens of thousands of fans and the President of the United States, who would be in attendance at the game.  It was later adapted for a 1977 movie of the same name.  Of course back then we had not faced the horrors of modern day terrorist attacks.  9/11 was nearly 25 years in the future.

Today, there is a more plausible threat to our safety which has only begun to attract the attention of the general public, and that threat is from aerial drones.  What started as simple radio controlled miniature helicopter like devices, has expanded into multi engined machines capable of lifting significant quantities of material high enough to be a threat to public safety in many venues.  Not only explosives, but chemical or biological agents could be spread over a wide area utilizing these devices.

Up to now, the primary threat from civilian drones has thought to have been to commercial, military or private aircraft in the immediate vicinity of airports, while the planes were departing or landing, at a relatively low altitude.  Now however, much larger and more powerful drones have the capability of flying higher and farther than was previously possible.  Unfortunately, this has not gone unnoticed by terrorist groups around the globe. Continue reading The Drone Menace?

A Civil Society?

Somewhere along the way, we’ve lost something as a nation.  It’s simply the ability  disagree with one another in a civil manner.  While this might be the case with some individuals on the extreme right fringe of our society, it is endemic with the left.  Case in point.

Last week Ivanka Trump posted a picture of herself holding her young son on a social media site.  It was a beautiful photo, typical of thousands posted all the time by proud, loving mothers.  However, not so fast with the “Hounds of Hell” on the left.  “Comedian” Samantha Bee referred to Ivanka as a “Feckless C___” on her TBS cable show.   Why would she feel justified in using such vile language on the air?  Simply because Bee was incensed about the immigration policies of the Trump Administration, which is separating children from their mother if she demands asylum in our country.  That requires a much more lengthy hearing in our legal system, and there simply aren’t enough family friendly detention centers available to house them together. Continue reading A Civil Society?