Monthly Archives: February 2018

Who’s to Blame?

After the horrific shooting at the Parkland, Florida high school, the blame game was quick to commence.  The easiest target was the gun, an AR-15.  These weapons seem to incite fear and revulsion on the part of gun banners simply because of how they look.  Reference to “automatic” weapons abound, even though the AR-15 is indeed a “semi-automatic” weapon.  The question arises: “Why would someone want to own such a weapon?”

Simple answer: To defend against someone similarly armed.  I think a case can be made that the AR-15, and similar compact semi-automatic rifles, are “stand off” weapons, which can be used to keep potential aggressors at a distance.  Why not call the police if threatened?  Because the police may not be available, especially in the case of a serious event, like a flood, earthquake, tornado, hurricane or riot.  History has shown that first responders are frequently overwhelmed in those circumstances.  The inevitable looters arrive, and those who are unable to defend themselves become victims. It’s as simple as that.

The next target was the National Rifle Association.  The NRA has traditionally been the best advocate for the Second Amendment.  Those who feel that our Constitution is an antiquated document which needs to be discarded and replaced with new laws which reflect the current state of our nation want that protection, along with freedom of speech, trashed.  We must not “offend” anyone by speaking words they don’t want to hear.  We must disarm, and rely on the “government” to protect us, they cry.

Well, I would ask them: “You mean like how the government protected the 17 teenagers and adults at the Parkland school?”  We have now discovered that not only did the FBI drop the ball by not investigating the tips about the shooter, but that the Broward County Sheriff’s Office had THIRTY-NINE opportunities to investigate his erratic and threatening behavior, but failed to do so.

The final blow is the revelation that Broward County Sheriff’s Office “School Resource Officer” Deputy Scot Peterson stood outside the school listening to the sound of gunfire for over four minutes instead of trying to stop the shooter.  There may have been three other Sheriff’s Deputies that did the same thing while the killings occurred.   If this proves to be true, it is disgraceful in the extreme.  Those men will have to live with their timidity under stress for the rest of their lives.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel knew those deputies waited for SWAT team to arrive when he made inflammatory statements about the NRA at a town hall meeting about the shooting, and said his department had done everything in it’s power to protect the students and faculty at the school.  He knew that was not true.  He was trying to protect himself.  He should resign.

Rational vs Emotional

Once again we are faced with problems which must be solved.  On the one hand illegal immigration.  On the other, the right to self defense against criminals, terrorists and crazies.  As is virtually always the case, conservatives and liberals view the solutions completely differently.  One rationally, the other emotionally.

We have been bombarded for months by the emotional pleas of the so-called “Dreamers”, individuals brought to this country as children by their parents, who also entered the country illegally.  We have been told that since it wasn’t their “fault” that they are here illegally, we must allow them to stay, with no restrictions and a “pathway to citizenship”.

That is the emotional approach.  What is the other solution? Rationally, we should allow these people to be screened on an individual basis.  If they are found to have become assets to our society, not liabilities, they should be allowed to remain, with renewable “Green Cards” available if they continue to obey our laws and are not a drain on the public purse.  As to a path to citizenship, they should be placed at the back of the line for that honor, behind all those who have followed the rules and patiently waited to come to this country legally.  Their parents should be deported after being given a short period to settle their affairs, along with all others who are here uninvited.  We are either a country of laws or not.  If we allow a “cafeteria” approach to our legal system, where people are allowed to obey only those laws they agree with, chaos will reign.  Politicians have allowed our immigration system to become a mockery, ignoring the will of the people.  In addition, we must demand an end to “birthright citizenship”, which has become a magnet for illegal immigrants and the possibilities of “chain migration”. Continue reading Rational vs Emotional


Over the years we have lowered the age at which people are considered adults.  Persons eighteen years old can vote.  They can serve in our military.  However, they are allowed to remain on their parents insurance as “children” until their mid twenties.  Which are they?

Twenty and thirty “somethings” are still living at home with their parents or moving back in.  Are they adults?  I was out of my parents house at eighteen, earning my way through school and providing for myself.  But I was not allowed to vote, or purchase cigarettes or alcoholic beverages until I was twenty-one.  That was considered the “Age of Majority”.

Winston Churchill once stated “If you are not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, but if you are not a conservative at forty you have no brain!”  Perhaps that’s why the Democrats pushed so hard to lower the voting age.  They were able to attract the young by appealing to their emotions instead of their still developing intellect. Continue reading Children?

Stupidity and Incompetence.

It’s time we call it what it is, stupidity and incompetence.  As a society, we have become complacent and self indulgent.  We want somebody else to take care of the problems.  In the “War on Poverty” declared by Lyndon Johnson, we designated welfare agencies to fix the issues of low income in minority segments of the population.  Those agencies then allowed the “safety net” to become a hammock for many, in effect paying people not to work in some cases.

Because of the rules set up to administer welfare programs it became prudent for the father to go out the back door when the welfare agent arrived at the front.  Soon, that led to the total breakdown of a significant portion of society.  Single parents and leaderless children.  Crime, drugs, and all that comes with those scourges to civilization.  When it was obvious that the welfare system wasn’t working, the bureaucrats who worked at those agencies demanded more money to pour down the rat hole.  Nothing improved.

In order to pay for these programs, taxes had to be raised, and the one income family became a rarity rather than the norm.  Both parents had to work to provide enough income to live on.  But how about the children?  No problem, we’ll have daycare centers who will look after the youngsters until they can be put into school, and then they can go back to daycare in the afternoon until their parents get off work or they’re old enough to fend for themselves.  In effect, they are being “warehoused”. Continue reading Stupidity and Incompetence.

Another FBI Blunder?

The FBI fails again.  Although they had been advised about the Florida school shooter’s social media post claiming to aspire to be a “Professional school shooter” months before the fatal attack, no one connected the dots, or perhaps even tried to do so.

They had a name with unusual spelling, Nikolas (with a “k”) Cruz.  They had the post itself to track backwards for an IP address.  They could have checked to see if anyone by that name had purchased firearms, and where.  Cruz had to pass a background check to buy the AR-15. Continue reading Another FBI Blunder?

An Israeli Solution?

Another awful school shooting.   It’s sickening.    It’s frightening.  It is also PREVENTABLE!   How?   By disarming responsible gun owners?   Of course, to those who live either in a protected bubble, or in a mental la la land where evil can be washed away by yet another law.

In the hours since the Parkland, Florida school shooting much of the focus has been on the gun, an AR-15 model, which looks, and indeed is, dangerous in the wrong hands and in the wrong place. But so would have been a pump shotgun, handgun, butcher knife or machete.

The best solution  I have heard so far came from an Israeli security specialist.  He was commenting about a series of horrific terrorist school shootings in Israel which occurred in the 1970’s, and what the Israeli law enforcement personnel did to stop them.  They used specially trained and equipped guards at schools to detect the behaviors which virtually always precede such events. Continue reading An Israeli Solution?

“Gun Free Zone” Shooting – Again!

Florida high school students dead.  Possibly a teacher or teachers as well.  Now Senator Bill Nelson from Florida is asking “when are we going to stop the violence”?   My question is when are we going to eliminate the fallacy of “GUN FREE ZONES”?

No law or group of laws could have stopped this crazy bastard intent on killing others.   No amount of gun control legislation could have stopped him, or someone like him.  Only someone armed and shooting at HIM could have stopped the violence.  Teachers and school administrators who are willing to be trained and armed should be allowed to be so.   Security guards should be present.  There are numerous retired law enforcement officers and retired or former military personnel who are qualified and capable of defending our schools, hospitals and other vulnerable institutions from evil, violent, and insane killers.

But disarming responsible, trained Americans is NOT the way to make our country safer. We need MORE, not less firepower out there in the hands of willing “Sheepdogs”.   The wolves of society will always be there, and God knows there are no end of those who ARE, even though they don’t consider themselves to be so, SHEEP!

I say again.   A “gun free zone” is just a “free fire zone” for those who would kill with impunity.   Do you think the Columbine, Sandy Hook, Orlando nightclub, or Broward County high school shooters would have acted as they did if they didn’t know if anyone was there to terminate THEM when the first shot was fired?  Get real.  Get trained, arm yourselves, and fight back.  Oh, and Senator Nelson, are you going to disarm the Capitol Police as well?   Why should you and your colleagues be protected if we aren’t?   Just asking.

More Officers Down.

Two police officers are gunned down in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio.  The officers are both white. The shooter has been identified as Quentin Lamar Smith.  He is black, and apparently has an extensive criminal record.  The killing was ambush style.  It had to be.  In the current environment, no law enforcement officer is going to answer a domestic violence 911 call without being very careful.  It is almost as if they were purposely lured there by the suspect’s actions in order to be slaughtered. Sound familiar?  Dallas ring a bell?

This isn’t a black on white crime, although that could have been part of the motive.  This is a black on police crime, stoked by the inflammatory rhetoric of groups like Black Lives Matter, who’s proponents chant “What do we want? Dead cops!” “When do we want it? NOW!”, and “Pigs in a blanket, fry-’em like bacon!”  This organization, and others like it, the New Black Panthers, for instance, should be labeled as what they are: Domestic Terrorist Groups.

Calling for policemen to be killed, supposedly in retribution for police violence against the black community in America, is simply unacceptable.  It appears to me that we are allowing the screams of outrage against “Police Violence” to cover up the fact that in many areas of this country black crime rates are out of control.  Why?  Far too many young black males are out of control.  They come from single parent families with no strong positive male influence in their lives. Continue reading More Officers Down.

The Gender Trap

There she is, standing in front of the mirror taking a “selfie” of herself with a black eye.  Who could have done this horrible act?

There has been a “gender trap” for decades.  On the one hand males are told that there is no difference between them and females, other than what is obvious biologically.  The “feminists” claim that their male “oppressors” merely want to figuratively keep them “barefoot and pregnant” in a male dominated society.  They claim that they should be allowed to do anything a man can do, without restrictions.  I agree with that concept, with the caveat that there be no exceptions to the rules which allow them to compete with their male counterparts.

Obviously, with very limited exceptions, that eliminates some jobs. Professional athletes, for instance.  Most women simply cannot complete physically on a level playing field with men.  Not where skill is involved, simply brute strength.  We can’t remove that factor. It is simply a fact of life.  So women can’t compete in the NFL, NBA or PGA.  They have a league of their own in the latter two sports.  Some might complain that they aren’t paid as well as their male counterparts.  Well, in professional sports pay is based on the size of the gate.  If women’s sporting events drew the same size crowds that men’s do, they would be. Continue reading The Gender Trap

The Military vs Turtle Tunnels.

President Trump has suggested that we have a parade in Washington, D.C. as a display of our military might and a tribute to our all volunteer armed services.   What an awful idea! (to the left that is).

Over the years we have spent untold millions on such hair brained schemes as a tunnel constructed under a major highway so a species of turtle could conduct their annual migration, without fear of being run over by vehicles.  That cost millions.  Unfortunately, many of the turtles didn’t like the concept of be herded into a dark tube under the noisy highway, and got squished crossing where they pleased.

We banned the annual drawing of water by farmers from the Rio Grande river during periods of drought.  Supposedly, because it would cause the extinction of the “silvery minnow”.  No one apparently noticed that species has existed for millenia before mankind set foot on this continent, and the Rio Grande dried up completely during many cyclical droughts in the past.  Somehow, the little fish managed to survive without our help. Continue reading The Military vs Turtle Tunnels.