Another FBI Blunder?

The FBI fails again.  Although they had been advised about the Florida school shooter’s social media post claiming to aspire to be a “Professional school shooter” months before the fatal attack, no one connected the dots, or perhaps even tried to do so.

They had a name with unusual spelling, Nikolas (with a “k”) Cruz.  They had the post itself to track backwards for an IP address.  They could have checked to see if anyone by that name had purchased firearms, and where.  Cruz had to pass a background check to buy the AR-15.

It is eerily similar to the case where the female FBI agent in Phoenix reported to her superiors that foreign individuals were getting training in a local flight school simulator, but weren’t interested in takeoffs and landings, only flying the plane when airborne.  That should have set off some alarm bells, but it didn’t.  Those individuals later crashed an airplane into one of the World Trade Center towers.  Perhaps the Agency needs a real shakeup.

They failed miserably during the TWA 800 investigation, although that may have been on purpose, because of directions from above. They severely  impeded the NTSB investigators in that matter.  They withheld information, and apparently fabricated false interviews with some eyewitnesses, according to their testimony.

No amount of gun control laws will protect our citizens from madmen, terrorists and criminals if the law enforcement agencies are unwilling to use every tool in their massive toolbox to find and stop these people before they strike.  They sure aren’t doing that now, at least in the case of the FBI.