Monthly Archives: March 2022

1984 Deja Vu?

As I have watched the actions of the Liberal/Progressive left in this country since Bill Clinton was elected in 1992, I have gradually come to the conclusion that it will become impossible for conservatives to live in the world they envision.  The gap between the two ideologies is simply too great.

The original concept of being “Liberal” was that you were very tolerant and openminded in your viewpoints.  It was sort of a “Live and let live” concept.  That time is long past.  Now, if you refuse to go along with their “Woke” society views, you are to be totally disregarded, shunned and “cancelled”. 

How long will it be before that isn’t sufficient?  When will the modern day witch trials begin, and people be imprisoned or sent to American Gulags because they refused to go along with the insanity being promulgated by the Democrats?  I would suggest that has already begun.  It started on January 6, 2021.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the “attack” on the Capitol Building was planned, instigated and executed by members of the “Deep State” who wished to validate the 2020 election results, even though there were serious issues which indicated that the razor thin margin of victory by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris was indeed a fraud.  Continue reading 1984 Deja Vu?

Connecting The Dots

There is a real possibility of food shortages in this country over the next year or more.  Part of that is due to the war in Ukraine, which has historically been the “Bread Basket” for much of Russia plus Central and Eastern Europe.  This years crop,  at the very least,  is lost.

In our country, farmers rely heavily on artificial fertilizers, usually fertilizing their crops at least twice a year.  Much of that fertilizer is manufactured using natural gas, and is produced in Russia.  Because of Biden’s embargo, that will be unavailable for the short term at least. Since part of the “Green New Deal” being implemented by the Democrats requires it, there will be no expansion of our natural gas production either.  Less fertilizer equals less food.

The thing that the woke/leftist crowd can’t wrap their arms around, is that the cost of everything is based on two factors.  First, is the value of the currency being used to purchase the product.  Second, and perhaps most important, is the availability of the item being purchased.  It is the age old concept  of “Supply and Demand.”   Simply put, if there’s lots of it available, it’s cheaper. If there isn’t, it’s more expensive.

Enter the Biden/Harris administration and its woke policies.  By spending like a drunken sailor and printing dollars backed up by no hard assets, they are effectively devaluing our currency.  As I’ve said before, if our foolishness causes the American Dollar to be removed from its designation as the World Reserve Currency, our economy will tank.  There are numerous examples of this in the not too distant past.  The financial collapse of the German Weimar Republic in the 1920s led to the takeover of their government by the Nazis and the events which led to World War Two. Continue reading Connecting The Dots

Where Have All The White Folks Gone?

At last count, in the 2020 census, 12.1% of the population is “Black” or “African-American”. Non-Hispanic Whites make up 57.8%. Hispanic and Latino Americans (who may belong to any racial group) comprise 18.7%.  There is no doubt that the uncontrolled illegal immigration across our souther border is affecting these demographics, and will do so in the future.

However, if you came to a conclusion on this matter by only watching American television commercials, you would have to conclude that a majority of our population is black or multi-racial.  This would almost be comical if it didn’t contain an ulterior motive.  What might that be?  You don’t have to search too hard to discover it.  Simply stated, Caucasians are evil and must be replaced by a kinder, gentler, more inclusive majority of “People of Color”.  One must only look to the chaos in the Democrat controlled cities around this country to see how much kinder, gentler and inclusive they really are.

Things like the “1619 Project” and “Critical Race Theory” are being forced upon society and taught to our children in many school systems around the nation.  All of the gains in civil liberties are being erased by those who would just create another under-class, this time with pinkish-white skin rather than brown or black.  In that perverted society any Caucasian child is born with the new “Original Sin” of not being a “Person of Color”.

Under the present administration, racial discrimination is not illegal.  Indeed it is necessary, as long as it is directed at Whites.  The quota systems developed by the “Great Society” envisioned by Lyndon Johnson in the late 1960s have denied the basic concept of “Meritocracy” which has always been the goal of American life.  Promoting on merit is why we became the greatest nation this planet has ever known.  However, that concept has been turned on its head by the Democrats, and it runs the full gamut of their philosophy.  Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris to be his running mate not because of her outstanding credentials, but rather due to her race and gender.  The same thing is occurring with Ketangi Brown Jackson.  She was nominated for a lifetime position on the Supreme Court not because she was the most qualified candidate, but rather because she was a liberal black woman. Continue reading Where Have All The White Folks Gone?

Take The Bus?

Somedays I think my head is going to explode, and today was definitely one of those. Riding to my part time job this morning, I was listening to Breitbart News.  It seems that  Americans are being given advice from an individual at Bloomberg News as to how to survive the runaway inflation caused by the actions of the Brandon/Roundheels administration.

I had just filled up my car for roughly twice the cost to do so the day before those clowns took office in January of last year.  A ten dollar steak at Costco is now twenty dollars, and certain items seem to be disappearing from the shelves at my local supermarket.  Must be a Russian plot.  Anyway, I concentrated on Bloombergs list, and this is what I remember:

  1. Don’t drive your car on Sunday.  You will get the added benefit of aerobic exercise walking ten miles round trip to church.
  1. No more meat from those flatulent animals!  Eat lentils instead for your protein. Then YOU can produce the flatulence!
  1. Don’t drive your car at all.  Take the bus or subway instead.
  1. No more air travel.  Take night trains (not too sure what’s the matter with day trains.  They didn’t go into that).

At that point I couldn’t hear anymore suggestions.  I was too busy screaming obscenities at the radio! Continue reading Take The Bus?

The Stolen Credit Card

Some very smart people, including commentator Mark Levin, who’s opinions I generally agree with, are calling for more American involvement with the war in Ukraine.  I think he’s wrong, and here’s why.

Although there is no doubt that Vladimir Putins invasion of Ukraine must be opposed and stopped, it is past time for the European members of NATO to take the lead, militarily and financially, to accomplish that task.

Due to the fiscal policies of the Obama Administration, our national debt more than doubled during his administration to over 18 trillion dollars.  Donald Trump began to turn that around, but the Chinese Wuhan virus ended up cancelling that effort, and the policies of the Biden Regime have caused another massive rise to over 30 trillion and still rising.  This is simply unsustainable.  We are in effect using a credit card which is well past its limit.  Soon, it will be cancelled, and this nation will go into default on our debt payments.

Whether by plan or unlucky coincidence, we are staring the definite possibility of the removal of the United States Dollar from its status as the World Reserve Currency.  That would have a catastrophic effect on our economy.  It would devalue our dollar and effectively wipe out the retirement plans and  savings of hundreds of millions of Americans.  It would most certainly drive us into a deep recession at the same time it drives massive inflation.  We haven’t seen anything like this since the disastrous years of the Jimmy Carter administration in the 1970s. Continue reading The Stolen Credit Card

Sherman A War Criminal?

What you see above is a large billboard just outside Bluffton, South Carolina.  After his famous “March to the Sea” in 1865, ending up in Savannah, Georgia, Union General Sherman spared the city, both because of its historical significance, and the fact that it was not defended, but opened its gates to the Union army.

After leaving Savannah, Sherman laid waste to much of South Carolina, the birthplace of the rebellion.  As is always the case, history is written by the victors in a war, and William Tecumseh Sherman is venerated as a hero, who helped General Grant finally bring an end to the bloody four year conflict.  However, the losers also have a memory.  This sign, in place over one hundred and fifty years later, proves that beyond a doubt.

The media, including nominally conservative Fox News, is constantly condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the acts of aggression against civilian targets committed by the Russian forces involved.  The terms “War Crimes” and “War Criminal” are being used more and more frequently, especially when referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin. What we must ask ourselves is what affect this may have on the eventual outcome of the war.

There is virtually no chance that Russian forces can be defeated militarily by the Ukrainians.  They can however, possibly fight them to a standstill with the continuing influx of sophisticated weaponry being supplied by the United States and other NATO countries.  But at what cost?   Continuing to demonize Putin and the Russian military hierarchy only hardens their will to continue  the destruction of Ukraine and the Ukrainians  will to continue to fight.  Continue reading Sherman A War Criminal?

The World’s Policeman?

Our country seems to be currently inexorably dragged towards another armed conflict, this time with Russia, a nuclear armed nation.   As such, it’s past time that we dispassionately consider the ramifications of our actions in the next few days or weeks.

No one with an ounce of compassion can help feeling complete revulsion and anger at what has gone on in Ukraine since the Russians under the direction of Vladimir Putin invaded that small Eastern European nation.

Watching civilians, including the elderly, women, children, and other non-combatants be mercilessly subjected to artillery bombardment and missiles and bombs descending from the skies.  By any measure, these are war crimes.  However, what do you think the chances are of anyone in Russia, including President Putin, being convicted of them?  Justice of that sort only comes if one side in a war is completely victorious, and vanquishes their opponent.  That will never happen in the case of the Russian aggressors in Ukraine.

With all that said we must look back at the last seventy-seven years.   That’s how long it has been since the United States unequivocally won a war.  We didn’t win the Korean War, or the War in Viet Nam.  We indeed defeated the majority of the Iraqi army in the first Gulf War, but failed to depose Saddam Hussein.  After 9/11/2001, we accomplished that task, but in doing so totally destabilized the Middle East.  It isn’t even necessary to discuss the debacle of Afghanistan. Continue reading The World’s Policeman?

Better Red Than Dead!

At the height of the Cold War in the late 1960s, a common phrase parroted by the growing American left movement on college campuses was “Better Red Than Dead!”   In other words, it was preferable to allow the communist movement to take over the planet than to die in a nuclear holocaust. 

Vladimir Putin was high school student and Bill Clinton was a college student during that period.  Clinton went on to be a two term president of this country, and Putin became first premier and later president of Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union.  The similarities between these two world leaders doesn’t end there.

Putin, trained by the Russian KGB, which is kind of a combination of the American FBI and CIA, became a force to be reckoned within the politics of the “New” Russia.  Simply stated, he was and is ruthless in his actions.  Bill Clinton, joined by his wife Hillary, are instead conniving, but just as ruthless when it suits their goals. 

However, both of them were part of the student left in this country, and many of the things that Bill Clinton did during his presidency weakened our country.  At the top of that list was the sale of critical rocket technology to China, and the massive outsourcing of our critical industries there and elsewhere around the globe.

Now, with the fraudulent election of Joe Biden to the presidency, the chickens hatched by the actions of Bill Clinton when he was president, and Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State during the Obama administration, have indeed come home to roost. Continue reading Better Red Than Dead!



In 1987, author Jessamyn West wrote a book titled “The Chilekings”.  It envisioned a dystopian world where one morning adults woke up to discover that they had been reduced in stature to that of young children, while the reverse had happened to their offspring.  They were now the size and strength of adults.

The  adults quickly learned that the only thing that had kept their kids from becoming abusive tyrants was their lack of size and physical strength.  Young children must gradually learn that they aren’t the center of everyones world, certainly not outside their immediate family.  This only happens when the parents provide loving guidance and also the concept of discipline into their lives.  Children must learn that bad behavior is unacceptable, and will have negative consequences.

Unfortunately our newly “Woke” society has produced a large group of people who have grown into young adulthood not having learned these basic concepts.  They have been allowed to become “Chilekings” of a sort, exercising power far beyond their intelligence level.  Greta Thunberg is a classic example of this phenomena.  At the ripe old age of sixteen, this Swedish “Wunderkind” was allowed to address the United Nations General Assembly and castigate them for not doing more to protect the world from human caused “Climate Change” (aka “Global Warming”).

Thunberg is joined by a host of others of her ilk who are convinced they are better informed than their more mature and better educated elders.  They lecture us about gun control, diet, gender fluidity and a host of other subjects.  As they grow older in age if not intelligence, they have begun to assume real power over our daily lives.  A classic example of that is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

This extremely vain young woman has become an important face of the American Leftist movement.  One must only listen to her constant flow of misinformation to realize that she is not only a sub-par intellect, but actually a dangerous ideologue, perfectly willing to impose her opinions on others as being facts. Continue reading Chilekings?



This term is common North American Hispanic slang for “balls” (testicles) but also for bravery or courage. As such, it can also apply to females. Very shortly, this term will apply to all the Republican members of the United States House and Senate, and I hope to a few patriotic Democrats as well.

If indeed there is some sort of “Red Wave” in the mid term elections, and the Republicans regain control of both houses of the congress, we will shortly see if the Republican men and women who are elected indeed have the Cojones to do what must be done if our nation is to survive. What is that, you ask? Simply stated, it is the impeachment and removal from office of the President and Vice-President of this country. This is not a call for insurrection, it is using a method the Founding Fathers placed in our Constitution to legally remove from office individuals who have proven themselves unworthy of the position they hold.

To justify this action, we must only observe what occurred during the Trump administration and the 2020 election cycle, coupled with the events of the last thirteen months, to understand what will happen to this country if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are allowed to serve out their current terms.

From his first day in office, Biden has made conscious decisions which have not only weakened us as a country, but have indeed placed us in danger, potentially grave danger. Shutting down the Keystone Pipeline, eliminating the planned development of the vast oil reserves in ANWAR, terminating all new drilling leases on federal land. These have placed us once again dependent on foreign oil sources, including Russia, all while promoting the fallacies of the “Green New Deal” pushed by the radical left.

Throwing our southern border open to millions of unvetted and mostly unvaccinated aliens during the pandemic, transporting them around the country in the dead of night. This alone should be an impeachable offense. Add to that the amount of illegal drugs crossing the border, including the deadly Fentanyl, which killed over 100,000 young Americans last year to the charges against Biden. Then, there is the issue of Afghanistan. Continue reading Cojones!