Monthly Archives: June 2020


I want you to read the definition of the word “Militia” from the dictionary file on my computer.  Pay special attention to the highlighted words in the second sentence.



  • a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency
  • a military force that engages in rebel or terrorist activities in opposition to a regular army.
  •  All able-bodied civilians eligible by law for military service.

Now consider the text of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

For a very long time it was taken for granted in most of our country that citizens had the right to own and use various types of firearms.  Many young boys received their “Red Rider BB Gun” as a Christmas present at age 10 or even younger.  In the rural areas of the country that was soon supplemented by a .22 rifle, followed by heavier calibers and shotguns for hunting.  Only residents of densely populated cities didn’t grow up with these traditions.

As these large cities were largely dominated by politicians from the Democratic Party starting at the turn of the last century, they began to pass laws like New York’s Sullivan Act, passed in 1911, which prohibited ownership of a weapon small enough to be concealed, without a license.  Possession of such a weapon was a misdemeanor, carrying one in public was  a felony.

Why were such laws necessary?  The answer is simple.  To increase the power of the government over the people, and to deny them the ability to protect themselves.  What grew out of that was a police force in New York City that is larger than the armed forces of many sizable countries.  It currently stands at over 36,000 sworn officers, and that doesn’t include thousands of Metropolitan Transit Police, and 19,000 “civilian” (meaning non-armed) employees. Continue reading Militias

Enemy at the Gates

As we watch the videos of statues and monuments being torn down or defaced by mobs while police stand and watch, we must realize that in a very real sense we are at war with a deadly enemy, who has been bred from within our own society.  The radical leftest college professors who have dominated our institutions of higher learning for decades have trained the teachers who now spread the anti-American rhetoric to nearly all phases of public and private education in our country.

It might seem a stretch to compare a bizarrely dressed transvestite reading books to children in a kindergarten classroom with violent Black Lives Matter or ANTIFA rioters, but it is not.  They all symbolize the total breakdown of our society which politicians of all stripes seem either powerless to stop, or are complicit in supporting.

We are being fed the lie that the current societal unrest is the result of police brutality or systemic racism.  We are told that the murder, and subsequent near deification of George Floyd, (who in real life was nothing like the “gentle giant” role model portrayed by the mass media) was the reason for the protests and rioting.   In reality, that was just the excuse used to justify the anarchy which has gripped this nation for nearly a month. Continue reading Enemy at the Gates

Perilously Close…

Last night, employees at a Wendy’s in Atlanta called police to  report a man asleep in his car, blocking the drive-thru of the fast food establishment.  The police responded and found Rayshard Brooks asleep at the wheel of his vehicle.  They administered a field sobriety test, which Brooks failed.  When they attempted to take him into custody, he violently resisted, becoming physically involved with two officers, striking them multiple times, and finally grabbing one of their tasers and attempting to flee on foot.   When pursued, he turned and pointed the taser at his pursuer, who drew his handgun and fired a fatal shot at Brooks.

What is the result of the incident so far?  A battalion of black lawyers arrive on the scene, decrying the “Police Violence” which resulted in the death of an innocent black man.   The white officer who fired the fatal shot is summarily terminated, the Atlanta Chief of Police (a black female) resigned, and the  black Mayor of the city does nothing to quell the inevitable rioting which ensues.  For a start, the Wendy’s where the incident occurred is torched and burned to the ground.  How dare they deny the right of a black man to take an alcohol induced nap in their drive thru?

We may shortly expect a visit from Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and well organized riots and looting instigated by Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA.  The Democrats will accuse President Trump of creating a climate of hate against minorities, and call for him to resign in disgrace.  As usual, those in the main stream media will try to figure out why systemic racism exists, not only in law enforcement, but in the entire country. Continue reading Perilously Close…

Some Inconvenient Truths.

My ancestors came to this country ten years after the end of the American Civil War.  I am of Swiss and English extraction.  Ergo, none of my ancestors were slaveowners.  I grew up in a suburb of Denver.  The “Jim Crow” laws were never in place in Colorado.  Our schools were always integrated.  I went to school with kids of all races and religions, with the exception probably, of Islam.  In high school,  I knew kids who were Hindus and Buddhists.

So, I take great offense at being asked to pay “Reparations” to African-Americans because their ancestors were brought to this country as slaves.  Robert L. Johnson, the billionaire founder of Black Entertainment Television, has proposed we pay 14 Trillion Dollars in reparations to that community.  To ask me to atone for offenses I or my ancestors didn’t commit simply because  I am a Caucasian-American just doesn’t make sense.  In fact, it could be considered racist. That’s not surprising however.  Common sense is all but dead in this country. At the very least it is gravely ill and on life support.  We are left with a “woke” community on the left who does feel guilty, and demands I share that guilt.  I won’t, and I would suggest you don’t either.

Just so we don’t let the facts be trampled by the left, I would ask that several “inconvenient truths” be added to the mix.  The slave trade was started because other Africans captured individuals from weaker tribal rivals and sold them to Arab traders, who in turn brought them to the western coast of Africa and sold them to European slave traders, who brought them first to the Caribbean islands and northern South America prior to bringing others to the United States, starting in 1619. Continue reading Some Inconvenient Truths.

False Idols?

On the twenty-fifth of May George Floyd was murdered in Minneapolis, MN.  His assailant was a Minneapolis policeman.  In the weeks since, his murder has created near anarchy in many American cities.   It has sparked outraged protests against our law enforcement personnel, and led to many nights of violence, arson and looting,  all promoted and condoned by radical groups like Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA.  George Floyd has been portrayed as a “Gentle Giant” and raised to almost the status of a national hero,  just below a deity.  But does he deserve that?

We don’t have access to his records as a juvenile.  Those were expunged at age eighteen.  As an adult however, this man was anything but a pillar of society in the vein of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  He had multiple drug related felony convictions, and the last involved a real window into the character of George Floyd.  It wasn’t pretty. Continue reading False Idols?

Don’t All Lives Matter?

While he was imprisoned after an attempted coup in Germany in the mid 1920’s, Adolph Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, a semi autobiographical manifesto stating his political ideology. First published in 1925, Hitler laid out his plans for a reformation of Germany if he ever was able to gain power.  Basically, he told the world what he would do, and how he would do it. He was basically ignored as a fanatic.  Millions died prior to and during World War Two because of that fact.

Now, we have several groups who have created chaos in this country after the murder of George Floyd on May 25th.  Although there may be subsets, the two most prominent Are ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter.  Both these groups are Marxist theory based, well organized and funded, and both are bent on the destruction of this nation, using violence and intimidation as tools to accomplish their goals.  Because of the almost total lack of real, objective reporting by the mainstream media, the American public is being hoodwinked into believing things which are simply not true.

Now, possibly out of fear of retribution by the lunatic left, many major corporations are giving statements of support and very large financial contributions to the Black Lives Matter movement.  Bank of America, for instance, is pledging One Billon Dollars over the next four years!  Of course black lives matter, but so do the lives of all people, regardless of their skin color or ethnicity.  However, as Bernie Sanders found out during the 2016 campaign season, you had better not say that in public, or you will be shouted down as a racist.  Worse, you might be violently attacked by a mob. Continue reading Don’t All Lives Matter?

A New “Blue Flu”?

The latest insanity to come out of the George Floyd protests is the demand by various leftest groups that we “defund” our law enforcement agencies, and in the extreme case, eliminate them altogether.  With that in mind, perhaps it is time to give those who are contemplating such actions a practical demonstration of what will happen if they are implemented.

Law enforcement personnel all over the country, but particularly in many major cities under Democratic control, have been subjected to 12 hour shifts with no days off to recuperate.  They have been spat upon, verbally and physically assaulted by not so “peaceful” demonstrators.  Many of those were not wearing protective masks or complying with the “social distancing” precautions which we have been told are so essential if we are to survive the Covid-19 pandemic.

As such it is reasonable to assume that many, if not most members of law enforcement agencies have been exposed to the virus by asymptomatic individuals among the protestors.  It is not unreasonable to assume that they will shortly start coming down with symptoms themselves, and require self quarantine procedures to be implemented.

So shortly, not a few major cities may find themselves in the very situation that some protestors are currently demanding.  Namely, a “Police Free Zone”. It will be an interesting experiment, since many of these cities are also “Gun Free Zones” whose administrations have passed laws preventing their citizens from being able to arm and protect themselves.

Good luck to you all. You’re going to need it…….

BLM “Militia”?

It’s official.  The lunatics are now in charge of the asylum.   Mayors and city councils in various Democrat controlled cities around the country are now proposing to defund and/or disband their police departments.  Civil order would now be maintained by some amorphous, non-threatening organization.  Perhaps “Black Lives Matter” or the Southern Poverty Law Center would be tasked with setting up “Militias” to keep the peace.  I’m sure they would do a far better job than the racist organizations currently in control.

The inner cities already have core groups in place, ready to take command and control. Remember the “New Black Panthers” standing guard outside Philadelphia voting precincts during the 2008 elections?  The ones that Eric Holder, Obama’s “Wingman” Attorney General refused to prosecute for voter intimidation?  They’re the perfect model for the new, non-racist militia.

Perhaps a “Black Panther Youth” organization could be formed with the sole task of seeing that ballots are collected from peoples homes, so they wouldn’t have to go through the unpleasant  process of going to polling places to vote.  Demeaning identification would not be required, of course.   A verbal affirmation that the individual is a legal citizen and resident of the state would be deemed sufficient, and in any language they are comfortable with.  These young people would be armed of course, to protect the sanctity of the ballots. Continue reading BLM “Militia”?

First Amendment Rights

The text of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Okay, all you Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA and various other groups who are tearing this country apart with your “protests” over the killing of George Floyd.   The operative words are:

“Right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Nowhere does it say that you have the right to trample on the rights of your fellow citizens.  To deny them use of their streets and highways by blocking them, or to prevent them from being able to  live their lives in safety and harmony by conducting business in their privately owned stores and shops.  Nor does it say that you can disturb the peace shouting obscenities at the authorities through bullhorns. Continue reading First Amendment Rights