Don’t All Lives Matter?

While he was imprisoned after an attempted coup in Germany in the mid 1920’s, Adolph Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, a semi autobiographical manifesto stating his political ideology. First published in 1925, Hitler laid out his plans for a reformation of Germany if he ever was able to gain power.  Basically, he told the world what he would do, and how he would do it. He was basically ignored as a fanatic.  Millions died prior to and during World War Two because of that fact.

Now, we have several groups who have created chaos in this country after the murder of George Floyd on May 25th.  Although there may be subsets, the two most prominent Are ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter.  Both these groups are Marxist theory based, well organized and funded, and both are bent on the destruction of this nation, using violence and intimidation as tools to accomplish their goals.  Because of the almost total lack of real, objective reporting by the mainstream media, the American public is being hoodwinked into believing things which are simply not true.

Now, possibly out of fear of retribution by the lunatic left, many major corporations are giving statements of support and very large financial contributions to the Black Lives Matter movement.  Bank of America, for instance, is pledging One Billon Dollars over the next four years!  Of course black lives matter, but so do the lives of all people, regardless of their skin color or ethnicity.  However, as Bernie Sanders found out during the 2016 campaign season, you had better not say that in public, or you will be shouted down as a racist.  Worse, you might be violently attacked by a mob.

Their tactics resemble the Italian Black Shirt Facists or the German Nazi Brown Shirts of the 1920s and 1930s. Even the raised fist symbols used by both are copied from those groups. They don’t engage in civil debate. Instead, they shout down their opponents, or engage in physical violence.  Like Adolph Hitler in Mein Kampf, the leaders of these organizations have told us what they have planned for this country if we don’t fight back. It isn’t freedom and justice for all, it’s lawless chaos and anarchy.

Corporate officers and various politicians on both sides of the aisle are exhibiting the worse kind of cowardice by not standing up to the real bigots and racists who are threatening our nation, by simply asking the simple question….Don’t All Lives Matter?