Monthly Archives: May 2021

Flags & Other Symbols

First, may I point out that nowhere in our Constitution are we guaranteed the right never to be insulted or made to feel uncomfortable.  God help us if such a “right” is ever added to our governing documents.

For many years the lunatic left has demanded such rights, and if they don’t get them, they feel perfectly justified in engaging in violence and intimidation to obtain and enforce them.  What about the rights and opinions of those who they are oppressing, you ask?  Why they’re unimportant, of course.  Only the needs of the left need be addressed. 

So, what issues offend Democrats, who are for all intents and purposes interchangeable with all the mainstream leftist movements?  The list is long, and getting longer.  First and foremost is anything dealing with the Confederacy or the institution of slavery.  That stirs up a hornets nest of righteous indignation, and must be expunged.  The problem with that is that history can’t be expunged, only studied, and used as an example of what should or should not be done by present and future generations.

One fact is undeniable.  No person alive today was enslaved in this country.  Furthermore, it is doubtful that any person born to a former slave is still alive either.  So, what we have left is some descendants of former slaves.  In addition to them, we have blacks whose ancestors immigrated to this country, legally or illegally, from Central and South America, the Caribbean, Africa or other parts of the world.  Their ancestors weren’t enslaved here either.

On the other side of the historical ledger are all non-black Americans.  Since the majority of their ancestors arrived decades after the last American slave was freed, how can they be held liable to pay so-called “Reparations” to the ancestors of enslaved American blacks?  In a just society they can’t, but that doesn’t mean that with the wrong political party in power, they won’t be. Continue reading Flags & Other Symbols

Memorial Day 2021

Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, was first observed on May 30, 1868 at Arlington National Cemetery, when flowers were placed on the graves of fallen Union and Confederate soldiers.  If we keep going in the direction we are headed, future Memorial days might be celebrated by those who remember when we were a free nation, and a beacon of hope for oppressed people around the planet.  President Ronald Reagan once observed:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

As we approach this years Memorial Day, we are closer to that apocalyptic prediction than at any time in our history.  Men and women who can only be described as traitors have worked to destroy our Constitutional Republic, and they are succeeding.  They include many memberss of Congress, several past Presidents, and the man who currently sits behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office.  Continue reading Memorial Day 2021

Political Prisoners?

Pictured above is the Washington, DC jail.  By all accounts is is not a pleasant place to reside.  That would especially be the case if you were being held in solitary confinement and have no idea of when you might be charged and brought to trial for your alleged offenses.  You have become for all intents and purposes a political prisoner.  Nothing quite like this has occurred since Abraham Lincoln suspended the right of “Habeas Corpus” during the American Civil War.

On January 6th of this year tens of thousands of Trump supporters travelled to Washington, DC to attend the “Stop the Steal” rally in support of President Trump and to peacefully protest the results of the November election which was about to be certified by Congress.   Among that group were a small number of radicals.  Egged on by members of Antifa and BLM, their mission wasn’t peaceful political protest, but rather to create chaos and destruction, similar to what had been occurring in many American cities since the death of George Floyd at the end of May last year.

Because of the way the events of that day played out, the mainstream media, and even some conservative news outlets like Fox News, began to describe the protesters actions at the Capitol as a “riot” and implied that President Trump had urged the rally attendees to violently attack the Capitol, and threaten the Congressional Representatives and Senators with physical violence, even execution.  It became a “Perfect Storm” of lies, leftest propaganda and deception.  A cowed Congress quickly voted to certify the election results, although there was substantial evidence that unconstitutional practices had been allowed in at least five “battleground” states, perhaps more, which could overturn the Biden-Harris victory if the questionable votes were thrown out,  or a new election was required. Continue reading Political Prisoners?

Mussolini’s Downfall

On April 28, 1945, the Italians had finally had enough.  Captured by partisans as Mussolini and his mistress, Claretta Petracci  attempted to escape into Switzerland, both she and the Italian dictator were summarily executed in Giulino di Mezzegra in northern Italy.  Their bodies were subsequently taken to Milan, where they were hung by their ankles in a public square and stoned and spat upon by angry mobs.  They were not alone.  Hundreds of those who had enabled and supported “Il Duce” suffered the same fate.

Instead of restoring the glory days of ancient Rome, Mussolini had engaged in a series of inept military conflicts which finally had him sign the Tripartite Act with Germany and Japan, hoping to divide up the spoils after those nations conquered the world during WW-II.  That action resulted in the near total destruction of his country, and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Italians, both military and civilian.

Of special interest to the vengeful crowds who sought out those who had created this national disaster were the journalists who by printing the lies promulgated by the fascist regime or broadcasting them over the Italian airwaves, deceived the Italian people until it was too late to turn back the tides which were about to overwhelm them.  Many of them ended up hanging upside down in public squares in a macabre caricature of the death of the dictator and his mistress.  The people, it seems, don’t forget.

With this in mind, it would do well for the majority of our leftest media, both print and broadcast,  to remember this historical lesson.  As Abraham Lincoln said:

“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” Continue reading Mussolini’s Downfall

The Threats We Face

Someone recently pointed out that accepting  the obviously fraudulent and unconstitutional 2020 election results, when in some states  individuals or bodies other than the state legislature had established or changed their election procedures, solely because those election results have already been certified, is like saying a murderer shouldn’t be prosecuted because the victim is already dead.

In less than four months since their inauguration, the Biden-Harris administration has created chaos over a broad spectrum of issues.  The southern border is open, and we are on track to have at least one million, possibly as many as two million additional illegal immigrants enter our country this year alone.  Not all of them are non-threatening.  There are surely terrorists and violent criminals among them.  In addition, most of these people are indeed unable to support themselves financially, and will place an ever increasing burden on the social welfare programs intended solely for American citizens.

In the Middle East, relaxing the pressure on Iran has allowed that country, our sworn enemy since 1979, to once again foment unrest in the region, with Hamas attacking our principal ally, Israel, on several fronts.  People will die because of the feckless behavior of Joe Biden and John Kerry, make no mistake about that. Continue reading The Threats We Face

Term Limits?

In 1997 author Vince Flynn wrote a political thriller called “Term Limits” which was almost a presentient vision of possible future events.  In the book, three very prominent and corrupt politicians are assassinated in Washington, DC.  These actions are followed by a message from a mysterious group who takes credit for the killings and then demands that the American government set aside partisan politics and restore power to the people, specifically a balanced budget amendment and term limits for all of Congress.  If that doesn’t happen, the assassinations will continue.

So how does this concept fit into todays society, where fully half of the nation feels that the 2020 elections were a sham and a presidential administration has been installed by illegal and indeed unconstitutional means?  Where indeed the Democratic Party has learned to cheat on a level unheard of in American politics before.  It is obvious to any rational person that the Democrats have staged what amounts to a political coup, and by their actions since January 20th have signaled that they plan on being in power forever. 

Many Americans have lost all faith in our electoral system, and the ability of the people to rein in government overreach through use of the checks and balances the Founding Fathers wisely wrote into our Constitution.  One of the things that was most distressing about the events of November 3rd was that the highest court in the land was unwilling to even address the obvious violations which occurred on or just prior to Election Day.  Continue reading Term Limits?

1619 – Revisionist History

The individual shown above is not a sister of Bozo The Clown, although she might appear to be one.  She is Nikole Hannah-Jones, the author of a New York Times piece called the “1619 Project”.   This bit of revisionist history would have us believe that the foundation of our nation did not occur on July 4, 1776, with the publishing of The Declaration of Independence, but rather in 1619, when the first Africans arrived in this country at Jamestown, Virginia and were sold to the colonists as slaves. 

This drivel is now being taught as part of the curriculum in many public school systems, as well as colleges and universities around the country, and will eventually be used as a justification for financial “reparations” paid to the descendants of former slaves.  To deny it’s validity automatically makes you of course, a racist!  Enough!  Just because you say, or even believe something is true doesn’t make it so.

Mark Levin had an excellent guest on his program last night.  It was Professor Peter Wood, who is president of The National Association of Scholars.  Professor Wood has just published a book titled “1620 – A Critical Response To The 1619 Project”.  In the book, using indisputable historical facts, Wood demolishes virtually all the assertions made by the author of the 1619 Project.

First, he explains that there were slaves in the Americas for thousands of years before the first Africans were brought to the Caribbean and North and South America by the Spaniards and Portuguese in the early  1500s.  Virtually all of the indigenous peoples enslaved others or were themselves enslaved by more powerful tribes.  The custom of slavery was known and practiced world wide in nearly every society from the dawn of recorded history and before. Continue reading 1619 – Revisionist History

Covid-19 Vaccine Choices

As soon as it was available in January of this year to people in our age group, my wife and I took the first, and three weeks later the second Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine shot.  We had absolutely no reaction to either, in fact less that we had to the normal seasonal flu shot last fall.  So, does that mean I am pro Covid vaccine shot?  Well, yes and no. 

For people at high risk, the elderly or those with significant comorbidity factors, it’s probably wise to take it.  However, if you have a medical history of a bad reaction to vaccines, you probably shouldn’t.  That seems common sense.  Where the problem comes in is when the government demands you take it, or you will be penalized for not doing so.  Where is that happening?  You guessed it, in areas controlled by Democrats, who as always are all in with the concept of controlling our lives.

What should be pushed by the authorities is free availability for people to obtain a test to determine whether an individual already has antibodies in their system against the Covid-19 virus.  This could be because they previously had an asymptomatic case of the disease, were diagnosed with it and recovered with or without hospitalization, or had completed the vaccine process and waited an appropriate time for the antibodies/antigens to appear in their bloodstream.  If they are found to be there, it would be completely unnecessary, and probably unwise for people who had become naturally immune to take the vaccine.

Because the Biden-Harris regime was first against the “Trump Vaccine” but now one hundred percent in favor of the reimagined “Biden Vaccine”, we are told that this country cannot return to “normal” until everyone has been vaccinated for Covid-19 and has  documentation to prove it in the form of a “Covid Passport”.  Those who refuse, for whatever reason, must be shunned and punished wherever and whenever possible.  Control is more important than common sense or our Constitutional rights. 

Democrat leftists (are there any other kind?) have become the ultimate bully, who sucker punches you and then claims you started the fight.  Well, like World War Two, the last war that this country actually allowed our military to win without interference from politicians, we didn’t start this war on our Constitution and Bill of Rights, but we damn well had better finish it in total victory or we will lose our country, bit by bit..

Sleeping With The Enemy


A 1987 novel by Nancy Price was later made into a successful movie.  Titled “Sleeping With The Enemy”, it describes the efforts of a woman to escape from her abusive husband.  I believe in many ways that story parallels what mainstream Republicans did when they abandoned the party insiders candidate Jeb Bush, and instead chose a total political outsider in Donald Trump.  Helped by crossover blue collar Democratic voters, the Republican base elected Trump to the presidency, much to the dismay of the Republican hierarchy.

That cabal then did everything in their power to prevent Trump from achieving his stated goal to “Make America Great Again”.  Their loyalty was to their corporate donors and special interest groups which maintained them in office, in some cases for decades.  That Republicans rarely controlled the House or Senate, and only occasionally the White House didn’t matter to them.  They still led a grand lifestyle as fellow denizens of what Donald Trump called “The Swamp” in Washington, DC.

The Republicans had a golden opportunity to pass the agenda items which Trump promised during the election campaign while they controlled the entire legislative branch of the government as well as the executive, and had a supposedly sympathetic Supreme Court as well.  They squandered that opportunity, and when the Democrats regained control of the House in the mid-term elections, watched a vindictive House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer trash the next two years of Trumps presidency, with ten House Republicans joining the Democrats in voting to impeach him. Continue reading Sleeping With The Enemy