Memorial Day 2021

Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, was first observed on May 30, 1868 at Arlington National Cemetery, when flowers were placed on the graves of fallen Union and Confederate soldiers.  If we keep going in the direction we are headed, future Memorial days might be celebrated by those who remember when we were a free nation, and a beacon of hope for oppressed people around the planet.  President Ronald Reagan once observed:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

As we approach this years Memorial Day, we are closer to that apocalyptic prediction than at any time in our history.  Men and women who can only be described as traitors have worked to destroy our Constitutional Republic, and they are succeeding.  They include many memberss of Congress, several past Presidents, and the man who currently sits behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office. 

Bill Clinton allowed the sale of critical computer data to the Chinese government which allowed them to develop their nuclear missile program which threatens us today.  He also paved the way for American corporations to leave this country and move offshore, particularly to China.  Thus we lost hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs and allowed critical industries, like pharmaceutical companies, to move operations to China which now controls the sale and distribution of antibiotics and other vital medicines, and can use that as a weapon against the United States.

Barack Obama when elected apologized for American actions over the years, and weakened our military  more than virtually any other President in our history.   He also did more to destroy positive racial relations than any other President in memory.  His actions would become the basis for the concepts of Critical Race Theory and the supposed threat of White Supremacy which spawned race hating organizations like Black Lives Matter.

His feckless Vice-President, Joe Biden, was elected as our 46th President under a cloud of possible illegal financial dealings with China, Russia and the Ukraine plus the fraudulent election procedures, which have alienated half of the nation, and put us on the path towards a second Civil War.  Concepts like “Equity” rather than “Equality”, and the call for “Reparations” are driving wedges between black and white Americans which may never be fully removed.

The Democrats think they have won.  They believe they can rule this country by social and physical intimidation of those who disagree with their policies.  By controlling the Executive and Legislative Branches, they think they can successfully “Pack” the Supreme Court, and so effectively control the Judicial Branch as well.  They believe they can deny us our First and Second Amendment rights, not by Constitutional Amendment, but by Executive or Judicial decree.  They believe they can impose the concept of socialism on our citizens without protest or pushback. They are wrong.

With every new radical action they propose and then impose on the citizenry, they are creating an atmosphere of “Civil Disobedience” not seen since the Civil Rights Movements of the 1950s and 60s.  They promote the concept of “Transgenderism” although most Americans are aware that it is impossible to “change” an individuals biological sex to suit their desires.  We are aware that rewarding poor scholastic or job performance through concepts of equity rather than meritocracy is morally wrong, and should be insulting to the black minority in this country.  To imply that blacks are incapable of achievement on their own is demeaning and factually incorrect.  Black Americans have risen to the top in many fields of endeavor because they earned it, not because someone gave it to them.

When the movement to counter the toxic policies of the Democratic Left begins, it will be comprised of people from all racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds, who love this country and are proud, not ashamed, to be American citizens.  It will not be, as the Democrats claim, an “Insurrection” but rather an affirmation of the principles founded in our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights.  We will win, not only for ourselves, but to honor the sacrifices of all those we celebrate on Memorial and Veterans Day, as well as to keep this country safe and secure for our children, grandchildren, and generations yet to come.

God Bless America!