Monthly Archives: November 2017

The Sullivan Act

The “Sullivan Act” is a direct violation of the Second Amendment of the Constitution.  Period.  The law is named for New York State Senator Timothy Sullivan, a notoriously corrupt Tammany Hall politician who was it’s primary sponsor.   It went into effect on August 31, 1911.   The law prohibits, among other things, carrying a concealed handgun without a license.  In New York, that is a felony.  Sullivan, and many other New York State politicians in the years since, have supported and even sought to further strengthen the Act.  Since it is up to the local authorities to issue a concealed weapons permit, the ability to obtain one varies greatly from county to county.   In the state’s major cities, mostly controlled by Democrats, it is virtually impossible to do so.

While Sullivan’s motives for proposing the law have long been debated, it is clear that it allowed his opponents to be disarmed, while leaving himself and his personal bodyguards fully armed.   Always the goal of politicians who seek to dominate the citizens they supposedly “represent”.

It is obvious that gun control laws are only effective against law abiding citizens.  Criminals ignore them.  However, if law abiding New Yorkers wish to protect themselves and their families by having a handgun in the home, they automatically become felons themselves.   New York City, with a police force larger than many smaller countries military, has become a virtual police state unto itself, subject to the whims of the politicians in power, who are, of course, mostly Democrats. Continue reading The Sullivan Act

Some Answers Please?

From the time that Barack Obama showed up on the national political scene in 2004 when he gave a keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention we should have been asking ourselves some very basic questions.  Who is this guy?  What is his background?  What are his political aspirations?  Some did exactly that, but most Americans allowed themselves to be mesmerized by this young, well spoken African-American who had arrived on the talk shows with an almost cultish appeal.  Oprah Winfrey adored and endorsed him for crying out loud!  How could it get any better than that?

Those who dug a little deeper found some unsettling clues.  He had a shadowy association with leftist billionaire George Soros.  One of his early mentors was an avowed communist.  Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers had hosted his political coming out party in Chicago.  He belonged to a radically anti-American church whose pastor shouted “Not God Bless America!  God Damn America!” after the tragedy of 9/11.  All these questionable facts were ignored by the mainstream media.  Obama was portrayed as a Messianic figure who was going to “Fundamentally Transform America”.  Those of us who asked “Into What?” were characterized as racist bigots, and later “Islamophobic” when his ties to that religion were exposed.  Thus was issued in 8 years of the Obama administration, with it’s takeover of the healthcare system, massive debt increases, and expansion of radical Islamic terrorism unknown in the modern era.  And he’s not done with us yet. Continue reading Some Answers Please?

Rules and Regulations

I’m driving down a two lane highway doing five mph over the posted limit.  The guy behind me, less than a car length away, is obviously frustrated that the idiot in front of him is going so slow.  Come on, I’m five OVER the posted limit, not five under.  What’s the problem?  Simple.  To him, the speed limit sign isn’t a limit, just a suggestion.  So, even though there’s a double yellow line, he passes me and then has to cut back in abruptly because of a car coming the other way, which he couldn’t see because of a curve in the road.  Hmmm….. Maybe that’s why there was a DOUBLE YELLOW LINE!

His behavior got me to thinking.  Is it possible that many of the problems we face in this country right now are because too many people look at rules and regulations as just “suggestions” and not RULES AND REGULATIONS?

Now don’t get me wrong.  I am a confirmed small government advocate.  There are way too many stupid rules and regulations out there which need to be scrapped.  However, while they are in place, they need to be obeyed.  We can’t just make things up as we go along. That’s called anarchy and chaos. Continue reading Rules and Regulations

A Year On The Meter

Today is my birthday. Another year on the meter of life.  I am now officially “older than dirt” as my son is fond of saying.  So, on this day of pondering what has happened during my lifetime, I have some observations to share.

I was born into a world at war, and the outcome of that conflict was very much in doubt.  One of my earliest memories is having my chin stitched up after I fell while running and split it open.  The seven stitches required to close the wound were administered without any anesthetic.  That was being saved for more serious injuries, and for our troops overseas.  In todays world, my parents would probably have sued the hospital for child abuse, but during that era such actions were considered reasonable because of the crisis, and indeed they were.

As I grew up in Colorado I was influenced by the actions of what has been called “The Greatest Generation”, the men and women who had suffered the indignities and privations of the “Great Depression” and then were thrust headlong into the greatest war ever fought on the planet.  America was indeed the “Arsenal of Democracy” which provided a great measure of the arms and ammunition required to fight and win the conflict with the Axis Powers. Continue reading A Year On The Meter

Clinton House of Cards?

As the facts about the Uranium One deal finally are coming out, is it possible that the Clinton “House of Cards” will actually come down?  From their days in Arkansas, the Clintons have been involved in many questionable deals and actions.  Due to Bill’s “Good ‘Ole Boy” persona, and his success politically, they have been able to successfully deflect charges of impropriety or illegality.  Because of that success, a belief has grown, especially in the mind of Hillary, that they are immune to any punishment for their transgressions.  That smug belief may indeed lead to their undoing.

Immediately following the Clinton presidency, the country was distracted by the events following 9/11.  Added to that was the  reluctance of George W. Bush to speak ill of a former president.  Then came  eight years of the Obama administration, where the IRS and Department of Justice were “weaponized” against conservative Republicans.  The Obama DOJ under Eric Holder and later Loretta Lynch apparently looked the other way when Hillary abused her position as Secretary of State and used an insecure private server for personal and State Department emails.  When this situation came to light, she deleted over 30,000 emails and used a powerful program called “BleachBit” to “scrub” the hard drive of the server and then a hammer to smash various private Blackberries and cellphones which she had used as Secretary of State, again against all federal regulations.  What was the penalty for these transgressions?  Nada, zip, zero.  Nothing to see here folks.  Move on, move on…… Continue reading Clinton House of Cards?

Chelsea Manning Isn’t…

Chelsea Manning isn’t.  Chelsea, that is.  He (not she) is Bradly Manning, a former U.S. Army soldier who was convicted in 2013 of stealing and publishing more than 700,000 classified military and diplomatic documents on the internet.

Manning, aside from being a traitor to his country, is suffering from a mental disorder which is akin to Anorexia Nervosa, the disease which makes those who suffer from it believe that they are overweight when indeed they are critically underweight.  In it’s worst form, sufferers of Anorexia have been known to literally starve themselves to death.

In Mannings case, he is suffering from Gender Identity Disorder, an illness which leads the sufferer to believe that they are indeed the opposite sex from that which nature assigned them at the moment of conception, and which is completely irreversible. Continue reading Chelsea Manning Isn’t…

Veterans Day Thoughts

Tomorrow is Veterans Day.   Although it is being “observed” today so it can be a federal holiday, with all the various ramifications of that classification, we must remember what the day really represents.  Originally, it was called “Armistice Day”, commemorating the event which occurred on November 11, 1918.   On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918 the armistice which ended the bloodbath of World War One went into effect.  Later, it was referred to as “Remembrance Day”, and in 1954 it was re-named “Veteran’s Day”, to honor all the sacrifices made by American service men and women in all the years this country has existed. Continue reading Veterans Day Thoughts

Death in a Texas Church

Twenty-Six dead in a Texas church shooting.  Once again, with the bodies barely cold, and the blood not dry on the floor, Democratic politicians are screaming for gun control.  From Elizabeth Warren, who lied about being a “Native American” to Richard Blumenthal, who lied about his Vietnam service, we have a group of self righteous people who live in a protected bubble demanding that the average law abiding citizen not be able to defend themselves in an increasingly dangerous world.

The Texas shooter apparently had mental health issues.  Obviously, if this is so he shouldn’t have been allowed to own weapons capable of inflicting this type of mass murder.  However, instead of concentrating on the individual who committed the atrocity, the “go to” position of the left is once again to blame the device he used.  The gun.  Ban all guns, we are told, and we will all be safe.

Why then, when a Uzbek terrorist used a rental truck to mow down people on a New York City bicycle path did we not hear politicians demand background checks prior to individuals being allowed to rent such a vehicle.  Absurd, you say?  Remember, ISIS, on it’s website, has recommended the use of trucks as weapons to kill as many as possible, and that method has been used in Europe and this country to kill and maim.

We are told by authorities:  “When you see something, say something”. However, in the age of political correctness and out of control tort law, you might find yourself the victim of a crippling lawsuit, brought by an unscrupulous lawyer, on behalf of the individual you reported to the authorities.  That, in fact, has already happened.

So, what is the answer?  The left says total gun control, Australian style.  The NRA says no restrictions, which it views as a violation of the Second Amendment.  The answer is probably going to have to be somewhere in the middle.  Common sense must prevail.  In my home state of South Carolina, one of the prohibited areas for those with concealed carry permits are churches, unless “Express permission is given by the appropriate church official or governing body”.  It has been reported that many members of the Texas church congregation where the shooting occurred had left their weapons in their cars yesterday morning in respect for their pastor’s views.  As the very accurate saying goes, “Gun Free Zones” are simply “Free Fire Zones” for evil individuals.  When will we figure that out?

I once again call for a system which will allow our local Sheriffs and Police Chiefs to deputize willing CWP holders, giving them whatever extensive background checks and additional training required, and then allow them to carry their weapons anywhere a sworn law officer is allowed to be armed.  We simply don’t have enough law enforcement personnel available to protect us from the predators among us.  Such an augmentation will cost the taxpayers virtually nothing, but could significantly increase public safety.  When the bad guys don’t know if there is someone present to protect the innocent, they will possibly be deterred.  If they are crazy, or bent on their evil deeds regardless of the consequences, there will be armed “First Responders” present in those critical minutes before the sworn authorities arrive.

The Bowe Bergdahl Travesty.

On January 31, 1945, U.S. Army Private Eddie Slovik was strapped to a post in a French courtyard and executed by a firing squad.  He was the only individual put to death for the crime of desertion under fire during World War Two.  Several thousand others were so sentenced, but had that sentence reduced to long terms in military prison.

Yesterday, Army Colonel Jeffery Nance, the presiding judge in the military trial of admitted U.S. Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl, rendered his verdict.  Bergdahl was reduced in rank, forfeited over $10,000 in back pay, and given a dishonorable discharge.  He was not sentenced to a day in prison.  In the opinion of many, myself included, this was a travesty of enormous proportions.

Bergdahl admitted that he had laid down his weapon and willingly left his post in Afghanistan in June of 2009, thereby endangering his fellow soldiers, several of whom were maimed or killed during subsequent attempts to gain his release from the Taliban insurgents who had captured him. Continue reading The Bowe Bergdahl Travesty.

Who Is He?

Who is Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov?  Hint, he isn’t a believer in the Buddha.  Nope, not a member of the Bahai Faith, a Jew, a Christian, a Hindu or a member of any of the world’s other religions but one, Islam.  Yes, the individual who just used a rental truck to kill 8 in New York city, and critically injured many more is a Muslim.

He came into this country from Ubekistan under the “Diversity Visa” program.  Most of us, myself included, weren’t  aware such a program existed.  Fifty thousand of these visas are issued by a lottery system each year.  FIFTY THOUSAND!  And the individuals who win these visas are allowed to bring in the members of their extended families as well, supposedly to increase the “diversity” of our population. Continue reading Who Is He?