Death in a Texas Church

Twenty-Six dead in a Texas church shooting.  Once again, with the bodies barely cold, and the blood not dry on the floor, Democratic politicians are screaming for gun control.  From Elizabeth Warren, who lied about being a “Native American” to Richard Blumenthal, who lied about his Vietnam service, we have a group of self righteous people who live in a protected bubble demanding that the average law abiding citizen not be able to defend themselves in an increasingly dangerous world.

The Texas shooter apparently had mental health issues.  Obviously, if this is so he shouldn’t have been allowed to own weapons capable of inflicting this type of mass murder.  However, instead of concentrating on the individual who committed the atrocity, the “go to” position of the left is once again to blame the device he used.  The gun.  Ban all guns, we are told, and we will all be safe.

Why then, when a Uzbek terrorist used a rental truck to mow down people on a New York City bicycle path did we not hear politicians demand background checks prior to individuals being allowed to rent such a vehicle.  Absurd, you say?  Remember, ISIS, on it’s website, has recommended the use of trucks as weapons to kill as many as possible, and that method has been used in Europe and this country to kill and maim.

We are told by authorities:  “When you see something, say something”. However, in the age of political correctness and out of control tort law, you might find yourself the victim of a crippling lawsuit, brought by an unscrupulous lawyer, on behalf of the individual you reported to the authorities.  That, in fact, has already happened.

So, what is the answer?  The left says total gun control, Australian style.  The NRA says no restrictions, which it views as a violation of the Second Amendment.  The answer is probably going to have to be somewhere in the middle.  Common sense must prevail.  In my home state of South Carolina, one of the prohibited areas for those with concealed carry permits are churches, unless “Express permission is given by the appropriate church official or governing body”.  It has been reported that many members of the Texas church congregation where the shooting occurred had left their weapons in their cars yesterday morning in respect for their pastor’s views.  As the very accurate saying goes, “Gun Free Zones” are simply “Free Fire Zones” for evil individuals.  When will we figure that out?

I once again call for a system which will allow our local Sheriffs and Police Chiefs to deputize willing CWP holders, giving them whatever extensive background checks and additional training required, and then allow them to carry their weapons anywhere a sworn law officer is allowed to be armed.  We simply don’t have enough law enforcement personnel available to protect us from the predators among us.  Such an augmentation will cost the taxpayers virtually nothing, but could significantly increase public safety.  When the bad guys don’t know if there is someone present to protect the innocent, they will possibly be deterred.  If they are crazy, or bent on their evil deeds regardless of the consequences, there will be armed “First Responders” present in those critical minutes before the sworn authorities arrive.