Monthly Archives: December 2016

“I believe, therefore I know”???

“I believe, therefore I know”.  For a very long time that has been the creed of many of those who fancy themselves to be Liberals or Progressives.  The problem is that certitude in a false premise is foolish and possibly dangerous.  A classic example of that situation is the oft stated figure that there are “10 to 11 million” illegal aliens in this country.  The politically correct description of these individuals is “Undocumented Immigrants”, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are in our country without a legal status.  They entered illegally or overstayed their visas.  Either way, they have broken our laws.  To you “Globalists” out there who believe their should be no national boundaries, I would suggest that you try to enter any of the countries, either north or south of our border without proper permission, and then start trying to get social benefits from your new residence.  Unless you’re in Canada, I hope you like dirty, rat infested prisons.

Now, ponder that 10 to 11 million claim.  I live in South Carolina, and over the holidays I have had an opportunity to travel the full width of that state.  I use back roads because I hate to drive on interstate highways when they are as congested as they are at this time of year.  So, I drive through many small towns in rural areas.  It is rare to pass through these small hamlets without seeing signs in Spanish and stores and restaurants with names like “mercado” or “taqueria”.  Remember, these are small towns in a rural area of a southeastern state which is a thousand miles from our southern border.  It is apparent that there are far more Spanish speaking people here than meet the eye.  What’s the chance that they are all here legally?

Continue reading “I believe, therefore I know”???

On the way out………..

From the beginning of his presidency, Barack Obama has been to say the least controversial.  His initial trip abroad was his famous “apology tour”.  He took it upon himself to apologize, in our name, for all the things he felt were wrong about the United States of America.  He told the world we were not an exceptional country.  He told the world we were not a Christian nation.  He told the world we would no longer be the leader of the free world, but instead would “lead from behind”, whatever that meant.  And that was just the beginning.

In the ensuing eight years he has seemingly done everything in his considerable power to trash our nation.  For the first time in history, we were downgraded in our international financial rating.  We accumulated an additional ten trillion dollars in national debt without any positive effect on our infrastructure or national security.  We knuckled under to our enemies.  We enabled despots in North Korea, Iran and Syria. His policies, and those of two unbelievably inept Secretaries of State that he appointed completely destabilized the Middle East and created the refugee crisis in Europe and elsewhere.  He allowed our borders to become more porous than at anytime in our history, with millions of illegals overwhelming our medical and social services networks at the expense of our citizens.  He spent lavishly on vacations and almost weekly “A-list” parties in the White House.  He and his family lived large while the average American worker hadn’t had an effective pay raise since the turn of the century.

Continue reading On the way out………..

Ninety-Five Percent?

First, what I want to make clear is that I want the United States of America to have absolutely the safest transportation system in the world where security is concerned.  What I firmly believe however, is that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is not the way to achieve that goal.  In a previous post on this blog (“The TSA vs Israeli Security” – check the September archives) I described the techniques used by Israel’s airport screeners as opposed to what the TSA uses today.  Since that post, a report has surfaced which indicates that our vaunted TSA screeners  missed 95% of all fake explosives and/or weapons which were used by DHS “Red Teams” seeking to test the effectiveness of TSA security procedures in 2015.  I’ll repeat that figure.  95%!  Yet the DHS and TSA executives continue to state that airline passengers and crew are being sufficiently protected.  Are they kidding themselves?  What other product or service would you continue to purchase or support if it failed 50% of the time let alone 95%?  But then again, we don’t have a choice, do we?  It’s the government, here to help us.

Continue reading Ninety-Five Percent?

Interfering with airline crew members.

The recent episode where Ivanka Trump and her family were verbally assaulted by a man on a JetBlue flight from JFK to SFO highlights a serious problem which has developed over the years in commercial aviation.  Namely, people being allowed to interfere with crew members while they are performing their duties, whether in flight or on the ground.  The Federal regulation which covers this is:

49 U.S. Code § 46504 – Interference with flight crew members and attendants

An individual on an aircraft in the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States who, by assaulting or intimidating a flight crew member or flight attendant of the aircraft, interferes with the performance of the duties of the member or attendant or lessens the ability of the member or attendant to perform those duties, or attempts or conspires to do such an act, shall be fined under title 18, imprisoned for not more than 20 years, or both. However, if a dangerous weapon is used in assaulting or intimidating the member or attendant, the individual shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life.

(Pub. L. 103–272, § 1(e), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1244; Pub. L. 107–56, title VIII, § 811(i), Oct. 26, 2001, 115 Stat. 382.)

Continue reading Interfering with airline crew members.

My Pilot’s Christmas Poem.







‘Twas the flight before Christmas

Twas the flight before Christmas, and in the night sky,
The stars twinkled brightly on Bill, Fred and I

The engines had revved and the gear soon came up,
and we all looked forward for our crew meal to sup

And as we climbed higher, a knock at the door “Some coffee guys?” came, through the darkness and more

A whiff of her perfume made all of us blink,
She sure is a looker.  Single, you think?

As we pondered that thought, through our headsets we heard
“NORAD is calling, to all of you birds”

Up there in the night sky, you’ll soon have a guest
So be alert fellows, he’s leaving his nest

A slow climber at first, cause he’s got quite a load. Took off at max gross again, wouldn’t you know?

Though not all believe in him, he doesn’t care
They’re plenty that know he is up in the air

Bringing presents to children all over the earth
Who cherish this night of our Dear Savior’s birth

So hang in there Santa, on this cold winter’s night.
Merry Christmas to all, and have a safe flight!


The Nisei Versus Muslims.

Nisei is a word of Japanese origin which means a person born in the United States or Canada, whose parents were born in Japan.  In other words, a first generation American.  After the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 a large number of these people who lived on or near the west coast were forcibly removed from their homes and businesses and “relocated” to what can only be termed concentration camps.  This was supposedly done for their own protection, due to the hysteria caused by Japan’s unprovoked attack.  It is none the less a stain on our history commensurate with the practice of slavery.  After the war the Nisei and their parents were never properly compensated for their material losses.

Rather than complain about the obvious injustices, a large group of these young Japanese-American men demanded an opportunity to serve in their nation’s armed forces, to prove their loyalty to America.  Many of that group became the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, the famous “Go For Broke” regiment.  This relatively small group became the most decorated unit during WW-II.  By their heroism in combat in Europe, demonstrated while many of their families were virtual prisoners at home, they proved beyond any doubt their love and dedication to this country.

Continue reading The Nisei Versus Muslims.

An Open Letter To Obama.





President Barack Hussein Obama, II
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500

President Obama,

As you begin the final month of your presidency, I would like to comment on the last eight years which comprise your two terms in office.

During the 2008 Presidential campaign I listened carefully to your rhetoric as you described how you planned to “Fundamentally Transform America”.  Some of your statements were positive, such as your stated belief that there isn’t a White America, a Latino America, a Black America or an Asian America.  Instead there is just America.  That message of inclusion was a positive one, and where this country had been headed for most of the last half of the twentieth century and beyond.  Instead, look what your policies have wrought.

Continue reading An Open Letter To Obama.

Goalie Offense?

As Donald Trump takes the reins from Barack Obama on January 20, 2017, he inherits an enormous security problem.  It is very similar to the one handed to George W. Bush in 2001.  Obama, even more so than Bill Clinton, has ignored the threat that Islam poses to the western world in general and the United States in particular.  2001 brought us the crisis and tragedy of 9/11.  What will Obama’s feckless attitude towards the threats we face bring?  One thing is for sure.  They ARE coming.

The continuing series of attacks on the civilian population of Europe by ISIS inspired terrorists is a microcosm of what could, and probably will, happen here unless we completely change our attitude towards Muslim “refugees” and secure our borders.  As I’ve said in previous posts on this forum, it is naive to believe that there haven’t been a significant number of wolves among the sheep who have flowed across our borders for years.  We tend to focus on the criminal element, ignoring the terrorists who have come into our midst.

Continue reading Goalie Offense?

The Most Important Day?

Tomorrow, December 19, 2016, may turn out to be the most important day in United States history.  Ok, perhaps that’s hyperbole.  There are plenty of more important dates on our historical calendar.  However, if the radical left, on the backs of the “Hollyweird” crowd, succeeds in turning enough Presidential Electors to invalidate the results of the 2016 election, we are in trouble as a country.  It’s probably not going to happen, but if it does, there will most likely be open rebellion against the tyranny of the left in the few states which can determine the outcome of a Presidential election.

Earlier in the year I was having misgivings about the wisdom of the concept of the “Electoral College” as conceived by the founding fathers when they codified our Constitution.  Shouldn’t the popular vote prevail, I thought? On further reflection, I realized that, by manipulation of the popular vote in a few populous states like New York, Florida or California, the election could indeed be “stolen”.  In this election year, if you eliminate the voting statistics of the state of California, Donald Trump would have won, either by the popular vote or by the Electoral College tally.  Conversely, if you award the election using the popular vote count and include California, Hillary Clinton would be the President Elect. What’s the problem, you say?  Simply this.

Continue reading The Most Important Day?

The Final Vacation.

It’s here. The last lavish Obama family Christmas vacation trip.  At nearly $5,000,000 per trip, that’s almost $40,000,000 that the American taxpayers have paid to assure that the Obama’s would have a happy holiday.  And yes, there were all those other vacations to Martha’s Vineyard, Europe and Africa. Don’t forget the “A-List” Wednesday night parties at he White House.  This President and his family has lived large at the taxpayers expense for the last eight years.  Made Bill and Hillary look like pikers by comparison, but you can bet she would have made up for it if she had won in November.  I would guess that the eight Christmas vacations to Crawford, Texas by the George W. Bush family didn’t cost the taxpayers $5,000,000 in total.

In the latest example of the distain she feels for at least half of the American population, outgoing FLOTUS Michelle Obama told Oprah Winfrey that, after the win by Donald Trump, the country was “Feeling what not having hope feels like”.   May I respectfully beg to differ.

Continue reading The Final Vacation.