The Final Vacation.

It’s here. The last lavish Obama family Christmas vacation trip.  At nearly $5,000,000 per trip, that’s almost $40,000,000 that the American taxpayers have paid to assure that the Obama’s would have a happy holiday.  And yes, there were all those other vacations to Martha’s Vineyard, Europe and Africa. Don’t forget the “A-List” Wednesday night parties at he White House.  This President and his family has lived large at the taxpayers expense for the last eight years.  Made Bill and Hillary look like pikers by comparison, but you can bet she would have made up for it if she had won in November.  I would guess that the eight Christmas vacations to Crawford, Texas by the George W. Bush family didn’t cost the taxpayers $5,000,000 in total.

In the latest example of the distain she feels for at least half of the American population, outgoing FLOTUS Michelle Obama told Oprah Winfrey that, after the win by Donald Trump, the country was “Feeling what not having hope feels like”.   May I respectfully beg to differ.

The last eight years for many Americans seemed like an endless bad dream.  Those of us who listened to what he (and you) said on the campaign trail in 2008 viewed his election with great trepidation.  His view of “Fundamentally Transforming America” scared the bejesus out of us.  Transforming it into what, we asked?  Well eight years and 10 TRILLION dollars in feckless spending later we have our answer, and it’s not pretty.  It will be a minor miracle if Donald Trump and those he is surrounding himself with will be be able to turn the Ship of State around and head back to safer waters.  However, those of us in the “Basket of Deplorables” devoutly hope he can. So, Michelle, at least some of us Do feel hopeful of better days to come.

Now, as you board Air Force One for your final taxpayer funded Hawaiian extravaganza, I’d like to feel that I had it in me to wish you “Mahalo”, but I don’t.  You and your husband took what could have been a shining moment in American history and turned it into a tawdry tale of left wing excesses, reverse-racism and lies.  You kicked the people of Middle American “flyover country” in the teeth and it has come back to bite the political party you represent squarely in the posterior.  Far from being a beautiful woman with no family scandals during your husband’s administration, you have proven yourself to be a petty, distrustful, demeaning personality.  If anything, you have bolstered President Obama’s tendency to view everything from a negative racial perspective, which has moved us back, not forward in the quest to become a truly “colorblind” society.  That, I think, will be the final Obama legacy.