Monthly Archives: July 2021

Our Own Darth Vader


America now has a Darth Vader of its own.  He’s tall, he’s black, and you can’t see his face because he’s wearing a black face mask and a plastic face shield.  If he gets the heavy breathing as part of his repertoire, he will no doubt terrify our enemies!

Soon, all federal employees will probably be similarly attired, by federal mandate.  Will that include our military as well?  Our fighter pilots already fill the bill, with helmets on, face shields down, and oxygen masks in place.

And it’s official.  All American school children should be masked and separated by plexiglass shields for the 2021-2022 school year. “All vil be vell if ve just just OBEY ORDERS!” Says our Commander in Chief, Führer Biden, unt his stooge, “Round Heels Harris”.

Why is all this going on?  There is a new strain of the Covid-19 virus called the “Delta Variant”.   It is apparently more contagious that the original strain, but much less harmful, basically like a mild cold.  No matter! We can be controlled just as we were last year.  And by the way, pay no attention to the masses of illegal aliens streaming across our southern border and being distributed around our nation!  It’s xenophobic, even racist to ask if they test positive for Covid-19 or have been fully vaccinated.

Our enemies watch all this with amazement, I’m sure.  Not only won’t we oppose their schemes for world domination, we will assist them.  Well, some of us will. Others will stand up and expose this insanity.  Which are you?  You don’t have much time to decide before that becomes a moot point.

Then They Came……..


“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out,

Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out,

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out,

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me,

and there was no one left to speak for me.”

Pastor Martin Niemöller – 1945

This morning I watched portions of the “January 6 Select Committee” hearing in Washington, DC.  One of the most disgraceful episodes during that event was when Rep. Adam Kinzinger (RINO-IL), broke out in tears as he described his feelings about the January 6th “Insurrectionist Riot” at the Capitol Building, after President Trump addressed the massive rally on the Washington Mall to protest the certification of the November 3rd election results.

Did he, or any other RINO or Democrat, decry the looting and burning which took place during the Black Lives Matter “mostly peaceful protests” which gutted portions of many American cities last summer?  No.  Did any of them shed tears over the death of Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, shot in the throat by a Capitol policeman as she climbed through an already broken window into the Capitol?  No. Have any of them questioned the imprisonment, often in solitary confinement, of individuals who weren’t even inside the Capitol, but merely standing waving flags on the steps at the entrance?   No.  These people have been imprisoned for six months, basically without charge, for the crime of trespassing on Federal property, which at worst case should be considered a misdemeanor.  Many, if not most of the people who actually got inside were actually let in by the Capitol Police and stood around taking pictures or talking on their cellphones, not rampaging around threatening people or destroying public property.

Have the rioters in Portland, who stormed the Federal Courthouse, and attempted to set it on fire, thus burning its occupants alive in the process, been so incarcerated?  Of course not.  To the Democrats, they, along with the BLM and Antifa thugs are the “Good” rioters, their actions were justifiable, and they will be held blameless. 

Ladies and gentlemen, (if I am still permitted to use those gender threatening pronouns), we are faced by the greatest threat to our Republic since it’s inception, and it isn’t coming from “White Supremacists” or “Systemic Racists” engaged in “White Rage”,  Xenophobia, Homophobia, or any of the other phobias the left have dreamed up to silence dissent. Continue reading Then They Came……..

Bad Dog!


Over the last few years, as I have watched my country be denigrated and maligned by people who have no right to do so, a quiet anger has been building in the back of my mind.  I’ve long known, in my heart of hearts, that I have some racist tendencies.  In that, I am not alone.  Virtually everyone, if they are honest with themselves, suffers from that affliction.

All ethnic groups and races, either in a passive or aggressive manner, believe they are the best example of what the rest of mankind should be.  The Chinese, and even more so the Japanese, have for millennia believed themselves to be superior to all other races.  At least in the case of the Chinese, historically they may be correct, at least in the past.  The Asian devotion to knowledge and the value of education is unsurpassed.  That would include many of the residents of the Indian Sub-Continent.

However, at least for the last fifteen hundred years or so, the majority of the intellectual achievements of mankind have come from the Caucasian race, specifically the Europeans, and their descendants around the world.  Earlier than that, the civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Phoenicia, Greece and Rome contributed greatly to what would become modern civilization.   The pre-Islam Arabs were masters of mathematics, astronomy and medicine.

However, there has always been the inherent tribalization common to all races which became the seeds of wars and conquest.  If you looked different, dressed strangely or spoke a different language, you were potentially a threat.  This was even more true if you worshiped another god or the same god in a different way. 

So,  how has my “racism” manifested itself over the years?  In my travels world wide, I have consciously avoided high crime areas.  In Europe, those were frequently inhabited by black or Muslim minorities, where whites were generally not welcome anyway.  In this country, it was the predominantly lower income black areas or to a lesser extent Hispanic “barrios”. These areas were and are frequently dominated by violent gangs, and as such dangerous to their residents as well. Continue reading Bad Dog!

Look For The Agenda!

Everything in life is agenda driven.  Although many agendas are harmless or even benevolent, they are still agendas.  Some individual or group wants to accomplish something.  Perhaps it’s to convince you to buy one product over another, or use one service provider to replace the one you are currently using.   It’s all in the power of persuasion.  But what if the agenda isn’t harmless, what if it  is malevolent?

In the quarter of a century since TWA 800 went down, there have been many theories put forth as to what caused the horrendous crash which took the lives of all onboard.  Some border on the absurd.  It had been brought down by a collision with a UFO.  It had inadvertently flown into the beam of a high powered laser being secretly tested by the government.  It had been hit by a meteor!  Yes, these theories were out there.

To those who were either directly involved with the investigation, had sufficient knowledge concerning aeronautical issues in general, or the Boeing 747 in particular, the entire process surrounding the investigation into the crash made no sense.  Why had the FBI taken over from the National Transportation Safety Board?  Why were the eyewitnesses to the event being interviewed in such a cursory fashion?  Why had a veil of secrecy descended over the whole affair?  What was going on?

Initially, the explanation given by the Clinton Department of Justice through FBI Agent in Charge James Kallstrom, was that they suspected a criminal act, possibly terrorist in nature, and as such had to make sure the legal aspects of the case would not be compromised.  However, it quickly became evident that there was something far more curious going on.

Instead of merely observing and advising the NTSB investigators as they performed their duties , the FBI agents under Kallstrom began acting like “Stormtroopers”, interfering with normal procedures developed over years of aircraft accident investigation experience, and indeed threatening to remove from the investigation any NTSB personnel who voiced objections. Continue reading Look For The Agenda!

American Sonderkommandos?

The men in the photo above are members of what the Nazis called a “Sonderkommando”.  This is German for “Special Unit”.  The Sonderkommandos were also referred to as “Special Workers” and the work they did can only be viewed through the gates of hell itself.

These men were concentration camp inmates, mostly Jewish, who were recruited by the S.S. to do the work even that depraved group found too distasteful to perform themselves.  And what was that work?  Well, it was basically to clean up the mess after the gas chambers had done their awful work.

Prior to entering the gas chambers, which had been disguised as “showers”, the hair of women thought to be useable to make wigs or fill decorative pillows was shaved off, cleaned and dried.  When the doors to those deathtraps had been opened , the Sonderkommandos would go in and remove the corpses, hosing them down to remove the excrement and urine released in their death throes.  Then, they would systematically open the mouths of the victims, extracting any teeth with gold fillings.   Finally, the corpses were taken to the ovens for disposal.  The bones which remained after the partial cremation were then removed and ground up for fertilizer.  That’s what the machine those men are standing by was used for.

But how in God’s name could these men be persuaded to perform these heinous tasks? Initially, they were threatened with death, but later the S.S. found a more efficient method. They bribed them.  The Sonderkommando were housed in their own barracks, they had separate bunks and shower facilities.  To keep them healthy to perform their work, they were given adequate food, medicines, and access to cigarettes and liquor confiscated from arriving inmates.  They were even in some cases allowed to have sexual relations with Jewish women inmates.

The big prize however was the promise that if they efficiently performed their assigned tasks they would be allowed to survive the Holocaust, and be resettled outside the Third Reich after the war was won by Germany and her allies.  That promise, of course, was a lie. Because they were witnesses to all the atrocities committed by the S.S., the vast majority of the Sonderkommando were shot when the allies were about to overrun the camps, and thrown into the ovens with the rest.  Some survived, and testified against those who had pressed them into service.

With what is happening in this country today, I believe there is, at the very least, a parallel  between the Jews in Nazi Germany controlled areas of the 1930s and 40s, and American Caucasians today.  In order to justify persecution against a specific group of people, it is first necessary to vilify them.  European Jews, among the most cultured and educated people  in their various counties, were portrayed as human vermin, people who murdered and drank the blood of Christian babies.   People who, by their very successes in life had deprived others of the ability to succeed themselves.  Regardless of their personal dealings with their fellow countrymen, Jews as a RACE were irredeemable, and must be punished, and indeed finally exterminated.

This hateful ideology is being perpetrated on American society today by the Marxist Left, personified by the Democratic Party, and under the banners of Critical Race Theory.   They are doing it to achieve political dominance, nothing more, nothing less.  They must be stopped before they drag our nation into a tribal conflict from which it will not emerge.

It is a tragic fact that the Jews of Europe could probably have fought back early on and prevented the Holocaust.  Among the six million Jews who ended up being exterminated there had to be at least one to two million men of fighting age, who could have resisted the actions of the relatively small amount of fanatical Nazis who took over Germany starting in the early 1930s. They didn’t.  No one could comprehend what was coming, and by the time they did, with uprisings in the Warsaw Ghetto, Sobibor and elsewhere, it was too late.

The remnants of Jewish freedom fighters were crucial to the formation of the modern Jewish State of Israel, and many of them must be looking at what is happening in their strongest allies country as horrifying.  I agree with what Mark Levin said on his program last night.  We are not looking down into the abyss.  We are there, and it will be extremely difficult to claw our way back out into the sunlight of what our Founding Fathers gave us in the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.   However, we must try and we MUST win, for ourselves, our children and grandchildren, and all the generations of Americans yet to come.

Most of the nations media, along with much of our educational system, and self serving politicians on both sides of the aisle, have become in effect American Sonderkommandos.  They and their motives must be exposed and rooted out before the abyss overwhelms us. There are 75 to 100 million American Conservative voters of all races and creeds who understand exactly what is going on. They simply MUST join together to stop it. Turning Americans against each other to gain political power is an abomination on a scale nearly matching the Holocaust. We can still  prevent it, but we can’t wait a minute longer.

TWA’s “Day of Infamy”

If there is a single event in the seventy-six year, four month and eighteen day history of Trans World Airlines which stands above all others, it must surely be what occurred on July 17, 1996.  On that warm summer evening several violent explosions rocked the 747-100 aircraft being operated as TWA 800, bound from New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport to Charles deGaulle Airport in Paris.  The plane was literally torn apart by the explosions, killing all 230 souls aboard.

That in itself was horrific enough, but it is what happened after the wreckage hit the water off the southern shore of Long Island that makes it into “TWA’s Day of Infamy”.  I have produced a YouTube video of a lecture I have given around the country in many venues over the last few years, titled “The Downing of TWA 800 – What Really Happened”.  If you haven’t seen it, you can click on the following link to be taken to my YouTube channel.

As you can see from that title, along with many other people within the aviation community, I do not adhere to the conclusions expressed by the National Transportation Safety Boards “Probable Cause” report which states that the airplane was destroyed by a spark of unknown origin igniting Jet-A fuel fumes in the Center Section Fuel Tank.  It supposedly generated a low velocity petroleum explosion of sufficient force to detach the front third of the aircraft from the rest of the airframe.

It has been a common belief in dictatorial regimes over time that “If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes accepted as the truth”.  It is my sincere belief that is exactly what happened in the case of the crash of TWA 800.  Certain people in the Clinton Administration feared, rightly or wrongly, that if the truth about the crash became known prior to November 3, 1996, it would seriously jeopardize the chances for President Clinton’s reelection.  So, individuals in several agencies, including the FBI, CIA and Clinton’s DOJ, concocted a scenario which they felt would be accepted as the truth, and indeed was by the vast majority of the media, who refused to examine the very large holes in the government’s suppositions.   Anyone who spoke out against what the government was stating were instantly cast as “Conspiracy Theorists”, and therefore to be dismissed out of hand.

It almost worked.  Clinton was reelected, the NTSB’s deeply flawed “Probable Cause” report was issued, and the “Deep State” actors continued to quash any opposing viewpoints.  It was a done deal.  Old news.  Shut up and go away!  One problem with that objective.

Two Hundred and Thirty people had died an awful death that night.  They might be just unfortunate statistics to the Washington bureaucrats and media lapdogs, but they were human beings, and their loss was extremely hurtful to their friends and families.  That loss could never be expunged by lies and deceit.  So slowly, due to the efforts of a few people, who I discuss in my lecture, the genie began to escape from the bottle the conspirators thought they had buried so deep it could never get out.

The events of the last four years, especially the last eighteen months, have exposed the rot which has become endemic in far too many areas of American government, especially at the Federal level.  People are beginning to realize that in many cases, we simply can’t trust everything from sources which were previously considered unimpeachable.  Cracks in the facades of agencies like the FBI, CIA and NSA,  and the belief in the security and safety of our election processes,  are beginning to arise.

Thankfully, there are those of us, even after a quarter of a century, who are unwilling to let the lies perpetrated during and after the investigation into the crash of TWA 800  be accepted as the truth.  Because we continue to honor the victims of the crash, and demand that truth prevail, TWA’s Day of Infamy will not be swept into the dustbin of history.  Right will finally triumph over the might of an unknown number of corrupt actors.  The only question is when?

Ask the Witnesses!

If there is one unimpeachable witness to the destruction of TWA 800 it has got to be Major Fritz Meyer. The YouTube video attached below is of a 2017 news program concerning the 20th anniversary of the crash. Watch it now. Pay particular attention to Meyer’s description of his interview with the FBI. Then come back and read the rest of this post.

Major Meyer and all the other eyewitnesses were ignored then, and have continued to be ignored to this day. Many of the government agencies which took part in, what only the most naive individuals must realize, is indeed a coverup. These agencies have been exposed over the last few years to be in fact not impartial, but totally agenda driven. The question must be, WHY? Who is being protected by this obvious subterfuge? Is it former President Clinton? Is it individuals high up in the U.S. Military? Unless and until ALL the pertinent data involving the crash is examined, and that includes the eyewitness testimony, the truth will never come out.

Unfortunately, in the “Alice in Wonderland” world that most of the media, and many of our citizens live in, the facts and common sense are irrelevant if they don’t fit their desired scenario. Two Hundred and Thirty people and my former airline died on that warm summer night twenty-five years ago this week. We can only hope that the victims of the crash died an instant, merciful death. However, there is mounting evidence that may not have been the case for all of them. The airline died a slower death, culminating on December 1, 2001.

The lies and deception which have occurred since July 17, 1996 must be exposed, and the corruption excised if the patient, in this case our country, is to survive. We must regain faith in our military leadership, our federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies, and the elected individuals who are supposed to oversee them, and are sworn to protect and defend our Constitution form all enemies, foreign and domestic. Reopening the NTSB investigation into the crash of TWA 800 would be an excellent start in that direction.

James Kallstrom

On July 5, 2021 James Kallstrom passed away. He was probably best known because he was the FBI Agent in Charge when that agency took over the investigation of the crash of TWA 800 from the National Transportation Board investigators on the morning of July 18, 1996.

Although he was undoubtably competent, Kallstrom had what was described by many of the people he came in contact with regarding that matter as an abrasive personality. In fact, many people felt he was a bully.

After the FBI had closed it’s criminal investigation of the matter, and with the blessings of the Clinton Administration appointed Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the NTSB, James Hall and Robert Francis respectively, Kallstrom continued to state that the aircraft had been brought down by an explosion in the center wing tank of the Boeing 747-100. Although the cause of such alleged explosion was undetermined, he was unequivocal in his statements that the aircraft had been brought down by a mechanical malfunction, and not a bomb or missile.

Kallstrom was vicious in his attacks against anyone who felt the evidence showed otherwise. Under his direction, the eyewitness testimony of hundreds of people, many of them very credible, was either disregarded, or even falsified. Whether he did this on his own authority, or at the direction of his superiors at the agency or higher-ups in the Clinton DOJ may never be known. He took that information with him to the grave.

He became the public face of the TWA 800 investigation, and was interviewed by individuals from all the major media outlets, either print, broadcast or cable. His replies to honest questions which seemed to dispute the findings of his agency and the NTSB “Probable Cause” report were answers dripping with sarcasm. It was indeed “His way or the highway”, so to speak

With his passing, perhaps some of his subordinates may be willing to come forth and shed light on the many unanswered questions about the crash and its aftermath that still exist today, nearly twenty-five years later. I dearly hope so.

The 230 victims of the crash and their friends and families deserve a reexamination of all the evidence, not just that which Kallstrom and his team allowed to be discussed, and without threats or harassment, which occurred at the time. In future posts on this site I will examine some of these in detail. I hope that all who seek the truth will encourage others to open their minds to all the possibilities, not just what James Kallstrom and his superiors allowed to be considered.