American Sonderkommandos?

The men in the photo above are members of what the Nazis called a “Sonderkommando”.  This is German for “Special Unit”.  The Sonderkommandos were also referred to as “Special Workers” and the work they did can only be viewed through the gates of hell itself.

These men were concentration camp inmates, mostly Jewish, who were recruited by the S.S. to do the work even that depraved group found too distasteful to perform themselves.  And what was that work?  Well, it was basically to clean up the mess after the gas chambers had done their awful work.

Prior to entering the gas chambers, which had been disguised as “showers”, the hair of women thought to be useable to make wigs or fill decorative pillows was shaved off, cleaned and dried.  When the doors to those deathtraps had been opened , the Sonderkommandos would go in and remove the corpses, hosing them down to remove the excrement and urine released in their death throes.  Then, they would systematically open the mouths of the victims, extracting any teeth with gold fillings.   Finally, the corpses were taken to the ovens for disposal.  The bones which remained after the partial cremation were then removed and ground up for fertilizer.  That’s what the machine those men are standing by was used for.

But how in God’s name could these men be persuaded to perform these heinous tasks? Initially, they were threatened with death, but later the S.S. found a more efficient method. They bribed them.  The Sonderkommando were housed in their own barracks, they had separate bunks and shower facilities.  To keep them healthy to perform their work, they were given adequate food, medicines, and access to cigarettes and liquor confiscated from arriving inmates.  They were even in some cases allowed to have sexual relations with Jewish women inmates.

The big prize however was the promise that if they efficiently performed their assigned tasks they would be allowed to survive the Holocaust, and be resettled outside the Third Reich after the war was won by Germany and her allies.  That promise, of course, was a lie. Because they were witnesses to all the atrocities committed by the S.S., the vast majority of the Sonderkommando were shot when the allies were about to overrun the camps, and thrown into the ovens with the rest.  Some survived, and testified against those who had pressed them into service.

With what is happening in this country today, I believe there is, at the very least, a parallel  between the Jews in Nazi Germany controlled areas of the 1930s and 40s, and American Caucasians today.  In order to justify persecution against a specific group of people, it is first necessary to vilify them.  European Jews, among the most cultured and educated people  in their various counties, were portrayed as human vermin, people who murdered and drank the blood of Christian babies.   People who, by their very successes in life had deprived others of the ability to succeed themselves.  Regardless of their personal dealings with their fellow countrymen, Jews as a RACE were irredeemable, and must be punished, and indeed finally exterminated.

This hateful ideology is being perpetrated on American society today by the Marxist Left, personified by the Democratic Party, and under the banners of Critical Race Theory.   They are doing it to achieve political dominance, nothing more, nothing less.  They must be stopped before they drag our nation into a tribal conflict from which it will not emerge.

It is a tragic fact that the Jews of Europe could probably have fought back early on and prevented the Holocaust.  Among the six million Jews who ended up being exterminated there had to be at least one to two million men of fighting age, who could have resisted the actions of the relatively small amount of fanatical Nazis who took over Germany starting in the early 1930s. They didn’t.  No one could comprehend what was coming, and by the time they did, with uprisings in the Warsaw Ghetto, Sobibor and elsewhere, it was too late.

The remnants of Jewish freedom fighters were crucial to the formation of the modern Jewish State of Israel, and many of them must be looking at what is happening in their strongest allies country as horrifying.  I agree with what Mark Levin said on his program last night.  We are not looking down into the abyss.  We are there, and it will be extremely difficult to claw our way back out into the sunlight of what our Founding Fathers gave us in the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.   However, we must try and we MUST win, for ourselves, our children and grandchildren, and all the generations of Americans yet to come.

Most of the nations media, along with much of our educational system, and self serving politicians on both sides of the aisle, have become in effect American Sonderkommandos.  They and their motives must be exposed and rooted out before the abyss overwhelms us. There are 75 to 100 million American Conservative voters of all races and creeds who understand exactly what is going on. They simply MUST join together to stop it. Turning Americans against each other to gain political power is an abomination on a scale nearly matching the Holocaust. We can still  prevent it, but we can’t wait a minute longer.