Monthly Archives: June 2019

The Most Dangerous Places In America!

It’s happened again.  Another mass shooting.  In a setting eerily similar to several other which come to mind, such as the one at the Washington Naval Yard in 2013 or the one in San Bernardino in 2015.  In one case a disgruntled former employee, in the other a couple of Muslim terrorists, decided they would kill a bunch of their former fellow employees, and in the safest place they could find to do so.  A so-called “Gun Free Zone”.  It will not take long for the anti-Second Amendment groups to begin howling for more gun regulations, but not one of them will acknowledge  the simple truth that indeed, instead of making people safer, gun free zones simply put honest people at greater risk.

If a law was passed tomorrow which demanded that all Americans immediately surrender all their firearms to Federal authorities to be destroyed, as was done in Australia a few years back,  there would still be millions of guns still out there on the streets of our nation.  Most law abiding citizens would comply.  Some, fearing for their own safety and that of their families would not.  So they would instantly become criminals in the eyes of the government and join the ranks of real criminals, crazies and terrorists, who of course don’t obey the rule of law anyway. Continue reading The Most Dangerous Places In America!