Monthly Archives: May 2022

A Tale of Two Fences

These are security fences.  The top one is seven feet high and topped with razor wire,  with thousands of National Guard troops in place behind it.  It was erected to safeguard the Capitol Building and other federal building after the claimed “Insurrection” on January 6, 2021.  On that occasion, the Capitol admittedly sustained some damage, but the only people who died were victims of heart attacks, strokes, a possible asphyxiation after being beaten by Capitol Police and then trampled by the crowd trying to escape their wrath, and an unarmed female Air Force veteran fatally shot by a Capitol Police Lieutenant while climbing through a shattered window.

The lower one surrounds the Uvalde, Texas grade school where nineteen fourth grade students and two teachers were executed by a psychotic teenage boy who had been able to jump over the fence wearing body armor and carrying a rifle and bag of ammunition.  From the looks of it, it can’t be much over four feet high.  There was no armed School Safety Officer present at the school, and when law enforcement did arrive, they apparently made no attempt to save the children and teachers for over an hour, after exchanging a few initial shots with the killer who had barricaded himself and his victims in a school room.

What should be apparent is that the government apparently cares more about the security and safety of politicians and government bureaucrats than it does about the most vulnerable among us.  The Covid lockdowns had a demonstrably negative effect on the general population, but especially on teens and pre-teens.  If they were troubled before that happened, as was evidently the case with the Uvalde shooter, they came out the other end plainly a danger to themselves and others.  Why wasn’t this anticipated and caught before they acted?

I believe there is a simple answer to that. Politicians on both sides of the aisle, but mainly Democrats, were and are more focused on gaining or maintaining political power than they are in doing what’s right for the country.  While they were obsessed with the phony issues of “Russia, Russia, Russia”, or the threat posed by “White Supremacist Insurrectionists”, they were ignoring the real problems and threats this country faces on a day to day basis.

We are beginning to finally realize the dark side of  “Social Media”.  Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok, among others, chose to ban a sitting president and those with conservative viewpoints, while allowing the Iranian Mullahs, Taliban and al Qaeda to spread their hateful lies.  These sites also ignored the posts from individuals who were clearly in need of mental help.  If an algorithm can be developed to curb conservative dialog, one can surely be made to check for key words and phrases which threaten violence and mayhem.  They haven’t been, and we must ask ourselves why? Continue reading A Tale of Two Fences

Uvalde Terror

It has happened again.  A second vicious psychopathic teenager has struck. This time at a grade school in Uvalde, Texas, killing a teacher, another school employee and at least nineteen children. This after apparently attempting  to murder his grandmother.  There may be more deaths to come. He, like the Buffalo, NY shooter was wearing body armor.  Immediately, there will be calls for termination of the Second Amendment and gun confiscation throughout the nation.  This will add madness to the madness.  Before the politicians go off half-cocked, some serious questions must be asked.  Here are a few which come to mind.

Have we learned nothing from all the past tragedies of this type?  Do we not understand that disarming law abiding citizens will do nothing to stop criminals, crazies and terrorists from committing crimes against the general population?  Designating areas as “Gun Free Zones” (and all schools are in that category) just makes them more desirable to those individuals who look for non-threatening places to act out their awful fantasies.

If we can afford to send tens of billions of borrowed dollars to Ukraine, why can we not spend the money required to make our schools hard targets?  The simple expedient of making all entrances to the schools totally secure, only accessible from the outside under carefully controlled conditions is critical.  CCTV cameras and safe zone double doors with bullet proof glass to restrict movement into, but not out of the school should be mandatory.   All schools should have a well trained and armed School Safety Officer present at the main entrance.  All other entrances should remain locked to outsiders while students are entering, exiting or present in the building.

Teachers, should be trained and armed if they desire to be so.  The same for other school employees.  Israel gives us a perfect blueprint of how this can be done.  We don’t have to reinvent the wheel in this matter.

The next question is why can someone who isn’t old enough to buy a beer, be allowed to purchase firearms without adult supervision?  Many young people have been trained at an early age to be respectful and careful with firearms.  There are many programs, such as those taught by the NRA, which provide such training to our youth.  But body armor and Kevlar helmets?  The last I heard, no game animals are shooting back!

Prior to 1994, when the “Assault Weapons Ban” was enacted into law the term “assault weapon” didn’t exist.  Because rifles like the AR-15 semiautomatic rifle resemble fully automatic military weapons, it was assumed by many people they were the same thing.  Of course they aren’t, but the moniker stuck, and many people assume to this day that “AR” means “automatic rifle”. Continue reading Uvalde Terror

Pure Evil!

This is the face of pure evil.  This is not a “White Suprematist”.  This is a very sick person.  Almost everyone around him had to know that.  If  there was ever an individual who should have been on a watch list which would prevent him from being able to purchase a firearm it was surely Payton S. Gendron.  Yet incredibly he wasn’t.


Perhaps because too many resources of the federal government were invested in proving that “systemic racism” and “white supremacists” were a greater threat to this nation than radical Islam and the real terrorist groups that are out there.  Some of those people are coming across our southern border every single day.  When they strike, as they surely will, we will suffer the consequences of allowing the Democrats to seize power and put this countries citizens in peril.

Sending billions of dollars to help the Ukrainians defend their borders against the Russian invasion does nothing to keep Americans safe.  Vladimir Putin has become the boogie man the left is using to scare the American public into giving up our constitutional rights of freedom of speech and the right to bear arms for self protection.  Because an armed population has always been the greatest threat to despotic governments, the first thing they do when they gain power is  take away the guns.

The tragedy of the supermarket massacre in Buffalo, NY should not be ignored, but the mechanisms to prevent it were already there.  As I stated in the first paragraph, Gendron should never have been allowed to legally purchase an AR-15.  Neither should have Nikolas Cruz, the Parkland High School shooter, or several other mass murderers in recent years.  The laws were there on the books, but the officials tasked with enforcing them simply failed to do their duty. Continue reading Pure Evil!

The American Gestapo?

From its inception, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been a problem, and not just to the criminal population.  From its inception in 1935, as the successor to the Bureau of Investigation, founded in 1924, the FBI has frequently acted as though it was above the law of the land, answerable to no one but its founder, J.Edgar Hoover.

Hoover was an extremely complex individual who in his 48 year career as Director of those organizations served under six presidents, from Calvin Coolidge to Richard Nixon.  Secretive, and some would say paranoid, Hoover was found to have kept secret files on numerous politicians, which he used to intimidate and occasionally blackmail those who would dare to oppose his views or tactics. 

Over the years, this draconian approach to law enforcement made him many enemies, none of which he appeared to fear in the least.  If knowledge is indeed power, Hoover had the key to a Pandoras Box which could ruin the careers and lives of a great number of very prominent people, and they knew it.

His distain for other national, state and local law enforcement agencies filtered down to his subordinates who then treated those they dealt with outside the Bureau with a condescending if not dismissive attitude.  As one can imagine, this was resented and led to many confrontations over the years which were dealt with by the iron fist of the FBI leadership.

Unfortunately, this culture, developed during the Hoover years, continued after his death, and many would say continues to this day.  The Latin phrase “Quis custodiet ipsos Custodies?” (Who will guard the guards?) definitely applies here.  As President Trump found out, not only were many members of the FBI not working for him, they were actively plotting to have him deposed.  Continue reading The American Gestapo?

I’m a Terrorist!

Okay, it’s official. I am a terrorist.  I’ve posted my picture above so all you Biden supporters will know what a full blown American terrorist looks like.

I came to this realization this morning when I heard what the POTUS said in a speech yesterday. Quote:

“The MAGA crowd” the “most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history—in recent American history.”

Joe Biden

So, I join with the tens of millions of Americans who had the temerity to vote for Donald Trump in being labeled a “Domestic Terrorist”.  Who knew it would come to this?  Damn! If I didn’t have one artificial knee and the other swollen and bone on bone, I’d grab a pitchfork and a torch and protest in front of the closest Ben & Jerry’s I can find!

Maybe I’ll be joined by other “Terrorists” who believe in secure borders, law and order, freedom of speech, the right to keep and bear arms and all those antiquated concepts contained in our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Perhaps I can persuade the “Birthing Person” I have been married to for the last fifty-two years to join me at the barricade.  She prefers Publix ice cream anyhow.

In the vein of Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous speech, “I have a dream”.   I dream of a day when sanity returns to our national discourse, when we remember what made us the greatest nation the world has ever known.  A day when millions of younger Americans will join in a March on Washington, led by senior citizens using walkers and canes. 

When we get there, we will thank all the lobbyists, politicians and bureaucrats for their service, and respectfully show them the door.  Then we will proceed to remember our roots and indeed”

Make America Great Again!

Is Violence Inevitable?

As the truth about the January 6th demonstration at the Capitol Building is coming to light, some disquieting facts have been exposed.  Possibly the most disturbing of these is manner in which the FBI has been used to intimidate, arrest and incarcerate individuals who are deemed “dangerous” by the Democratic Party in general, and the Biden/Harris administration in particular.

In what has become an all too familiar tactic, FBI “SWAT” teams have arrived, heavily armed with fully automatic weapons, in the early morning hours at the homes of individuals whose only apparent transgression was showing up at the United States Capitol to protest what they justifiably felt was a seriously tainted election process on November 3, 2020.  The First Amendment to our Constitution absolutely grants citizens that right.  So who at the Bureau has allowed this to happen, and why?

Without a shred of proof, these Gestapo like tactics can only be viewed as an attempt to diminish dissent against those currently in power.  People have been held, sometimes in solitary confinement, for well over a year, with no formal charges being  levied against them.  It would appear that the 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th Amendments have been violated by the actions of the Department of Justice and the FBI personnel involved. Continue reading Is Violence Inevitable?