Monthly Archives: September 2018

Threats From Space

One of the worst things the Obama administration did was to withdraw us from the Space Shuttle program. The last shuttle flight was launched on July 8, 2011 and landed at the Kennedy Space Center on July 21, 2011.  Effectively, the decision to end the program turned all near space operations over to the Russians.  All transport of American Astronauts to the International Space Station is at the pleasure of Russia.  Should the Russians decide to withdraw that service, there is currently nothing this country can do about it, and the present  tense state of U.S. – Russian relations, makes that possibility all too probable. Continue reading Threats From Space

Here We Go Again

First, they were called “Deplorable’s” by Hillary Clinton.  Now, Joe Biden has said that at least some of them are the “Dregs of Society”.  Who are these awful people? Conservatives, that’s who.  So, if you don’t buy into what are demonstrably the failed policies of the left, you are not simply wrong headed or misinformed, you are EVIL!

“Progressives” say that they are against the concept of walls, but they have actively built up a wall in their minds against any concept they disagree with.  Progressives came up with the concept of “Political Correctness”, which is used to stifle debate on issues.  If you can’t win a debate by the strength of your argument, you just label opposing views as being bigoted or prejudiced.  Game over.  You win!  But do you?

The person you supposedly vanquished by labeling them as Xenophobes, Homophobes, Islamophobes, etc don’t just throw up their hands and walk away.  Rather, at least some of them redouble their effort to expose your narrow-mindedness. 

As a society we cannot allow the “Tyranny of the Minority” to dominate our culture.  I am not referring to cultural or racial minorities.  I’m talking about the individuals who feel they can impose their beliefs on the society as a whole by simply stating the magic words:  “I’m offended by that”. Continue reading Here We Go Again

Anita Hill Redux

As the latest example of former President Obama’s “Resistance Movement” against the policies and actions of his successor in office unfolds, one must ask how gullible the Democratic Party thinks the American public really are. The answer to that question is becoming abundantly clear. Totally!

Not since the evisceration of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas during their conformation hearings before the Senate have we witnessed such a shameless travesty during a hearing which is supposed to simply determine whether a Presidential nominee to the nation’s highest court has the proper qualifications to serve in the office.  That was exactly the “modus operandi” of the Republicans in the Senate when Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan were nominated to the Court by Barack Obama.  The Democrats however, don’t view their role as one to “Advise and Consent”, but rather to delay and obstruct, any nominee to the Court by a Republican President, particularly the present one. Continue reading Anita Hill Redux

We Have Forgotten 9/11

Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Seven people died in the terrorist attacks on 9/11/01.  I don’t count the nineteen terrorists in that total, because in my opinion their actions on that day removed them from being considered part of the human race.  They were animals, nothing more, nothing less.  Adherents of a cruel and violent ideology which condones such acts against “non-believers”.

One of the tragedies of 9/11 is that it probably could have been avoided if our country had heeded the warnings which preceded the downing of TWA 800 five years earlier. That they weren’t, due to the venal, self serving actions of a small cadre of politicians, aided by various arms of government, is a disgrace and a blot on our nations history. Continue reading We Have Forgotten 9/11

Obama, Ver. 2.0?

Former President Barack Obama stated in a speech yesterday that Republicans, led by President Trump, are divisive, appealing to “tribal fear and anger, pitting one group against another”.  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black (and that’s an old saying, not a racial slur or “dog whistle”).

Please pardon me if you are offended by mild profanity, but what the hell has happened to the Democratic Party since the “Anointed One” was elected in 2008?  The Obama administration was ALL about pitting one group or class of Americans against each other. Acording to his first Attorney General, Eric Holder, where race relations were concerned, we were “basically a nation of cowards”.  Later, we were told  that we were also Xenophobes, Homophobes, or Islamophobes if we didn’t agree with all Obama’s policies.  The latest example of the Democratic Party’s  descent into a self perpetuated hell is the Senate Judiciary Committees Supreme Court confirmation hearing for Judge Kavanaugh.

The shocking raucous display of protesters in the hearing audience is reminiscent of scenes of  the “Antifa” thugs trashing cars and breaking windows while “protesting” the appearance of conservative speakers at colleges and universities.

Not to be upstaged by the gallery, the Democrats on the committee spent much of the first day of the hearing trying to have it suspended altogether.  Then, they kept demanding more and more documents for review, although they had already been provided more documents than were demanded from the previous five Supreme Court nominees…… combined.

The Democrats stated policy of “Resistance” to the Trump Administration was constantly on display at the hearing. It soon became apparent that some of the Democrat Senators were using the forum as a platform to enhance their ability to become the 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee. Continue reading Obama, Ver. 2.0?