We Have Forgotten 9/11

Two Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Seven people died in the terrorist attacks on 9/11/01.  I don’t count the nineteen terrorists in that total, because in my opinion their actions on that day removed them from being considered part of the human race.  They were animals, nothing more, nothing less.  Adherents of a cruel and violent ideology which condones such acts against “non-believers”.

One of the tragedies of 9/11 is that it probably could have been avoided if our country had heeded the warnings which preceded the downing of TWA 800 five years earlier. That they weren’t, due to the venal, self serving actions of a small cadre of politicians, aided by various arms of government, is a disgrace and a blot on our nations history.

In the near future, I hope to post a YouTube video of the lecture entitled “The Downing of TWA 800” which I have presented to various audiences.  I will advise by this blog when it is available. I hope you will then share it with friends and acquaintances.

It is apparent that too many Americans have forgotten about the lessons of 9/11, and the victims on that terrible day.  The terrorists who wish us harm have not.  As I write this, they are plotting far more terrible attacks if they think they can pull them off.

God help this country and it’s citizens if they succeed.