Monthly Archives: October 2020

It’s “Walter”!

As I’ve watched Joe Biden in the few times where he’s come out of his basement and campaigned in the last few months, particularly in the closing days of the race, something has been nagging at the back of my brain.  Who does he look like, with the squinty eyes and the downturned mouth as he lectures us about the terrible things Donald Trump has done, and the ”Dark Winter” we’re about to experience? 

Well I finally figured it out.  He’s a dead ringer for “Walter” the curmudgeon puppet used by comedian/ventriloquist Jeff Durham.

As we watch this Presidential contest come to an end, we are assured by the majority of the pollsters, and virtually all of main stream media, that it’s a done deal. Biden is going to win. Joe is going to be our forty-sixth President. 

Instead of looking forward to a reopening of our economy, our children returning to a normal five day school week, and the end of the Chinese pandemic, as an effective vaccine is produced under “Operation Warp Speed”, there will be another outcome.

We will go into a national lockdown, millions more will again lose their jobs, children will stay home after their schools are closed, and the government will take more and more control over our daily lives.

We will become a Socialist country.  Our medical system will be devastated, our borders will be thrown open, and millions of illegals will flood in to further depress the wages of American workers who have managed to keep a job instead of seeing it disappear as the jobs are shipped overseas to China and elsewhere.  The American Dream will be crushed.  Maybe so, but maybe not. Continue reading It’s “Walter”!

I Voted. Ver. 2.0

On November 8, 2016 I posted a piece on this website entitled “I Voted….”.  It described the process my wife and I went through to vote in the 2016 Presidential election.  We both cast our ballots for Donald Trump at that time, although he wasn’t our first choice, and we were pretty sure, from all the polling data we were hearing, that Hillary Clinton would win.  Obviously, she didn’t.  God was looking after our country on November 3rd of that year, and He knows who the Clintons really are, and what they represent.

Now, four years later, we are about to either reelect Trump for another term, or replace him with Joe Biden, probably one of the most egregious examples of a “Swamp” dwelling politician that exists in this country.  It’s not just that Biden is old and trending towards senility, forgetting names, places, etc.  He’s my age, and I have my own “senior moments”.  The problem with Joe Biden, in my mind, is that he is a career politician who has basically lied his way through a forty-seven year political career, enriching himself and his family in the process.

He can look into the television camera lens and say he had no conversations with his son Hunter Biden about Hunter’s international business dealings.  It’s kind of like “I did not have sex with that woman…..”.  Remember that one?  Bill Clinton was lying through his teeth, but the national media, and his other supporters, let him get away with it.   He joined the pantheon of former United States Presidents, instead of being thrown out in disgrace.  Fortunately, that likability based forgiveness did not extend to his spouse, who revealed herself to be a totally arrogant and untrustworthy individual on a regular basis throughout her political career. Continue reading I Voted. Ver. 2.0

Obama Enters The Fray

Every time I think that Barack and Michelle Obama can’t go any lower they prove me wrong.  Unfortunately their supporters still ignore the blatant racism in Obama’s personality and that of the former First Lady as well.  Her recent campaign ad for Joe Biden once again played the race card.  Many times in fact.  Now, less than two weeks prior to the election, Obama himself has begun campaigning for his former VP. 

It’s the same old stuff, delivered in the same haughty monotone.  “Listen, peasants, The Anointed One is addressing you from on high!  You whites are all racist and must atone for your sins by kissing my feet (or other body part) until I tell you to stop.”  Michelle tells us that a black person can never succeed in Trump’s America.  The fact that concept flies in the face of reality be damned.  I said it, therefore it is true, they say.

Meanwhile, the Democrats in the Senate are engaging in a “Sit Out”, refusing to attend the hearing yesterday concerning the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Chuck Schumer and the rest of the leftest Democrats will instead have a photo op news conference on the Capitol steps, denouncing the nomination.

The Democrats aren’t even trying to pretend they seek bi-partisan reconciliation.  They will do anything to win, and then do whatever is necessary to see to it that they remain in power forever.  If that means packing the Supreme Court with liberal justices and changing the rules of the House and Senate, or adding States to the Union, so be it.   It is for the greater good in their minds.

Now, Chief Justice Roberts has once again taken the side of the leftist Justices and voted to allow a ruling by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court which extends the date which mail in ballots can be received and counted by three days.  This virtually assures that there will not be a winner announced on election day, and opens the door to more such rulings in other Democrat controlled states.

The Democrats and their allies in the media are determined to win at any cost, fair or foul. If they succeed in stealing the election, it will create a situation where those on the right will have to make a choice between subjugation or liberty.  The liberals are opposed to gun ownership, so who has the guns?  You guessed it, the Rascally Republicans, and all those racist, bigoted law enforcement personnel who the left want fired or defunded.  Who do you think will win the conflict the left is begging for?  Hint: It won’t be Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs, that’s for sure.

My Great Conundrum

The latest revelations about Hunter Biden are disturbing, but not unexpected.  For a very long time powerful Democrat family dynasties have been tainted by illegal activities and corruption.

The Kennedys made their money as rum runners and bootleggers during the Great Depression. 

The Clintons are infamous for the shady activities of the Clinton Foundation as well as the suspicious deaths which seem to occur to those who pose a threat to their activities. 

The Obamas rose from obscurity to great wealth and political power in only a few years, while successfully hiding virtually all aspects of their personal lives from public scrutiny.

Harry Truman famously stated: “The only way you can make money as a politician is if you are a crook!”  He didn’t and was proud of that fact. Continue reading My Great Conundrum

My Gadsden Flag

I recently purchased a “Gadsden Flag”, shown above, which I plan to display on the front of our house on the days I don’t display the Stars and Stripes.  To some, this might seem to be a sign of aggressive behavior, and as such “offensive”.  To them, I can only say that they had better study our history a bit more before coming to that conclusion.

The Gadsden flag is a historical American flag with a yellow field depicting a timber rattlesnake coiled and ready to strike.  Beneath the rattlesnake resting on grass are the words: “Don’t Tread on Me”.  The flag is named after American general and politician Christopher Gadsden (1724–1805), who designed it in 1775 during the American Revolution.  It was used by the Continental Marines as an early motto flag. 

In recent times it has resurfaced as a symbol for people who believe in limited government intrusion into our daily lives, such as the Tea Party movement.  I count myself among that group.  Although I was never a formal member, I believe in our Constitution, and I feel that is exactly what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they crafted that document at the birth of our nation.

Continue reading My Gadsden Flag


As we face the upcoming election, it is instructive to ponder some quotes from Democrat politicians

“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period.”

Barack Obama 

“If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan. Period

Barack Obama

“Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase.”

Barack Obama 

Candidate Barack Obama in 2008 repeatedly claimed that his health care plan would save families up to $2,500 per year on their premiums.

“But we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy”.

Nancy Pelosi

Were ANY  of these statement true?  Only the last one. That last quote, from Nancy Pelosi, is one of the most outrageous comments uttered by any politician in recorded history, yet it was swallowed whole by the media, all Democrats, some Independents, and even a few Republicans.  Mind boggling!  Can you imagine going to a car dealership and being told that they won’t tell you the price of the car you’re considering buying until you have signed the purchase agreement?

Continue reading Period!