My Great Conundrum

The latest revelations about Hunter Biden are disturbing, but not unexpected.  For a very long time powerful Democrat family dynasties have been tainted by illegal activities and corruption.

The Kennedys made their money as rum runners and bootleggers during the Great Depression. 

The Clintons are infamous for the shady activities of the Clinton Foundation as well as the suspicious deaths which seem to occur to those who pose a threat to their activities. 

The Obamas rose from obscurity to great wealth and political power in only a few years, while successfully hiding virtually all aspects of their personal lives from public scrutiny.

Harry Truman famously stated: “The only way you can make money as a politician is if you are a crook!”  He didn’t and was proud of that fact.

This is not to say that Republican politicians are saints either, but thanks to dogged investigative reporting by the national media, their peccadilloes, large and small, are exposed on a regular basis, where those of the Democrats are ignored.

Democrats are the party which supported slavery in the 19th century.  They seceded from the Union, and so brought on the Civil War.  When defeated, they formed the KKK to terrorize their opponents, particularly the freed slaves in the south.  They instituted the “Jim Crow” laws which effectively denied civil rights to blacks and other minorities.  They vehemently fought against passage of civil rights legislation in the 1960s, staging the longest filibuster in Senate history against its passage.

So why do fifty percent of Americans still support the Democrats, while vilifying the Republicans as bigots and racists?  Why do otherwise rational people continue to condone behavior on the part of their favorite politicians that they would not accept from friends or family?  If someone can enlighten me on that subject, I would greatly appreciate it.  Until that occurs, it will remain a conundrum which is beyond my ability to understand.  What I am absolutely sure of is that they are helping to destroy this great nation in the process.