Friendly Fire Isn’t!

There is an old saying in the military. “Friendly Fire Isn’t”.

Pity the poor bastards watching “short rounds” from their own artillery falling closer and closer to their foxholes. It happens, and far more often than people realize. That concept can be expanded to what is happening currently in our country. I can’t imagine anything more tragic than a group of Americans being killed by a weapon we manufactured and supplied to former allies. As I said in a recent post, that is a distinct possibility in the not too distant future. 

Attacks on electrical substations in Oregon, Washington and North Carolina in the last few weeks bring another serious threat to the nation to the forefront. It has been know for years that our electrical “grid” is extremely vulnerable to natural events such as solar flares, hurricanes and even snow storms, as well as physical assaults on sub-stations. Incredibly, the focus of the Biden government seems to be that these incidents may be the work of “Domestic Terrorists” (to them, that’s anyone who disagrees with the Democratic Party). To me, the threats are far more likely to be the work of international groups sworn to destroy our nation at any cost. The Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and the Iranian Mullahs for example.

Any one of those groups are dedicated to our destruction after all, so It would be foolish to ignore them while we search for right wing bogeymen at home. You know, the MAGA hat wearing, sign waving thugs who verbally attack school board members at their meetings. Obviously, they are capable of anything, even taking down our electrical power grid in their angst. These are the folks the full force of the Biden DOJ areisn get trashed in the process, who cares. Hell, it was written by a bunch of rich old white slave owners, right? It needs to be rewritten to match the needs of the 21st Century. It doesn’t even mention Transgenders and Double Latte Machiatos for God’s sake!

So, the Lefty Lemmings aren’t just satisfied to jump off the cliff by themselves, they demand that we all join them in their suicidal leap of faith. Well guess what buttercups? We’re not coming along, and when you hit that freezing water we’re not going to toss you a life preserver either. You’re on your own.

Because of their basic goodness and tolerance, they American people have looked the other way while you destroyed the “American Dream” with your concepts of “Political Correctness” and “Equity”. We let you chant “Black Lives Matter” while you looted and burned our cities, destroying the lives and livelihoods of many of your fellow black Americans in the process. By pushing the concepts of “Reparations” and “Climate Change” you are driving us apart and destroying our economy in the process.

The promise of America, the thing that still makes people from all over the world move heaven and earth to LEGALLY come to this country and earn their citizenship is the concept of “equality”. That you can come here with nothing, and with hard work and perseverance become anything you choose. The flood of people who are surging across our southern border are well aware that they are breaking our laws in the process. They are taking advantage of a weak and corrupt administration to cut to the front of the line of people who have waited years to get here in the proper way. Americans don’t like that. Try that on Black Friday at you local Walmart and see what happens.

I have proven to myself many times over the year that I am no genius when it comes to prognostication. However, I can predict one thing with absolute certainty. Things will not continue down the “Woke” path that the Democrats (and some Republicans) have been taking us since Barack Obama was elected on the basis of false promises in 2008. 

Aided by misguided corporate policies and intimidated by an out of control federal bureaucracy, we allowed what has been proven to be basically a bad flu season, except to a relatively small portion of the American population, to destroy our economy, savage our school children’s mental health and scholastic/social development, and push us toward a socialist dictatorship where election fraud goes unchallenged.

Could you have imagined, even tens years ago, state governments passing laws stating that shoplifting anything less than $1000 per store is a misdemeanor, which won’t be prosecuted? That insanity has led to scenes of gangs of youths in hoodies and covid face masks blatantly robing Apple stores, etc, while Apple employees tell paying customers not to interfere.

What is coming is not going to be pretty. Citizens are going to begin to fight back, and it won’t just be with words and symbols of their discontent. Leaders will arise, and I hope to God our County Sheriffs will be in the forefront, to prevent the abuses the present administration will continue to heap upon us. As the left has aptly demonstrated, laws mean nothing if they aren’t enforced. You can rape, burn, pillage and plunder if no one is there to stop you, or indeed is looking the other way.

It may turn into a race war. I truly hope it doesn’t. However, if it comes to that, who do you think will win? Look at the demographic figures. Yes, in big cities, mostly Democrat controlled, minorities outnumber caucasians. But even there, a significant part don’t support the radicals among them. They just want a safe place to live and raise their families. The Black Lives Matter riots destroyed more black neighborhoods and businesses than white. The gangs control much of the ghettos and barrios, but even there, honest citizens are arming themselves for self defense.

Abraham Lincoln said that we will never be defeated by a foreign invader. We can only destroy ourselves from within. That is as true today as when he said it in a speech in 1838 in Springfield, IL. He was prescient. It nearly happened twenty-four years later when the Southern states seceded from the Union and the Civil War began. We move closer to that scenario every day, pushed by people who hate America and what it stands for, no matter how indignantly they protest that isn’t true.

Strangely, the second Civil War, if it occurs, may once again start in the South. Except for a few large cities, again mostly controlled by Democrats, the South is generally dominated by religious conservatives, many of very modest means, but staunchly patriotic. I have never seen as many American flags flown from large homes and single-wide trailers, as when we moved to South Carolina. Many of these people are proud veterans as well, with the flags of their various military services flown proudly below “Old Glory”.

True American Patriots must be prepared to save this nation for future generations, as our forefathers did for us. Otherwise we will be destroyed by “Friendly Fire”, which as always, Isn’t.