Monthly Archives: November 2016

It’s just not right!

hqdefaultSomewhere along the way, Americans have missed something.  Many of us spend way too much time worrying about, and demanding our “rights”, and none at all pondering our responsibilities.  The left, mainly represented by the Democratic Party, has been the moving force in this phenomena.  It is typical that our current president (I don’t like even saying his name anymore) is blaming a large portion of what became a Republican landslide in this election on the fact that Fox News is on the television in many bars and restaurants out there in “Flyover Country”.  Yes, including the “Rust Belt” where jobs have been disappearing at an alarming rate because of his policies, and that of the Clinton administration in the 1990’s.

For the first time in their lives, many supposedly staunchly Democrat union members crossed over and voted Republican .  Why is that do you suppose?  Did they finally connect the dots and figure out that the Democrats, and the union leadership which supports them were lying to the union membership?  I was a union member for nearly 36 years, and a union officer for nearly ten of those.  My union, the Air Line Pilot’s Association or “ALPA” fell under the spell of the Democrats, and my airline, TWA, was destroyed because of the actions which ALPA, and it’s Democrat allies in Congress took when corporate raider Carl Icahn bought the airline in 1986.  But that’s a story for a future series of posts on this blog.

Continue reading It’s just not right!

The Truth.

bada7e7a65e1371d06ccf7977e864196-620x417There comes a time, unless you have been totally brainwashed to filter out all evidence to the contrary, you must accept the truth about an issue. For Americans, that time is now.  The issue is whether the faith of Islam can ever be compatible with life in a non-Muslim, western country.  I believe that the answer is a resounding NO!

Although there are those who believe that if we just show Muslims that we are their friends, somehow the violence will stop.  It won’t, and indeed it can’t, if a devout Muslim follows the teachings of Muhammad and the Quran.  There can be no deviation from those teachings.  There is no “reformed” version of that religion as exists in Judaism and Christianity.  One is either a true believer, an apostate or an infidel.  What may appear as continual shades of gray to others is starkly black and white to a Muslim.

Indeed, there are many supposedly ”moderate” Muslims who we see and hear on the broadcast media and read in print or online.  In point of fact, they are simply regarded as apostate by hundreds of millions of Muslims worldwide.   Many non-Catholic Christians were burned at the stake well before the rise of Islam in the seventh century.  However, Islam took intolerance to a new level.  Non-Believers could be burned, crucified, mutilated  or beheaded, and were.

Continue reading The Truth.

She’s Baaaack!

hillary-clinton-laughingHillary Clinton, who expressed outrage and indignation when Donald Trump indicated during the debates that he might not accept the results on election night, is back.  Her campaign has agreed to help in recount efforts of fourth place Green Party candidate Jill Stein in three of the formerly “blue” states which went for the Republican candidate on November 8th.

So, as in 2000, when the Florida recount efforts of Al Gore caused a significant delay in the efforts of George W. Bush to assemble his administration team, we have a country in turmoil.  You may recall that there was something like a three month delay in finalizing the details of the new administration on that occasion.  Did that delay contribute to the failure to detect the plot and stop the events of September 11, 2001?  Many people in the know are convinced that is the case.

Continue reading She’s Baaaack!

The King is Dead. Long live?

fidel-castro-smFidel Castro is dead.  The brutal Cuban communist regime under his brother Raul remains.  What does all this mean to us as Americans?   To answer that, we must first look back in time.

In the closing days of 1958, Cuban rebels, supported by the U.S.S.R., were on the verge of overthrowing the government of then ruler Fulgencio Batista, who was hated by many for his corruption and suppression of his political enemies.  By New Year’s Day 1959 Cuba was theirs.  In the heady days of  “freedom” that followed, it quickly became evident that the Cuban people had just exchanged one dictator for another, who was far more malevolent in his goals.  It was Saul Alinsky’s vision of  “redistribution of wealth” taken to it’s brutal extreme.  You either agreed with and supported Castro or you lost everything.  Nearly 58 years later, the average Cuban citizen has an income equaling $26.00 per month.  They are driving 1950’s vintage automobiles, and feel grateful when the government provides them with a new rice cooker, even though they have little rice to cook in it.  Castro’s rule has succeeded in transforming one of the richest Caribbean countries into one of the poorest.

During the period since he took power, the Cuban government has attempted to spread their brand of communism to much of Latin America and even to Africa, with their Angolan adventure.  Venezuela’s economy has been destroyed, and countries like Nicaragua and Peru have been savaged by civil war or rebellion by communist groups encouraged and supported by Cuba.  Hundreds of thousands of people have been murdered, imprisoned or displaced because of his revolution.

Continue reading The King is Dead. Long live?

Them and Us?

8bc7740d49be329bf45d1786f54d42cfOne of the most cancerous things that was allowed to come into existence in the last century has continued it’s relentless march into the current one.  Namely, the “Them and Us” mentality of the federal government and it’s bureaucracy towards the average citizen.  Some great thinker at the beginning of our nation made the statement that: “Congress will never vote a rod against itself”.  In other words, the congress would never pass onerous legislation because as fellow citizens, they would be equally affected.  They didn’t, they just conveniently exempted themselves, and frequently their staff, from all the bad stuff.

Examples, you say?  Well how about the fact that the Congress has it’s own retirement plan, and all federal employees have another.  They don’t pay into the Social Security System, and as such are immune to the crisis which developed after Lyndon Johnson stripped the “Social Security Lockbox”, and put all that money into the general fund to pay for the Vietnam War.  The “IOU’s” which went into the system are as good as the ability of the government to repay them, which is questionable with the national debt at 20 Trillion and rising.  Isn’t it funny that the Republicans are always the ones accused of “Messing with Social Security”, when in fact it was a Democrat president who allowed the plan to be put at such severe risk in the first place.

Don’t misunderstand me, the Republicans are just as guilty of protecting themselves when elected.  Under all administrations in the past 50 years, Congress has voted itself significant pay raises while those who paid the taxes to fund those raises were left out in the cold. There is a chance, maybe a small chance, but a chance none the less, that President Trump will actually succeed in “Draining the Swamp”.  One thing is for sure.  He won’t be able to do it without the help and support of the American taxpayer.

Continue reading Them and Us?

A Thanksgiving Wish

norman-rockwell-thanksgiving-thanksgiving-2927689-375-479I’m going to get this over a day early.  I know we all are being bombarded with advice about how to behave at the Thanksgiving table.  NO POLITICS, we are told.  I basically agree.  However, if your family is deeply divided as to their political leanings, the issue will still be there in the room like the proverbial 900 pound gorilla.

Maybe the way to address this is to send an e-mail today to those who you know are on the opposite side politically.  Tell them you respect their opinions, but don’t want your differences to spoil the joy of being with friends and family over the holiday season.  Remind them of all our service personnel who are a world away from those they love.  Ask that their thoughts and prayers be for them and all those who are not as fortunate as themselves.

We all have a great task ahead of us.  It’s more than making America great again.  It’s about making America proud, safe and whole again.  We all have a great deal to be thankful for. We live in the greatest country on the planet.  Enough of the complaining and whining.  Roll up your sleeves and get started!  Oh, and please pass the turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving!


green-berets-john-wayneThere was a time when Hollywood produced real “American Idols”.  Men and women who typified the ideals of an America that their ancestors, and millions of people around the world looked up to and aspired to be.  Beginning in the 1960’s, things began to change.  Perhaps because of the unpopularity of the Vietnam War.  The “hero” rolls of John Wayne in “The Green Berets” and “perfect mom” rolls of women like Donna Reed were replaced by Dustin Hoffman In a dress as “Tootsie” and a smiling Jane Fonda sitting on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun in Hanoi.  Hollywood had turned hard left, probably never to return.

During this election cycle entertainment personalities were used to attract crowds to rallies for Hillary Clinton.  They said things that were crude and racist about an individual who they accused of being crude and racist.  They believe, I suppose, that minorities can’t be racists themselves.  Well guess what?  They can, and frequently are.  I won’t bother you with a dictionary definition of the word “racist”, but like a judge said when asked to define the term “pornography”: “I know it when I see it”.

The last eight years have promoted not inclusion but division.  People who were previously “colorblind” when it came to racial relations have reevaluated their position.  One cannot always turn the other cheek when demeaned and insulted by those who feel empowered by circumstances.  In this case that circumstance is the presence of the first minority president and the large number of minorities in his administration.   The country has not, as promised by Barak Obama’s lofty rhetoric in 2008, become a “post racial society”. Unfortunately, the exact opposite has happened.

Continue reading Hollyweird?

Lower your standards?

rtr3z3p91414524970An old joke about Marine Aviators goes: Question? “What do you do if the girls in the bar at closing time don’t live up to your standards?”  Answer “Lower your standards!”

It appears that this advice now applies to the hiring of law enforcement officers.  The Obama DOJ has just demanded that the countries 18,000 law enforcement agencies change their screening procedures when hiring new officers.  The suggestion is that criminal records and drug use not be disqualifying for minority applicants, particularly African-Americans.  They also state that standards for the written tests should be lowered for this group because they have “been shown to have an adverse impact on racial minority candidates.”

Is this part of the “Post Racial Society” that Obama promised when he was running for election in 2008?  This suggestion from Loretta Lynch and company should be considered insulting to the very individuals  which she seeks to elevate.  Is she inferring that there are so few residents of minority communities without criminal or drug use backgrounds that such things must be ignored?  Can any other conclusion be considered?  Rather than looking to racially divisive white groups when ranting against discrimination, I would suggest Ms. Lynch simply look in the mirror to find the culprit.  She should be ashamed of herself, and the African-American community should hold her to account.

Number one with a gun?

springfield_armory_xdWhen I was a journalism major in college I had a professor who stood up in front of the assembled students in the lecture hall one morning and made this statement: :  “Good writing is clear thinking made visible”.  Ponder that thought for a minute.  We could transfer that concept to almost every aspect of communication.  If the reporter can mentally clearly define a point of view, they should be able to transmit that thought to others.  The problems arise when the methodology used to arrive at the aforesaid conclusion is faulty.

In January of 2015, Bill Whittle did a video on his series “The Firewall” which was entitled “Number one with a bullet”.  You can still view it on YouTube, and it’s very worth watching. Basically, the video explains that although the United States has more guns per 100 people than any other nation in the world, It actually has a murder rate which isn’t even in the top half of all the countries listed.  Furthermore, if you removed something like 11 Democrat controlled cities, (most with very strict gun control laws) from the statistics, The United States would actually rank very near the bottom.

So, as Whittle points out, maybe it isn’t the number of guns present in a population, it’s who are using them.  I would suggest that you check up on your local crime statistics.  They are readily available from law enforcement agencies, and frequently list the names and mug shots of those individuals arrested for various crimes.  Those mug shots tell a very interesting story.  I’ll leave it to you to read and digest it.

Just remember. The Second Amendment to our Constitution grants you the right to “Keep and bear arms” for self defense.  Although some states and communities have passed laws to restrict those rights, irrefutable evidence indicates that those locations are no safer, and in fact are frequently much more dangerous, than places which allow responsible individuals to be allowed to protect themselves from the predators shown in those mug shots.  As the saying goes: “Forewarned is forearmed”.  You can’t talk a criminal out of committing a violent crime.  No matter how much a liberal believes that you can.  So, I hope we remain (responsibly, of course) “Number one with a gun”.

A Birthday Wish

birthday-1564080__340Somehow, I have managed to survive 74 years on this earth as of today.  As is the case with most “Ancient Bird-men”,  I’ve survived more than a few scrapes when that seemed unlikely at the time.  The old saying that: “There are old pilots and bold pilots, but no old, bold pilots” certainly applies to my long flying career.  You survive by learning what not to do and where not to go.  My credo has always been: ”When in doubt, don’t”.  Your subconscious is trying to tell you something, and you’d best listen.

Anyway, on to my birthday wish.  My daughter Megan is a Flight Attendant with a major airline.  My hope and wish is that all the pilots she flies with will dedicate themselves to maintaining (or in some cases re-acquiring) the stick and rudder skills they learned when in primary flight school.  There is absolutely nothing in aviation which is so important as maintaining situational awareness.  When pilots allow themselves to be lulled into a false sense of security by the automation of modern “glass cockpit” aircraft they put themselves, and their crew and passengers, in great danger.  Autopilots and flight management systems are wonderful tools, but they don’t have the survival instinct which is so vital to safely when operating a modern jet aircraft in an extremely complex environment.

So Captains, as best you can please hand fly the airplane on every phase of the flight, except cruise, on a regular basis.  At least once on every trip.  Require your co-pilots to do likewise.  It might be slightly less fuel efficient, but it will continually hone the flying skills which may save the lives of everyone on board some dark and stormy night.

Thanks, and keep the blue side up! (That’s pilot talk. They’ll know what I mean).