Monthly Archives: January 2017

How Much Blood?

During the Obama administration the left, including most of the mainstream media, virtually always looked the other way when our first minority president (small “p” intended) sliced, diced and shredded the Constitution with his “pen and phone” when it didn’t suit his radical agenda.  What he was doing was for “The Greater Good”, at least in his view.  But where did that leave the other half of the country, who didn’t support him?  You know, the folks out there in flyover country, desperately clinging to their guns, bibles and “outdated” Constitution.  Quick answer: Up the proverbial creek without a paddle!  As the Democrats were fond of reminding us, “elections matter”.  They won!  Get over it.

Only problem with that concept is that the pendulum inevitably swings back the other way.  All those reliable blue collar Democratic voters in the so-called “Rust Belt” (part of flyover country, by the way) finally had enough.  Their jobs were disappearing, and their basic values were being trashed by a social elite who had absolutely nothing in common with them.  Then, the ultimate horror for the Democrats.  They lost!  Big time!  A man who they considered a joke was now our President!  As the shock wore off, they did what their political symbol is famous for, they dug in their heels and symbolically sat down.  Delay, if not deny Trump’s cabinet picks.  Denigrate and humiliate the President and his administration at every opportunity.

Continue reading How Much Blood?

Constitutional Rights?

We are being bludgeoned by the views of those who seem to believe that our Constitution grants access to the United States to anyone who desires to come here, at any time, and from anywhere.  No discussion.  They are right.  Anyone who disagrees with them are wrong.  End of story.  Oh really?

Perhaps the people who believe this could cite the section of our Constitution which grants these “rights” to non-citizens.  They can’t, because they are not there.

The First Amendment to our Constitution reads:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Continue reading Constitutional Rights?

The “Great Wall” versus The Wall.

During the recent Presidential campaign, the supporters of Donald Trump frequently chanted “BUILD THE WALL”!  One of the key promises of then candidate Trump was to build a “Great Wall” along our southern border in order to stem the tide of illegal immigration, potential terrorists and drugs which have flowed across that border largely unimpeded for too many years.  With the notable exception of Democrat politicians who live in and represent so-called “sanctuary cities”, most Americans have figured out that this task must  be accomplished.

In a typical example of the left’s disinformation campaigns, Trump’s proposed “Great Wall” is being compared with the “Great Wall of China”.  Dissenters point out that the wall (which actually consists of a series of walls, built over many centuries) failed in it’s mission of keeping the invading hordes from Mongolia and elsewhere from attacking the Chinese people.  That is partially true, but still immaterial to the issue at hand.  In fact, the Chinese wall drastically slowed the pace of the numerous barbarian invasions, and virtually eliminated the threats from roving bands of bandits and minor warlords, who had preyed on the Chinese border populations for centuries.

Continue reading The “Great Wall” versus The Wall.

Torture, or Common Sense?

President Donald Trump has stated that it is his obligation to protect and defend the citizens of the United States, and he would consider re-authorizing so-called “enhanced interrogation” techniques (aka: “waterboarding”).  The howls from the left have already started.  Allowing “torture”, they say, is against all concepts of American law and the American way of life.  Agreed, but first we must consider what constitutes “torture”.  The picture at left shows a Jordanian Air Force pilot being burned alive in a cage after being captured by members of ISIS.  That, my friends is torture.  Having your head sawed off by a butcher knife, being drowned in a cage with your hands tied behind your back, being crucified.  All those things are obviously examples of torture.  But having water poured onto a towel which covers your face to simulate drowning?  Not so much, as uncomfortable as that may be.

We as a country are engaged in a war.  It isn’t the classic form of war, a declared conflict between two or more combatant states, but rather a conflict between ideologies.  Although the ideology of communism is still alive and well, as practiced in varying degrees by China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and a few other nations, it is the ideology of Islam that is our greatest menace.

Continue reading Torture, or Common Sense?

Obama, Man of Mystery.

I was watching the morning news the day after Donald Trump was sworn in as our 45th President, and I nearly choked on my morning coffee when I heard a news commentator say:  “Because he hasn’t had a track record in politics, we probably know less about this president that the 44 who preceded him in office.”  WHAT?  Have they already forgotten the 44th POTUS?  Barack Hussein Obama could truly be called “The International Man of Mystery”.  Prior to his coming onto the national stage because of his keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, he had served three terms in the Illinois State Senate.  He then served a partial term as United States Senator from that state before being elected to the Presidency in 2008.   His most notable political achievement was that he voted “Present” on a very large number of recorded votes.  Best not offend either side on issues, prior to reaching for the stars, I suppose.  But what about his life before politics?

Continue reading Obama, Man of Mystery.

A New Day………..

Yesterday, in what only can be described as a short, concise, but historic speech, Donald Trump spoke to the American people for the first time as their President.  Listening to the news coverage of that event shows us how great the divide is between the national media and the people.  With the exception of Fox News, the coverage is almost universally negative.  As Gomer Pyle used to say: “Surprise, surprise!”

The main stream media, from the New York Times to CNN,  ABC, CBS and NBC called the speech dark, grim and threatening.  As usual, they entirely missed the point.  Trump didn’t speak in the soothing terms of a politically correct politician, patting us on the head and telling us it’s going to be all right.  His speech had more in common with Winston Churchill’s famous speech before the British House of Commons on May 13, 1940.  At that time, the German army had totally shattered the French and British forces arrayed against them.  The allied forces were trapped in a tiny pocket surrounding the small port of Dunkerque in northern France awaiting annihilation.  Churchill said:  “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.”  A few weeks later, the famous “Miracle of Dunkerque” occurred, and the majority of the British and French troops were evacuated back to England to form the nucleus of a force which would help to liberate Europe in 1945.

Continue reading A New Day………..

Love or Hate?

For a very long time the Democrats (and not all Democrats are leftists) have said that they are the party of tolerance and love, and the Republicans (and not all Republicans are conservatives) are the party of bigotry and hate.  Let’s examine that proposition by looking at a few key issues.

With regards to race relations.  The Republican party was founded on the principles that slavery was an abomination.  Their candidate for President in 1860 was Abraham Lincoln, who in the middle of our great Civil War wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the slaves.  The Democrats were the party of hate in that era and since.  Prominent Democrat leaders founded the Klu Klux Klan, opposed citizenship for the former slaves, and fought against equal rights for blacks right up to the time that the Equal Rights Amendment was proposed and passed in the 1960’s.  It only passed because of universal Republican support against almost universal Democrat opposition.  The Democrats only embraced the concept when they discovered that they needed the minority votes to remain in control of the government.  They did that by destroying the African-American family unit and ideally making them almost totally dependent on government.

How about border security and citizenship?  Both parties have issues here.  The Republican leadership has looked the other way because business leaders wanted cheap labor.  The Democrats had a more sinister motive.  Because of our antiquated “Birthright Citizenship” laws, children of illegal aliens were automatically citizens, and became “Anchors” for their parents.  If so-called “Immigration Reform” could be passed, these people would, in their tens of millions, form a voting block which could keep the Democrats in power indefinitely.

What about the legal American citizens?  Does either party care about them?   As the Democrats dragged the populace towards the supposed “Nirvana” of European style Socialism, what made our country exceptional, namely personal freedom assured by our Constitution, was necessarily thrown under the bus for the “Greater Good”.  Because the Republicans didn’t actively fight against the excesses of the Obama administration, there arose an unlikely American hero to represent the common man, the occupants of “Flyover Country” who in the words of Obama “Cling to their guns and bibles”.  His name is Donald Trump. He had a simple message. “Make America Great Again!”

Continue reading Love or Hate?

Pardon “Chelsea”?

In one of his final acts as president, Barack Obama has commuted the majority of the sentence handed down by the military authorities after the court-martial of Bradley Manning, who now wishes to be called “Chelsea”.   What can Obama be thinking? This sick twisted individual, by his actions, caused the DEATHS of many individuals in Iraq and Afghanistan.  People who were tortured and murdered by members of the Taliban and Iraqi insurgents because they were exposed as being agents for, or at least sympathizers with, American military efforts in those countries.

Now, because HE has decided that he is really a “SHE”, “Chelsea” Manning will be released from the Federal Penitentiary at Leavenworth, KS in May after having served only a fraction of his 35 year sentence.  What a travesty of justice, but typical of what we have come to expect from our 44th president and his Department of Injustice.  What possible reason or excuse could there be for this decision other than to be a sop to the LGBT community that have become the darlings of the left in our country.

Continue reading Pardon “Chelsea”?

Get Over It!

In the mid 1990’s the Eagles had a hit song which should be the theme of the Inaugural on Friday.  The title?  Get Over It!”   I don’t know about you, but I’m sick to death of the Democrats trying to figure out how Hillary Clinton lost to Trump. News flash Dems!  She was a horrible, unlikeable candidate!  End of message.

Second news flash!  You’ve lost control of the House and Senate, the majority of the Governorships and Statehouses.  Soon you’ll lose control of the Supreme Court!  Your politics of envy and division have failed.  Your leadership has put our country in a record level of debt, to no purpose.  You’ve racially divided us more than at any time in recent memory.  Your policies have derided our friends and emboldened our enemies.  We finally had the chance to “read the bill” and experience “Obamacare” after you forced it down our throats, and we don’t like it. Continue reading Get Over It!

$4000 versus $0.

As the Obama “error” comes to an end, a quick look back on his accomplishments.  Gay marriage is now the law of the land.  Man, man.  Woman, woman.  Man, woman, it’s all the same according to the Obama Supreme Court.  Legalization of pot is growing by leaps and bounds.  Drug overdose deaths are at all time highs. Government regulations have grown exponentially, destroying many small businesses, and driving large employers out of the country, taking American jobs with them.  The rich have definitely become richer, the poor poorer, and the middle class smaller.  Race relations have tanked in many areas.  Our police have become targets, and thugs have been venerated by the “Black Lives Matter” crowd, who are supported by the Obama DOJ and praised by our president.  We have legitimized the murderous Castro regime.  Our allies no longer trust us and our enemies no longer fear us.  Our military has been effectually gutted and our infrastructure is crumbling, even though we have added Ten Trillion dollars to the national debt over the last eight years.  Our national financial “credit rating” has been reduced for the first time in our history.  Finally, our medical system has been trashed by the abomination known as “Obamacare”.  Despite his promises, many couldn’t keep their doctor or their medical insurance plan.  Instead of the average family saving $2500 per year in medical costs, premiums have skyrocketed and deductibles are through the roof.

Continue reading $4000 versus $0.