Love or Hate?

For a very long time the Democrats (and not all Democrats are leftists) have said that they are the party of tolerance and love, and the Republicans (and not all Republicans are conservatives) are the party of bigotry and hate.  Let’s examine that proposition by looking at a few key issues.

With regards to race relations.  The Republican party was founded on the principles that slavery was an abomination.  Their candidate for President in 1860 was Abraham Lincoln, who in the middle of our great Civil War wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the slaves.  The Democrats were the party of hate in that era and since.  Prominent Democrat leaders founded the Klu Klux Klan, opposed citizenship for the former slaves, and fought against equal rights for blacks right up to the time that the Equal Rights Amendment was proposed and passed in the 1960’s.  It only passed because of universal Republican support against almost universal Democrat opposition.  The Democrats only embraced the concept when they discovered that they needed the minority votes to remain in control of the government.  They did that by destroying the African-American family unit and ideally making them almost totally dependent on government.

How about border security and citizenship?  Both parties have issues here.  The Republican leadership has looked the other way because business leaders wanted cheap labor.  The Democrats had a more sinister motive.  Because of our antiquated “Birthright Citizenship” laws, children of illegal aliens were automatically citizens, and became “Anchors” for their parents.  If so-called “Immigration Reform” could be passed, these people would, in their tens of millions, form a voting block which could keep the Democrats in power indefinitely.

What about the legal American citizens?  Does either party care about them?   As the Democrats dragged the populace towards the supposed “Nirvana” of European style Socialism, what made our country exceptional, namely personal freedom assured by our Constitution, was necessarily thrown under the bus for the “Greater Good”.  Because the Republicans didn’t actively fight against the excesses of the Obama administration, there arose an unlikely American hero to represent the common man, the occupants of “Flyover Country” who in the words of Obama “Cling to their guns and bibles”.  His name is Donald Trump. He had a simple message. “Make America Great Again!”

What could a multi-billionaire, real estate magnate, reality-show host possibly have in common with “Joe the Plumber” types?  It’s simple.  It was apparent to the average American with an open mind that he truly loves his country.  Although his delivery may not be the polished performance of someone like Barack Obama, it was apparent that the man said what he meant and meant what he said.  This resident of a modern day Palace of Versailles called the Trump Tower didn’t need the money that always comes to residents of the Oval Office.  He didn’t need the fame.  He didn’t need the responsibility or the crushing weight of the office.  He did it because he saw, along with his followers, that the country was headed in the wrong direction, and must, MUST be turned around if we were to survive as a nation.

Now, many Democratic politicians and self important “Celebrities” are going to boycott the inauguration ceremonies.  Their “Dear Leader” is being replaced.  They love him, and what he represents, more than their country.  Some have even publicly stated they will leave the country rather than live under a Trump Administration.  To them I say “Good Riddance”.  So, as we view the actions of both side of these issues, I ask the simple question.  Who represents love of country, and who represents hate?  To me, the answer is obvious.