A New Day………..

Yesterday, in what only can be described as a short, concise, but historic speech, Donald Trump spoke to the American people for the first time as their President.  Listening to the news coverage of that event shows us how great the divide is between the national media and the people.  With the exception of Fox News, the coverage is almost universally negative.  As Gomer Pyle used to say: “Surprise, surprise!”

The main stream media, from the New York Times to CNN,  ABC, CBS and NBC called the speech dark, grim and threatening.  As usual, they entirely missed the point.  Trump didn’t speak in the soothing terms of a politically correct politician, patting us on the head and telling us it’s going to be all right.  His speech had more in common with Winston Churchill’s famous speech before the British House of Commons on May 13, 1940.  At that time, the German army had totally shattered the French and British forces arrayed against them.  The allied forces were trapped in a tiny pocket surrounding the small port of Dunkerque in northern France awaiting annihilation.  Churchill said:  “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.”  A few weeks later, the famous “Miracle of Dunkerque” occurred, and the majority of the British and French troops were evacuated back to England to form the nucleus of a force which would help to liberate Europe in 1945.

In a magnificent gesture, The bust of Churchill, which had been removed from the Oval Office by Barack Obama, was restored to it’s place of honor as one of the first acts by the Trump administration.  To me, this small symbolic act is a window into the place the Trump administration will lead this country.

For the past eight years the Obama administration has systematically denigrated our country.  Obama’s “Apology Tour” was never ending.  Patriotism was mocked.  So-called “Globalism” was venerated as the new wave for America.  The unlikely triumph of Donald Trump shows something very profound.  Mainstream America is tired of getting kicked around by the socialist leftist elite.  A new day has dawned in America.  We can be proud again. We can protect our borders, rebuild our infrastructure, and rebuild our REAL economy.  Not with so-called “service industry” part time jobs, but with real full time gainful employment.  We will begin the painful process of not being the “World’s Policeman”, but instead the defender of liberty, which will not be threatened by any country or any group.

So, to all of the naysayers out there I have just this to say:  Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way!