Monthly Archives: January 2021

Are You Angry?



Are you angry?  Well you should be.   You should be livid, that so many of the people that you elected to represent you in local, state and federal government offices have failed to do the job they promised to do when they ran for public office.  They lied to you.  Whether it was through “little white lies” of omission or big, rotten lies of commission, they are lies none the less.

We now have a “Liar in Chief” occupying the Oval Office.  A travesty for sure, but just a symbol, the foul tip of the slimy iceberg below the surface which our government has come to represent.  Perhaps not ALL government, but sadly a great deal of it.

The framers of our Constitutional Republic gave the world a magnificent experiment, a theory that had never been tried before.  It was based on the concept that a free people could effectively govern themselves, without the need for a monarch or dictator to control the “great unwashed” masses. 

The thing they crafted is remarkable, and has been the blueprint for many other countries’ governing documents in the years since.  However, in their wisdom, they failed to add the one thing that could protect against the corruption which almost inevitably comes with the assumption of power over others.  That thing was and is, clearly stated term limits for elected and appointed government office.  Nineteenth century British politician Lord Acton stated:

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

The corruption takes many forms.  It may be as simple as being treated discourteously by a clerk at the DMV, who has forgotten that their customers are indeed those who pay their salary, the state just being the intermediary.  However, as the level of power increases, the opportunity for corruption expands exponentially.  Corrupt law enforcement  personnel can quite literally threaten your freedom or your very life.  Thankfully, there are very few of them out there, contrary to what the Black Lives Matter organization would have us believe. Continue reading Are You Angry?

New Concentration Camps?


It has happened before, and sadly, it can happen again.  As I have portrayed in earlier posts, the United States Government was successful, after the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Empire of Japan in 1941, to detain loyal American citizens of Japanese descent behind barbed wire in what were euphemistically referred to as “Relocation Camps”, but were “Concentration Camps” by any other measure.

The government was able to do this for two reasons.  First, there was obvious moral and patriotic public outrage against the “unprovoked” attack (actually we had done many things prior to December 7, 1941 to provoke the Japanese Empire, but I will let history be the judge of those actions).  Second, it was easy to identify the “enemy” in our midst because of their appearance and surnames.  The fact that the Roosevelt administration was allowed to do so without pushback from the legal branch of government is one of the more shameful moments in our national saga.

Now, after what can only be regarded as one of the most hotly contested elections in our nation’s history, the victors have decided not only to celebrate their victory, but to also punish the losers, and in a most shameful and indeed unconstitutional way.  With the help of most of the national media and the “Big Tech” companies, all civil debate is being quashed.  Companies like Parler are being eliminated, by denying them space on the big server platforms like Amazon, and even removing their “Apps” from Google Apps and the Apple App Store. 

The Democrats have succeeded in turning our national capital into an armed camp, with thousands of National Guardsmen and other members of the military standing behind high metal fences topped by barbed wire.  That these measures were even deemed necessary to protect the incoming president and vice-president at their inauguration ceremony is bad enough, but that they are now apparently being made semi-permanent is nothing less than shocking.  The Democrats are obviously afraid of at least some of the people they are sworn to represent.

When a politician wins an election, they are sworn to protect and defend the Constitution and fairly represent ALL of the people in their state or district, not just those who voted for them.  Instead, the people who voted for their opponent are now viewed as dangerous and to be feared and repressed by many Democrats.  Because of this belief, and the actions they are taking because of it, they are creating what they claim to live in fear of.   Namely, radicalized people who feel they have no choice but to fight back.  This doesn’t include all conservatives of course, but enough that the Democrats might actually HAVE something to fear.  They have in effect created their own monster, one that is totally beyond their control. Continue reading New Concentration Camps?

Suck it up Buttercup!

When Bill Clinton was elected in 1992, I didn’t like it.  That year I held my nose and voted for Bush ’41, who had promised “Read my lips. No new taxes!”  Then, shortly after he won in 1988, he made a deal with the Democrats to allow one of the largest tax hikes in our nation’s history.  If you remember, it eliminated Long Term Capital Gains, making everything, including home sales, Short Term.  That cost American taxpayers billions in additional taxes.  I was among  them.

So, when Clinton won, I didn’t like yet another tax and spend Democrat entering the White House, but there wasn’t all that much difference between him and Bush, so I accepted it as the will of the people.  The same applied when Clinton was reelected in 1996.  Twelve years later,  during the two terms of Bush’43, he got us involved in two Middle Eastern wars,  and pushed through the “Patriot Act”. 

This abortion is one of the greatest assaults on our Constitutional liberties in the history of our country.  It brought us yet another powerful but unaccountable government agency, the TSA, and set the stage for legal spying on American citizens which ended up allowing the illegal actions taken against the Trump campaign and administration.

Now came Barack Obama in 2008.  Anyone who listened closely to what he said during his campaign, such as “Under my plans for cap and trade, energy prices will necessarily skyrocket”, would have run, not walked away from the man.  Unfortunately people were more interested about the symbolism of electing our first minority president, so he won, not once, but twice.  I knew John McCain was a “RINO”, not the war hero his supporters framed him as, and not a good person either, so once again I accepted the results of that election, and the one that followed.  Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate in the second Obama election, has since proven who he is and what he stands for.

What I deeply resent is the demand by the Democrats, and not a few Republicans, that I “Suck it up Buttercup”, and blandly accept the results of the 2020 election as valid and legal.  There is far too much evidence to the contrary to allow me to do that.  I was shocked and dismayed that the Supreme Count under Chief Justice Roberts refused to even examine the issues brought before them. Continue reading Suck it up Buttercup!

American “Justice”?

Ponder this scenario.  There is a knock at your front door.  When you open it, you are confronted by a man in a black “hoodie” who is pointing a gun at your head.  He forces you back inside and then terrorizes you and your wife for the next several hours, systematically stealing everything of value that he can physically carry on his person. 

Then, as a final outrage, he lights some of your drapes on fire, pistol-whips you and your wife, and leaves you bleeding and dazed on the floor of your now burning house. Thankfully, you are able to put out the fire with a garden hose, and call 911.  That’s when the real disaster starts.

Instead of talking to a 911 dispatcher, you get a recording, asking you to leave a discription of your problem, your address and a telephone number for a callback.  Shocked, you do so, and then go to get your handgun, which was locked in a small gun safe under your bed.  Since it was unloaded for safety measures, you load it and then tend to your wife, who is bleeding from a head wound the same as yours.

Now cowering in fear in your bedroom, you hear a noise from the living room.  Revolver in hand, you cautiously investigate the sound, only to discover that your assailant has returned with two other men, one black and one hispanic.  They are removing your big screen television, your desktop and laptop computers, and are loading all of these items and more into your new SUV, which was parked in the garage.  The keys for the vehicle were on the kitchen counter.

Enraged, you fatally shoot your original assailant and wound the other two men as they run out the door after firing shots at you from their own weapons.  Your trials aren’t over however. Continue reading American “Justice”?

Doomed to Repeat it?

Atheists and agnostics can stop reading here if the picture above hasn’t already turned you off as to the contents of this post, but you do so at your own peril.  The Old Testament tells us that God brought down ten plagues on the Egyptians, who had enslaved the Israelites.  He did this to convince the Pharaoh to release the Jewish people, and let them peacefully go their own way back to the “Promised Land”, led by Moses.

The biblical account tells us that after escaping the Egyptians, Moses led them into the desert, where he climbed Mt. Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments.  When he came down with the stone tablets that contained the Commandments, he found his people worshiping not God, but instead the golden idol of a calf.  Enraged by their blasphemy, he smashed the tablets and burned the idol.

Because of Moses pleas on their behalf, God eventually forgave the people, but sentenced them to wander for an additional forty years in the desert before they were allowed to enter the “Land of milk and honey” which He had promised them after they escaped from Egypt.

I have come to believe that God is testing the people of this nation in a way similar to that which he inflicted on the Israelites.  He has watched as a nation founded using the motto “In God We Trust” turned more and more away from His teachings, and toward a secular society based on avarice and depravity.  We have in effect become a modern Sodom and Gomorrah, with people believing they can somehow chose their physical sex, rather than accepting that which was determined at conception.  We are told to abandon religion and instead worship the false god of government. Continue reading Doomed to Repeat it?

Multiple Americas?

“There is not a liberal America and a conservative America – there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and latino America and asian America – there’s the United States of America.” 

Barack Obama 

Stirring words, spoken at the 2004 Democratic Convention.  Unfortunately for Americans, Obama neither wrote the speech or believed what he was saying.  After he was elected as our 44th president in 2008, the actions taken by him and his administration proved that he believed exactly the opposite.

For many years, the Democratic Party has promoted policies which have come to be known as “Identity Politics”.   From the time after the Civil War when members of the Democratic Party formed the Klu Klux Klan to be their enforcement arm against Republicans and various minority groups, particularly the free slaves, they have been the party of division, not inclusion.

In recent years, assisted by mainstream media, academia and what has become known as “social media”, which was created by so-called “Big Tech”, the Democrats have deluded many people into believing that they are a “Big Tent” party allowing many opinions to be expressed by it’s members.  The supporters of Bernie Sanders quickly found out that concept only applied if you opinions coincided with those of the party elders and policy makers.

After castigating and denigrating the supporters of Donald Trump for the past five years, the Democrats nominated Joe Biden to be their standard bearer for the 2020 presidential election.  He was touted as a moderate deal maker, who could work with those across the aisle and bring us back from the OUTRAGEOUS policies of the Trump Administration.  That subterfuge could only be maintained for so long.  It was destroyed yesterday in Biden’s Inaugural Address.  Cloaked in platitudes about the necessity for “national unity”, Biden finally came to the point.  He stated that there would be a war on what he referred to as “domestic terrorists”, which were mainly composed of  “white supremacists” and systemic racists.  All of those of course had to be Caucasian, as in the opinion of the Democratic Party, no other racial group can ever be racist in its attitudes and actions.  Continue reading Multiple Americas?

Death by Hubris

Well, Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States, has left the building.  Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are celebrating their “victory”.   They will come to realize it is a hollow one at best.  In their vindictive zeal, they have managed to put two asterisks behind Trumps name on the list of past presidents.  They think that will be of significance historically.  They are so wrong in that concept.  What they don’t realize is they have instead started a movement which will in time destroy everything the Democratic Party has become.

President Trump is being replaced by an individual so deeply flawed that he won’t even be a footnote in the history of this country.  The fact that he won’t be physically, or more to the point mentally, capable of completing even one term in office should show you how pitiful the Democrats have become.  That man, out of all the members of their party who sought their nomination, was the best they could bring forth?  With virtually total control of the mass media and social media, they couldn’t push this frail individual over the finish line with resorting to cheating to do so.  The fact that they are PROUD of that accomplishment speaks volumes about the Democratic Party today. Continue reading Death by Hubris

Salem Witch Trials?

What has happened since January 6th is beginning to resemble a 21st century version of the Salem Witch Trials.  This time, the accusers aren’t fanatically righteous Pilgrims damning more secular villagers, but instead, virtue signaling Democrats (and some Republicans) vilifying President Trump and all who support him.

“He called for a violent attack on the Capitol Building!”  Shout the Democrats and the media!  “We were in fear for our lives!”  Scream some members of congress.  “Impeach him, impeach him!”  Howls Nancy Pelosi, and sure enough the House does just that, ignoring their standard procedures in the process.

Enter horned-headress wearing Jacob Chansley (aka: Jake Angeli) pictured above. Described as a “Q-anon shaman”, he’s a typical Trump supporter for sure. 

So, we look forward to a “peaceful transition” and a “virtual inauguration parade” tomorrow, all guarded by 25,000 National Guardsmen from all 50 states, who were first vetted to insure that none of them were Trump supporters and then transported at great expense to Washington to protect it’s inhabitants from the likes of Mr. Chansley-Angeli.  Thank heavens!  I was afraid everything was going to get out of control, almost like the “mostly peaceful” riots after the George Floyd incident last May. Continue reading Salem Witch Trials?

YOU caused this!


President Trump has publicly stated that he will not attend the inauguration ceremony for the incoming president on January 20th.  The Democrats and  “American Pravda” (Which includes virtually all of the media, print and broadcast, plus the Social Media outlets of Big Tech) have declared this an unprecedented event, and a stain on Trump’s presidency.  They say it is the final act of a sore loser. Actually, it is not.

Four other presidents also declined to remain in our nation’s capital for the inauguration of their successor.  They were: John Adams (1801), his son John Quincy Adams (1829), Martin Van Buren (1841) and Andrew Johnson (1869).  Various actions, all political, affected their decision.  However, none of them involved accusations of a fraudulent electoral process.

The inauguration of Joe Biden as our 66th president will occur under very peculiar circumstances, and this is why:

Article II, Section 1, Clause 2  of the Constitution states:

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. 

In at least four key battleground states, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, this rule was not followed.  That is beyond debate.  In two more states, Arizona and Nevada, there were significant election irregularities which affected the final vote tally. Regardless of the above facts, the legal system, all the way up to the Supreme Court, refused to address these issues.  As a result Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will take office under a cloud which cannot be erased by pretending it doesn’t exist.  Tens of millions of American citizens feel that the election results are invalid.  It isn’t a matter of being disappointed that their candidate didn’t win.  They feel the opposition won by cheating, and that is just not acceptable, especially since the stated agenda of the victors will so radically affect the daily lives of all Americans, and will indeed “Transform” this nation into something we will barely recognize.  Continue reading YOU caused this!

In Three More Days.

We are now three days away from what may turn out to be the pivotal occurrence in the history of our nation.  The inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is not simply another political swing of the pendulum of American electoral system.  Unlike the 2016 election, where Democrat voters howled at the moon (literally) after Hillary Clinton lost, we now have a situation where over half of the voters of this nation not only believe that there was fraud in the election process, and it wasn’t from vague outside interference, but was instead from direct actions on the part of the Democratic Party to literally steal the election.  The Democrats have actually done what they accused the Republicans of doing in 2016. 
To add salt to the wound, the Democrats have once again impeached President Trump in the House of Representatives, and have demanded he be removed from office by the Senate if Vice President Pence refuses to enact the 25th Amendment and remove him using that method. Drunk with power, and feeling they have received some sort of mandate from the American people, the Democrats are about to engage in a pogrom against whites in our country. This pogrom will be selective, of course.  It will only be against conservative whites, who believe in our Constitution and the way of life it guarantees.  There are of course many conservatives of all races and colors, but it is the conservative Caucasian who will be the primary target of the hate and venom.  It is literally a coup against our race, and very way of life.  And no, it is not “racist” to say so.
As is the case with all coups, the actions against their enemies will be decisive and inevitably violent.  The “Stormtroopers” of the Democrats are the likes of Antifa and Black Lives Matter.  Their financiers are America haters like George Soros. The test of these methods were the riots and looting of American cities after the death of George Floyd last May, and the ability of government to lock down and control the citizenry after the China Virus was unleashed in the world last January.  Chaos will ensue, and it will be directed from the very top of our government.

Continue reading In Three More Days.