YOU caused this!


President Trump has publicly stated that he will not attend the inauguration ceremony for the incoming president on January 20th.  The Democrats and  “American Pravda” (Which includes virtually all of the media, print and broadcast, plus the Social Media outlets of Big Tech) have declared this an unprecedented event, and a stain on Trump’s presidency.  They say it is the final act of a sore loser. Actually, it is not.

Four other presidents also declined to remain in our nation’s capital for the inauguration of their successor.  They were: John Adams (1801), his son John Quincy Adams (1829), Martin Van Buren (1841) and Andrew Johnson (1869).  Various actions, all political, affected their decision.  However, none of them involved accusations of a fraudulent electoral process.

The inauguration of Joe Biden as our 66th president will occur under very peculiar circumstances, and this is why:

Article II, Section 1, Clause 2  of the Constitution states:

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. 

In at least four key battleground states, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, this rule was not followed.  That is beyond debate.  In two more states, Arizona and Nevada, there were significant election irregularities which affected the final vote tally. Regardless of the above facts, the legal system, all the way up to the Supreme Court, refused to address these issues.  As a result Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will take office under a cloud which cannot be erased by pretending it doesn’t exist.  Tens of millions of American citizens feel that the election results are invalid.  It isn’t a matter of being disappointed that their candidate didn’t win.  They feel the opposition won by cheating, and that is just not acceptable, especially since the stated agenda of the victors will so radically affect the daily lives of all Americans, and will indeed “Transform” this nation into something we will barely recognize. 

The concept of freedom speech will be severely curtailed.  The ability to defend yourself and your family with lethal force if necessary will disappear.  In many other ways, the government will assume control over our daily lives.  Racial tensions will rise, rather than disappear as time goes on.  By pitting one racial, ethnic or socioeconomic group against another, the strong will dominate the weak.  All the things that are wrong with other forms of government will come to our shores, and there will be no other place to go.

To add insult to injury now Democrat members of Congress including much of their leadership, are demanding that Republican Senators and Congressmen like Senators Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz and Congressman Brian Mast, either resign or be removed from office for the “crime” of questioning the results of the election and asking that a bi-partisan committee examine the questionable issues involved.  President Trump is falsely accused of promoting “insurrection”, and impeached a second time by the Democrat controlled House of Representatives.

So, these actions from the left, and that is squarely where the Democrats and their supporters stand, are forcing the rest of us into an almost untenable position.  It is a “Fight or Flight” situation, but as I said, we have nowhere else to go.  So, when and if the chaos starts, the Democrats must understand this.  Your phony calls for “reconciliation” are falling on deaf ears.


The bible says, in Hosea 8:7:  “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.”  I fear this country is about to come to a full understanding of what that truly entails.  God save our Republic.