In Three More Days.

We are now three days away from what may turn out to be the pivotal occurrence in the history of our nation.  The inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is not simply another political swing of the pendulum of American electoral system.  Unlike the 2016 election, where Democrat voters howled at the moon (literally) after Hillary Clinton lost, we now have a situation where over half of the voters of this nation not only believe that there was fraud in the election process, and it wasn’t from vague outside interference, but was instead from direct actions on the part of the Democratic Party to literally steal the election.  The Democrats have actually done what they accused the Republicans of doing in 2016. 
To add salt to the wound, the Democrats have once again impeached President Trump in the House of Representatives, and have demanded he be removed from office by the Senate if Vice President Pence refuses to enact the 25th Amendment and remove him using that method. Drunk with power, and feeling they have received some sort of mandate from the American people, the Democrats are about to engage in a pogrom against whites in our country. This pogrom will be selective, of course.  It will only be against conservative whites, who believe in our Constitution and the way of life it guarantees.  There are of course many conservatives of all races and colors, but it is the conservative Caucasian who will be the primary target of the hate and venom.  It is literally a coup against our race, and very way of life.  And no, it is not “racist” to say so.
As is the case with all coups, the actions against their enemies will be decisive and inevitably violent.  The “Stormtroopers” of the Democrats are the likes of Antifa and Black Lives Matter.  Their financiers are America haters like George Soros. The test of these methods were the riots and looting of American cities after the death of George Floyd last May, and the ability of government to lock down and control the citizenry after the China Virus was unleashed in the world last January.  Chaos will ensue, and it will be directed from the very top of our government.

President Biden (actually the puppet masters behind him) will employ all the offices of the federal government in the process.  The Department of Justice (now a travesty of what it is supposed to be, as indeed was ignored during the Obama years under Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch) will use the FBI and other federal law enforcement agencies to quash dissent, which will not be tolerated.  The IRS will once again become a weapon used to intimidate or financially destroy those who would dare to fight against the administration’s agendas.
Our borders will be thrown open.  There are already caravans of Central American illegal immigrants either planned or actually on the move towards our southern border.  They will be allowed to enter our country unimpeded, and immediately put on a legal path to citizenship.  As demanded by that nation, we will once again enter into a treaty with Iran, without restrictions or conditions.  All trade restrictions and tariffs put in place by the Trump administration against China will disappear.  We will again join the Paris Climate Change Accords and begin initiating the programs outlined in AOC’s Green New Deal.
The First Amendment guarantees of free and unfiltered speech will be diluted if not eliminated.  In a recent post, I referred to Democrat Politicians as “scum” and stated that those who support them are cut from the same piece of cloth.  That statement offended one of my subscribers, and he let me know in no uncertain terms that he wouldn’t pass anything like that on to others.  He stated that he had friends who were liberal Democrats, and although he disagreed with them, he still respected them as individuals, and could NEVER regard them as “scum”.  He regarded them as uninformed or misguided.  I understood his position and told him so, but I also pointed out the statement of Charles Krauthammer, who correctly observed “Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.”  We can’t forget that.  It is easy to punish someone who you think is evil.  Look what is happening to President Trump as I write this piece.  There are many countries where using “Hate Speech” can get you arrested, fined, or even imprisoned.  The only problem with that concept is: Who decides what hate speech consists of?
Finally, and probably most importantly, serious efforts will be made to curtail, or even eliminate the ability to: Keep and bear arms” which is guaranteed by the Second Amendment to our Constitution.  A false impression has been pushed for many years.  That concept is that the Second Amendment, because it mentions “Militias” means government controlled entities like the National Guard are the ones allowed to be armed, not the average citizen.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The framers of the Constitution were very wary of ANY form of government, since they saw how that could be applied or indeed misapplied, under a Parliamentary system such as practiced in Britain.  The Second Amendment was placed there not to help citizens protect themselves from foreign invaders, but rather from an overzealous government.
We began to see the wheels come off our system of liberties under the Obama Administration, which continued during the Bush ’43 administration by passage of the “Patriot Act”.  Some of those abuses were addressed under the auspices of President Trump.  He correctly said: “In reality they’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way”.   Well, now we can clearly see that they’re coming after both of us, and they will ultimately succeed if we don’t have the courage and moreover the WILL to fight back with every means at our disposal.  This isn’t going to be easy, but if we are to save our Republic and very way of life, it is absolutely necessary.