Monthly Archives: November 2018

Who’s Flying The Plane?

Every airline pilot who has ever left the cockpit on a long flight to stretch their legs while walking down the aisles, has heard this question: “Who’s flying the plane?” Well, due to a series of fatal accidents over the last few years, that might be a very valid question.

Since the dawn of aviation in the early twentieth century, there has been one thing which separated the good pilots from the mediocre ones.  That is what is commonly referred to as “Stick and Rudder skills”.  Simply put, the ability to make the aircraft do what you want it to do by manipulating the basic flight controls, the ailerons, elevator and rudder.  All aircraft, from the smallest to the largest, have them.  In addition to those, large swept wing jets added “spoilers”, which augment or replace the ailerons, especially in a high speed environment. 

Over, the years, the development of “auto-pilots” reduced the work load in the cockpit by allowing a mechanical device to maintain altitude and heading.  Gradually, these systems became more and more sophisticated, using ground based electronic transmitters to allow the aircraft to navigate from point to point and even make instrument approaches at the destination. Modern aircraft, using state of the art auto-flight systems are “on auto-pilot” from just after liftoff to when the aircraft “auto-lands” on the destination airport runway.

Some aircraft manufacturers, like Airbus Industries, have a design philosophy which attempts to basically “pilot proof” the airplane, giving the flight management computers the ability to override pilot inputs if the computer senses that they will violate design limits or protocols.  But therein lies the problem.  What if there is a faulty or erroneous sensor input to the auto-flight system?  Who is in control then, and can the autopilot be disconnected, allowing the pilot to be in full control?  More importantly, does he or she have the basic “stick and rudder” skills to hand fly the aircraft in an unusual or emergency situation? Continue reading Who’s Flying The Plane?

Man Up Republicans!

I had to get some additional grocery items on the morning of Thanksgiving Day.  Thankfully, I found my local Wal-Mart open. As I walked around the store, I was struck with the realization that virtually every other customer I encountered was either obviously Hispanic or was speaking Spanish. That got me to thinking. With the current debate on the necessity to secure our southern border, and with a new study stating that there are at least 21 million illegal aliens in our country, nearly twice former estimates, what affect is that having on my home state?

It isn’t difficult to see that there are many school age children in the illegal alien community. Since my state was recently rated near the bottom of the pile in scholastic achievements, the added burden of educating these children has to have an impact on our schools. Do we want this to continue? Just the requirement to hire bilingual teachers and staff to accommodate Spanish speaking children must necessarily siphon money away from other school programs.

As much as the pro immigrant crowd want to push the idea that illegal immigrants pay their way by paying sales, income and property taxes, common sense says that isn’t the case. Many illegals are paid “off the books” in cash, and pay no income tax at all. Because of lax enforcement, they also have ETB cards, Section 8 housing benefits and other public assistance. Can we really afford this? Continue reading Man Up Republicans!

The Ninth “Circus”.

At his 2010 State of the Union Address to Congress, then President Barack Obama chastised the Justices of the Supreme Court for a recent ruling they had made, which went against his wishes.  Instead of stating that an action of this type was inappropriate in such a setting, Chief Justice Roberts later rewarded Obama for his disrespect by being the tie-breaking vote, which declared that “Obamacare” was Constitutional, because it was a “tax”, and as such allowed under provisions set down in that document.  His logic was unexplainable, in that the framers of the “Affordable Care Act” specifically stated that it was not a tax.

In what can only be described as an unbelievable example of judicial naiveté, Justice Roberts has now engaged in a verbal sparing match with President Trump, stating that: 

“We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges. What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them,”

In a perfect world this would be the case.  However, many times over, judges appointed by liberal/progressive presidents bring those same biases to the bench, and exhibit them in their decisions.  The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (frequently referred to as the “Ninth Circus” because of the bizarre decisions handed down by some of it’s members) has become a place where “judge shopping” groups go to have issues they don’t agree with delayed or overturned. Continue reading The Ninth “Circus”.

“ACA”…Gun Free Zones…And Other Fantasies

The loss of control in the House of Representatives by the Republicans in November was largely due to the voting patterns among suburban white women, and that ever volatile group known as “independents”.  Apparently, the major issue to them  was the high cost of healthcare.

What these people seem to have forgotten was who screwed up the healthcare system to begin with.  It wasn’t Republicans.  When Barack Obama, aided by his willing ally Nancy Pelosi, pushed through the “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”, which was signed into law in 2010, something less than 10% of our population were without healthcare plans.  Many of those were young people who chose not to have one.  In one of the greatest series of lies ever perpetrated by a sitting President, Obama looked into the camera, and told the American people that if they “liked their doctor” or “liked their healthcare plan”, “they could keep them, PERIOD!

Of course, by his own admission, the framer of the plan knew that wasn’t true, and that the “ACA” would ultimately fail, causing a demand for single payer healthcare (aka: “Socialized Medicine”).  Obama knew it too, but chose to use his personal charisma to perpetrate the lie, at no cost to himself, as it turned out.  Meanwhile, instead of benefiting from an average savings of $2600 per year for a family of four as Obama promised, many Americans have watched their healthcare costs skyrocket, all the while having less and less choice as to their healthcare provider. Continue reading “ACA”…Gun Free Zones…And Other Fantasies

Ten to Twelve Million?

Ten to Twelve Million.  That’s the number of illegal aliens in this country.  We have been told that by at least three previous administrations, running all the way back to Bill Clinton.  For this to be true, we would have to have had one illegal alien self-deport for every new one either overstaying their visa or entering our country illegally, mostly across our southern border. Does any reasonable person actually believe that is happening?

In addition to the individuals here illegally, it is reasonable to assume that there are at least another two or more “anchor babies” which have been delivered by women who are here illegally.  Due to our “Birthright Citizenship” law, they are citizens, with all the legal rights which that status entails.  Those children are instantly burdens on society.  In Los Angeles, three quarters of all births in public hospitals are born to illegal alien women, mostly from Mexico or Central America.  In Miami in recent years the same situation occurred.  The only difference was that those births were to Haitian women, who were also in our country illegally.

The cost of dealing with these uninvited guests is enormous, billions upon billions every year.  Where does this money come from?  Obviously, out of the public treasury, but that treasury is nearly bankrupt.  Only the Federal Government’s  ability to print money without hard currency backup has kept the facade going.  At over twenty-one trillion dollars in national debt, the bubble must burst sooner or later. We will shortly lose the ability to pay the interest we owe on that debt and go into default.  When that occurs, the effect on the world’s economy will be devastating. Continue reading Ten to Twelve Million?

Mark The Invaders!

A recent ad for a particular brand of dinner rolls has “Grandma” sprayed with red dye when she sneaks down in the middle of the night to eat a few after being told they are being saved for a special meal.

That method has been used for years by banks when they were being robbed.  Dye canisters in money pouches marked both the stolen money and the thief when the pouch was opened.

All this got me thinking. Why not use this method to mark and identify members of the “caravans” of illegals when they try to force the border and disappear into our country? Any use of force by the border patrol or our military will be instantly branded as inhumane and unacceptable by the media and the left.  So, if we can’t shoot them, why not just mark them with a harmless dye which won’t easily wash off, but will make it clear that they have entered our country without our permission.

These people have already violated the international rules concerning “asylum”.  They were offered asylum by the Mexican government and most refused it.  So, they really aren’t asylum seekers at all, but simply shopping for the country where they will receive the maximum benefits.  Sound familiar?  Yep, that is exactly what happened in Europe, where “migrants” continued through Southern European countries to get to Germany and Scandinavia, where the benefits were greater. 

If my idea has merit, I suggest you contact your Congressional Representatives and tell them to ask the President to use not bullets, but rather spray hoses to make sure that these “migrants” are not rewarded for their illegal activities.

Bad Times Are A-coming!

Look at the map to the left. The total tabulations aren’t  yet available, but you will see something very similar when the final count is in.  Blobs of blue, mainly on the east and west coasts, and a sea of red in the middle.

The Founding Fathers realized, when they debated what would be included in our Constitution, that it was completely possible for a few densely populated states to dominate the rest of the fledgling nation.  That fact is still true to this day.  So, to insure, at least where the Executive branch was concerned, that type of domination could not occur, they created the “Electoral College”.  Something the Democrats are desperate to do away with today.

Since the late 1800’s, the Democrats have taken each new group of immigrants and insinuated into them a dependency on the government.  Because most of the original immigrants to this nation were from Europe, and were used to heavily regimented societies, this was not a difficult task.  Political leaders like New York’s Boss Tweed made fortunes fleecing these new arrivals out of their hard earned money, while telling them that it was for their own good.  Gradually, these politicians figured out that if they could buy the votes of the “disenfranchised” by offering them social welfare benefits, they could stay in office virtually as long as they wished to do so, gaining great wealth and power in the process.  The “Welfare State” was created.

African slaves, freed after the Civil War, were universally Republicans where they were allowed to vote at all.  In the South, controlled almost universally by Democrats, “Jim Crow” laws kept blacks subjugated as second class citizens.  Somewhere along the way, after the Civil Rights Acts of the mid-1960’s were passed at the urging of the Republicans, the Democrats managed to convince blacks that the Democratic Party was their true benefactor.  They did this by once again using the tactic of buying their votes through the welfare system, nearly destroying the black family unit in the process.  Southern Democrats like Lyndon Johnson knew which side their political bread was buttered on.  Johnson’s famous statement to two southern governors supposedly went like this:

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference… I’ll have them nig***s voting Democratic for the next two hundred years” Continue reading Bad Times Are A-coming!

A “Golden” Story.

One day as I boarded my flight from New York to Madrid, I found a group of passengers pre-boarding the aircraft.  They all had a beautiful Golden Retriever on a leash. We had blocked all the seats in the first row of coach, which had extra legroom since there were no seats in front of them, just the dividing bulkhead.  That way, the dogs would have a place to lie down in comfort for the seven hour flight.

The Goldens were all trained as seeing eye dogs, and spoken to only in Castilian Spanish, so they could serve their new masters in the Madrid area of Spain. The flight went without incident, the dogs sleeping most of the way. When they deplaned, I said “Adios” to each of them at the front door, and was delighted to see that they all immediately wagged their tails in response!

Our Golden, “Charlie” was a loved member of our family for 14 years. I miss him to this day. Watch this video of a Golden protecting the last puppy of her litter and you will see why.

Rules for Liberal/Progressives?

I’ve pondered for a long time about what I don’t like about the “Progressive” movement.  These people consider themselves to be “liberal”, so what does that mean?   Checking my dictionary, I found several paragraphs describing the term. Three sentences stand out:

“Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values”

“(In a political context) favoring maximum individual liberty in political and social reform.”

“(Of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person’s general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.”

Reading this, you would assume that Liberal/Progressive people are open minded to the extreme.  In fact, it appears that exactly the opposite is the case.  Continue reading Rules for Liberal/Progressives?

Armistice Day

Nationalism | ˈnaSH(ə)nəˌlizəm | noun

Patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.

 In an extreme form of this,  marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries;  Advocacy of political independence for a particular country.

Let’s keep it simple.  If it were not for the United States of America, and the blood and treasure we expended in two wars on the European Continent during the last century, the French people today would probably be speaking German. 

If it were not for the vast amounts of money from the treasury of the United States of America after the Second World War, France, and the rest of Europe for that matter, would have taken decades longer to recover from the devastation caused by that horrific conflict. 

If it were not for the fact that the armed forces of the United States of America formed the backbone of the NATO pact, it is completely possible that Western Europe would have fallen to the forces of the Soviet Union. Continue reading Armistice Day