Ten to Twelve Million?

Ten to Twelve Million.  That’s the number of illegal aliens in this country.  We have been told that by at least three previous administrations, running all the way back to Bill Clinton.  For this to be true, we would have to have had one illegal alien self-deport for every new one either overstaying their visa or entering our country illegally, mostly across our southern border. Does any reasonable person actually believe that is happening?

In addition to the individuals here illegally, it is reasonable to assume that there are at least another two or more “anchor babies” which have been delivered by women who are here illegally.  Due to our “Birthright Citizenship” law, they are citizens, with all the legal rights which that status entails.  Those children are instantly burdens on society.  In Los Angeles, three quarters of all births in public hospitals are born to illegal alien women, mostly from Mexico or Central America.  In Miami in recent years the same situation occurred.  The only difference was that those births were to Haitian women, who were also in our country illegally.

The cost of dealing with these uninvited guests is enormous, billions upon billions every year.  Where does this money come from?  Obviously, out of the public treasury, but that treasury is nearly bankrupt.  Only the Federal Government’s  ability to print money without hard currency backup has kept the facade going.  At over twenty-one trillion dollars in national debt, the bubble must burst sooner or later. We will shortly lose the ability to pay the interest we owe on that debt and go into default.  When that occurs, the effect on the world’s economy will be devastating.

While all this is going on, “Progressives” from both sides of the aisle continue to fight the concept of securing our southern border with a wall.  This is madness of the highest degree.  Even the citizens of Tijuana have figured out that the so-called caravans are indeed an invasion from south of their border, which President Trump is attempting to stop crossing ours.  It doesn’t matter if some, or even most of the caravan migrants are honest people simply seeking a better life.  We cannot provide for all the world’s poor by making our citizens poorer in the process.  We must attempt to help them in their home countries instead, by helping them throw out corrupt politicians, and eradicate the drug cartels which prey on their populations.

Now for some radical concepts.  I believe it is past time that we withdraw most or all of our armed services from countries around the world that can afford to defend themselves, Germany and South Korea at the top of the list.  These forces can then be used to defend our own borders and make it plain to the corrupt regimes in our own hemisphere that we will not continue to be the dustbin for their problems.  The drug cartels must be mercilessly wiped out, with military force from our country if necessary.

We must find and deport all illegals in this country, their “Birthright Citizen” babies with them.  Should these children wish to return when they reach the age of majority, that is their right, but it is not our responsibility to allow them to remain with their parents in this country.  Obviously, we should move to amend the Constitution to eliminate this ridiculous practice, as most first world nations have already done.  I believe it would pass in record time.

Will this happen under a Democrat controlled Congress for the next two years?  The answer, surprisingly, is maybe.  If the Republican minority can begin getting their message out, loud and clear on these matters, it could be a very short time with a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives.  2020 is just two years away, and if the Democrats think they can simply be “Resistance” on steroids, continuing to try to obstruct and impeach the President, while ignoring the massive problems he is trying to fix, I believe they will find themselves to be dead wrong.

Winston Churchill said, when the “Battle of Britain” had been won, and an invasion of Great Britain by the Nazis  was no longer feared:

“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

Perhaps the invasion from south of our border can be similarly stopped.  Americans may be kind hearted and giving, but they aren’t stupid.  We are being taken advantage of, and most people can be persuaded to figure that out if they are given the correct information to do so.  The President’s “Tweets”, so objectionable to some, are making an end run around the totally biased national media, and blogs like this one are helping as well.  I hope you will pass this message on to others.