Monthly Archives: January 2022

The “Freak Show”

In my youth the so-called “Freak Show” was part of virtually every traveling carnival and many small circuses.  There, for a small fee, the public could witness such oddities as “The Bearded Lady”, “The Wolf Boy” or “Siamese Twins”.  Many of these “Freaks” were phony, of course, but as showman P.T. Barnum is quoted to have said: “There’s a sucker born every minute!” 

People wanted to believe these individuals were real, and so, to them at least, they were.  Some, like the “Elephant Man” and the original Siamese Twins were indeed grossly deformed human beings, used by unscrupulous people like Barnum to make money.  Most, however, were frauds.  The same is the case with what we are seeing today in our society. And because people can frequently be driven solely by emotions rather than facts and common sense, we are currently a country in decline, as is our neighbor to the north, Canada.

However, there might be a silver lining to the clouds which have overtaken our two countries when they came under control of liberal governments.  Both American and Canadian patriots have had enough of the “Progressive” bullshit.   As has always been the case in revolutionary movements, one event finally occurred which ignited the flame of liberty.  Both here and in Canada that event has been the draconian restrictions imposed on their citizens by power mad politicians during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Recently, a disgruntled group of Canadian truckers decided to form an impromptu  “convoy” to protest the various lockdowns and mandates the government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has imposed upon Canadian Citizens.  What started out as a few “Eighteen Wheelers” with hand lettered signs in British Columbia, declaring that they were going to drive to the Canadian capitol of Ottawa to demand that these onerous restrictions be lifted, has ballooned into a massive movement of thousands of truckers from all the Canadian Provinces.  These “Knights of the Road” are being enthusiastically supported by massive crowds of Canadians, waving their countries flag, and holding up signs of support. They are crowding the overpasses and line the sides of highways as the trucks pass through towns and cities along the way.  Continue reading The “Freak Show”

Basic Truths.

Basic Truths exist, no matter how much they are distorted.  One basic truth is that in order for a country to exist, it must have secure, definable borders.  For obvious reasons, the Democrat Party in general, and the current administration in particular, have chosen to ignore that basic truth.  Why?  The answer to that is simple.  For decades, perhaps going back to the inception of that political party in the nineteenth century, the Democrats have been the party of “Divide and Conquer”.  In the 1850s, they pitted the slave states against the free states, thus fomenting the War Between the States as many southerners refer to it, or as the Civil War more popular with northerners and historians.

After that awful conflict, the Democrats pitted the white race against the black, forming the Ku Klux Klan and establishing the so-called “Jim Crow” laws, maintaining  the segregation of the races for another hundred years in the southern states.  The Democrats fought bitterly in Congress to avoid passing Civil Rights legislation in the 1960s, even using the longest “Filibuster” in the Senates history in attempt to block passage of such laws in 1965.

Even though this basic truth is undeniable, somehow, American blacks have been coerced into believing that the Democrats somehow “care” about them.  How did they do that?  It seems obvious that through breaking down the strong family structures which had even survived the crushing blows of slavery, with children being separated from their parents. They have in many ways destroyed American blacks in the last sixty years.  The worst, most dangerous, most impoverished communities in America are in cities that have been controlled by Democrats for decades, in some cases for over a century.  The even greater tragedy is that many of those cities are controlled by black politicians, who are doing nothing to improve the lot of those who have elected them to office. Continue reading Basic Truths.

Preparing for the Unthinkable


In my novel The Water Lily Warriors I envisioned what this country could look like a year after an EMP attack on our nation.  Don’t know what that is?  There are several posts on this site that discuss it.  Just put “EMP” in the search box and they’ll pop up for you to read. Although the book is “dystopian” in nature, it deals with a real threat to this nation, not some sort of fictional “Zombie Apocalypse”.  I am working on the second book of a planned trilogy at the present time.

The feckless administration which now controls our country has proven, by its own actions and statements that it doesn’t have a clue as to the real threats to our existence as a country.  We are told that “White Supremacists” are  the greatest threat to the nation, greater than the Iranian led Radical Islamist movement.  According to our Commander In Chief, second in line is Russia.  Forget about the very real threat posed by a rapidly militarizing China, whose CCP dominated government unleashed the current pandemic on the world, or that of a very dangerous nuclear armed North Korea, led by a megalomanic dictator.

Americans, suffering under the effects of Covid induced lockdowns and various Executive Order justified mandates, are reeling under runaway inflation.   At the same time our various remaining industries, most notably the home construction industry, are being crippled by supply chain shortages of numerous items which are vital, and required to complete the construction of houses.  This of course drives up the cost of existing homes to the point that many families are discovering that the goal of home ownership is beyond their reach.

Should the United States Dollar be replaced as the worlds “Reserve Currency”, a very real possibility by the way, our money would almost instantly be devalued to an extent not seen since the collapse of the Deutschmark after World War One, during the German Weimar Republic. That event saw the rise of the Nazi Party, and the situation which led up to World War Two.  Our economy, like the Germans of the mid 1920s, would totally collapse.  Anarchy would rein in the major cities, and soon spread across the land.

Instead of facing these issues rationally, President Biden and the Democrats are currently building “Straw Men” to divert our attention away from the real problems at hand.  We are told that our election process must be abandoned as “Inequitable”.   They say it must be replaced by a one size fits all Federally mandated system, using mail in ballots, without any security guarantees.  Not even requiring witnesses or other verification such as photo IDs. The Democrats are well aware of the potential of voter fraud these proposed policies would create, but they don’t care.  The ends justify the means, and their end game is total and perpetual control of the government, abolishing any parts of our Constitution and Bill of Rights that they feel are outdated or onerous.

And the insanity doesn’t stop there. We are to become a gender neutral” nation where the concept of biological sex doesn’t exist, and you can “Choose” your gender based on the whim of the moment.  Women are to be referred to as: Birthing Persons”!   The concept of “Reparations”,  based strictly on the color of ones skin, makes people who have committed no crimes against blacks in this country required to pay for sins not even committed by their ancestors, but rather by some  of their race in the past.  The concept is paired with the theory of “Equity”, where everyone is guaranteed the same outcome, regardless of the amount of effort on their part.

When a political party decides to “weaponize” the bureaucracy against their political foes, they will surely create the pushback and resistance that they are accusing one half of the nation of currently engaging in. They will create their own monster in the process, and it will be a fearful foe indeed.  Abraham Lincoln was prescient when he stated that:

“Nations do not die from invasion; they die from internal rottenness.” “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country… corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”

Can any thinking person not see that is EXACTLY what is happening in this country at the present time?  Our freedoms ARE being taken away.  No, in fact we are GIVING THEM AWAY WITHOUT A FIGHT!

Currently, there are many threats to this nation which are being effectively ignored by this administration.  Very high among them is the almost total lack of preparation to harden our power grid against a cyber attack, EMP attack or a naturally occurring Coronal Mass Ejection (read super sun spot).  Any one of those events could effectively shut down this country to the point that chaos and anarchy would become the norm, as our civilization ground to a halt.  It is almost beyond comprehension how bad things could get, and how quickly.

So, silly you might appear to your friends, and indeed some family members, it is absolutely vital to begin to prepare for the worst case scenario.  The Mormons have advocated that for years, telling their church members to build a “Mormon Survival Pantry” which would allow a Mormon family to survive for at least a year, solely on the foods they have purchased or canned themselves.  It is no wonder that many of the freeze dried foods sold in this country are produced in Utah, the center of the Mormon faith.  The Mormons have been persecuted and shunned many times in the past, and that history has taught them the necessity of being prepared for the worst.

In fact, preparing for the end of civilization as we know it might be the key to keeping it alive.

Is Goulash In My Future?

Never in my wildest dreams could I have conceived that I could consider another country on the planet to be a better place to live than the place of my birth, the United States of America.  However, in the last fifteen years or so I have seen this country transformed from “The Shinning City on a Hill” that Ronald Reagan envisioned, into something akin to the “Hotel California” by The Eagles.  Look up the words to that song.  It is a place which “Could be heaven or it could be hell”, a place where “You can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave.”

American liberals have been chipping away at our Constitution for a very long time, but the most egregious assault started with the election of our forty-fourth president, Barack Hussein Obama.  Obama was obviously different from all those who preceded him.  It wasn’t just that he was of mixed races, with an African father and a caucasian mother born in this country.  He was the first president who had a desire to “Fundamentally Transform America”, and far too many people were afraid, possibly out of fear of being labeled “racist”, to ask……. “Into what?”

Since the day he took office in January of 2009 this country has been on a downward trajectory.  This path was briefly halted by the unlikely election of Donald Trump in 2016. This brash, often uncouth and profane man actually has many redeeming qualities, but the most important one was that he unabashedly loves this country, and has never been afraid to express that simple fact.  That instantly made him the target of political elites on both sides of the aisle.  He didn’t talk or indeed act like a politician.  He didn’t play by the rules of the “Swamp”.  Therefore, he must be removed.  Until that happened, he must be stymied at every turn as he attempted to keep the pre-election promises he made to the American people.  They were quite simple.

Close our southern border by building “The Wall”.  Stop wasting the blood of our servicemen and women in pointless never-ending wars overseas, spending trillions of borrowed dollars in the process.  Reverse the outsourcing of American industry and jobs to foreign countries, particularly China.  Make this country energy independent, not subject to energy blackmail by foreign producers like the members of OPEC.  Despite vigorous attempts to throw up roadblocks at every opportunity, he was successful in beginning to tackle these issues until the onset of the Wuhan Pandemic in late 2019.  At that time our economy was booming.  Virtually every American who wanted to work had a job, and wages were rising, particularly among lower skilled and minority workers. Continue reading Is Goulash In My Future?

The Fuse of Revolution

It is  hard to believe what this country has become since the arrival of the Wuhan Virus on our shores in late 2019.  Sad to say, we seem to be morphing from a Constitutional Republic into some sort of quasi-third world dictatorship, ruled by a group of dishonest politicians who are backed by a group of fabulously wealthy oligarchs who totally disregard the rights guaranteed to American citizens by their Constitution.

The shredding of that document began during the administration of Woodrow Wilson at the beginning of the last century, and has continued apace ever since.  While this has occurred mostly under Democrat administrations, Republicans have not been guiltless in the process.  Perhaps the most egregious example of that was the passing of the Patriot Act by the Bush ’43 administration after 9/11.

The processes under that Act which allowed unelected bureaucrats to spy on Americans in secret, with orders permitting such appalling tactics being issued by secret “FISA” courts, were bound to be abused, and they have been.  Individuals from federal agencies like the FBI, NSA and CIA have committed perjury to obtain illegal warrants to wiretap and otherwise surveil even elected government officials or their staffs in order to hamper or even bring down a sitting president.  This was nothing less than an attempted coup, orchestrated by Democrats and assisted by the main stream media and the oligarchs who controlled various “Social Media” outlets.

In addition, other oligarchs such as George Soros and Bill Gates among others have spent vast sums of money to fund the elections of various far left state attorney general and district attorney candidates.  As a result, many if not most states and cities controlled by Democrats have become lawless killing zones where violent criminals have been put back on the streets to savage additional victims.  Radical organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter have called for defunding of local law enforcement, further endangering honest citizens while protecting the criminals who prey on them. Continue reading The Fuse of Revolution



The man shown above is Ray Epps, an Arizona cattle rancher who is seen in several videos encouraging Trump supporters attending the January 6, 2021 “Stop The Steal” rally in Washington, DC to storm and ENTER the Capitol Building.  Yet now, nearly a year later, he has not been charged with any crime, let alone arrested.  Meanwhile, hundreds of people, some of whom didn’t even enter the building, are languishing in Federal prisons, even in solitary confinement.

At the same time, the case against the men accused of plotting to kidnap, and possibly murder Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer because of her severe Covid-19 lockdowns is falling apart.  What do these two situations have in common?  They both are apparent examples of FBI agents or informants being used to encourage and/or engage in violent acts.  The definition of that is called “entrapment”, and is absolutely illegal.  Why have they apparently done that?  What has happened to the FBI?

The fact that this is occurring is bad enough, but even worse is that there is so little pushback from Republican politicians to expose these abuses.  Is there some reason why they’re not?  J. Edgar Hoover, the first Director of the FBI, notoriously kept secret files on many Washington officials, politicians and bureaucrats alike.  Some biographers have speculated that he did that so he could cover up his own not too insignificant peccadillos by threatening to expose the private lives of anyone who might challenge him.   Continue reading FBI or FBE?