Monthly Archives: November 2020

Scum of the Earth!

I will preface this post by saying that I come from a long line of Democrat voters, on both the paternal and maternal side of my family.  These people were all working class individuals, and since sometime in the past, probably during the Great Depression, the Democrats cast themselves as the party of the common man, the working man, they voted for that party. 

Conversely, the Democrats successfully labeled the Republican Party as representing only the interests of the upper classes, the wealthiest among us, the rich.  In so doing, they were able to cover up their own shameful past, replete with prejudice, insurrection, and support for slavery.  Democrats fomented the Civil War, and when they lost that awful conflict, they became the leaders of the Klu Klux Klan which was formed to terrify the freed slaves and all who would support them.  For the next one hundred years, the Democrats did all in their power to deny racial equality to blacks and other minorities in this country.  Yet almost unbelievably, those groups, particularly African-Americans, vote almost in a solid block for Democrats. It’s difficult to understand why.

Some of the worse Presidents this country has seen came from the Democratic Party, Woodrow Wilson, Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton among them.  Personally, I would add Barack Obama to that list, along with his wife Michelle.  They failed utterly to bring our nation culturally together, and instead created racial tensions that didn’t exist when he was elected in 2008.

What we have seen in the last four years of the Trump administration is nothing less than disgraceful.  Even before his inauguration in January of 2017, the “Resistance” forces led by Obama have done everything possible to make President Trumps life a living hell.  His family has been attacked, he has been accused of being a Russian agent, controlled by Vladimir Putin.  He has been impeached by the Nancy Pelosi led House of Representatives. Now, through unscrupulous and unconstitutional actions by various Democrat judges, governors and other state officials, his election to a well earned second term is in doubt. 

The people who would do this are among the Scum of the Earth, in my opinion, and those who support and vote for them are no better.  Even a person dying of thirst would surely wipe away the scum before drinking from a fetid pond.  That’s how I have come to view the Democratic Party and all who support it, a slimy, scum covered body.  They have proven that they can’t be trusted, and will do anything to obtain and maintain power over the lives of American citizens.  We have seen many examples of that behavior over the last eleven months of the pandemic. They must be stopped. Hopefully, this will be done by a Supreme Court ruling which follows the Constitution, which is very plain in this matter.

The people who committed election fraud should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, including imprisonment where appropriate.  We are perilously close to losing the Republic our Founding Fathers so carefully crafted for this nation after the defeat of the forces of Britain during the Revolutionary War.  If the highest court of the land will not follow the letter of the law, so plainly defined in the Constitution, then American patriots will have only one other option, and we all know what that is.  The clock is ticking.

Empirical Evidence




based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.

When we are faced with the multitude of empirical evidence surrounding the 2020 Presidential election, it is difficult to come to the conclusion that it was free and fair.

Even knowing that Joe Biden was deteriorating in his mental capabilities, the Democratic Party leaders none-the-less chose him as their candidate because they realized that the only other alternative was Bernie Sanders, who was too far left to sell to the average American voter.

For months the party, aided by the national media, allowed Biden to basically hide from the public.  Every time he did rise from his basement like some aged Punxsutawney Phil on Groundhog Day, Biden would almost always commit some verbal faux pas similar to when, during the primary debates, he urged the audience to use their “record player” to save important news.

While we watched tens of thousands of happy Trump supporters attend rallies for him all across the nation, we were also witness to pathetic turnouts at Biden events, less than several dozen, even when big name celebrities were on hand to help draw a crowd.

The Biden campaign frequently called a “cap” on his activities early in the day, and even when he did give what could hardly be called a press conference, the questions from the reporters in attendance weren’t even “soft balls” but more like even slower “whiffle balls”. Asking him what he had for breakfast, or his favorite color could be dangerous, because he might not remember that without fumbling, so one word answer  “Yes or No” questions were the mode of the day. Continue reading Empirical Evidence

Victor Davis Hanson

Do you recognize this man?  If you watch Fox News shows, particularly The Ingraham Angle or Tucker Carlson Tonight the answer is probably yes.   His name is Victor Davis Hanson.  He is a conservative college professor with a list of impressive credentials as long as your arm.  His main area of expertise is history, and he can comment on that subject all the way from ancient times, up to what happened yesterday.  He is soft spoken, and not given to hyperbole. 

Last night, on Tucker Carlsons Thanksgiving special, he made a statement which immediately got my attention and made the hairs on the back of my neck come to attention.  This was his basic premise.

He said that over the last few years our politics have become so polarized that those people who live in what is commonly referred to as “Flyover Country” are retreating into mental monasteries, refusing to be lectured to by the leftest elites who reside in the  big cities on or near the eastern and western coastlines of our nation.

The vast population which lives in the overwhelming “red” counties of Middle America in many ways have withdrawn from participating in activities they previously enjoyed.  No more are they fans of the NFL or NBA.  No more do they watch nightly national network or even local news broadcasts.  In fact, not even willing to be looked down upon and demonized by Hollywood or New York actors, they don’t watch network sitcoms, dramas or late night comedy either.  They get their news from Fox, talk radio, or blogs like this one on the Internet.   Then, they email each other to spread the word.  Basically, they just want to be left alone to live their lives in peace.  The left won’y allow that to happen. Continue reading Victor Davis Hanson


As I tried to decide who or what I should choose as the picture  for this post, I realized it could only be Hillary Clinton.  In my opinion she epitomizes the cancer of corruption which has taken over politics in this country. 

Although there are glaring example on both sides of the aisle,  there are far more in the ranks of Democratic politicians.  More importantly, that cancer has metastasized into the body politic of all those who vote them into office, and then are seemingly blind to their transgressions. 

I of course was aware of the various allegations against the Clintons after Bill was elected President in 1992.  Although many of those involved the sexual peccadillos committed by  oversexed Bill, there were also the darker issues of financial manipulations like the “Whitewater” scandal and the elaborate methods put in place to coverup  same.  It was pointed out by many people that a trail of mysterious deaths seemed to follow the Clintons as they clawed their way to the top of the political dung heap which Washington, DC has become.

It was not until 1996, however, that I became personally involved with the Clinton political machine, and witnessed what it could do when the Clintons felt threatened.  That happened after TWA 800 crashed shortly after takeoff on July 17, 1996, killing all 230 persons onboard.  What followed was a mobilization of the full forces of the federal government to initially distract public attention from, and finally coverup, how and why the aircraft exploded in midair.  That story is covered in another category on this website. I will not dwell on it further here. Continue reading Accountability

1861 vs 2021

We are rapidly approaching a situation which has not existed in our country for nearly one hundred and sixty years.  In 1860, there were thirty-four states in the Union.  Nineteen of them were so-called “free states”, and prohibited the institution of slavery.  Fifteen, all in the border states or the deep south did not. 

After the election of Abraham Lincoln that fall, tensions between those groups grew to a fever pitch, and starting in December of 1860, when South Carolina formally seceded from the Union, eleven states, all in the south, left the Union and formed The Confederate States of America. 

Four border states were also admitted to the Confederacy when some citizens of those states requested admission, but in fact they never formally seceded, nor were they occupied in full by Confederate forces.  The tragedy was that families and friendships were torn apart because of their loyalty to either the Democratic or newly formed Republican parties.  That has recently happened to many people in this country, myself included. Because of my loyalty to the conservative faction of the Republican Party, I have been ostracized from former friendships and even family relationships, and I am not alone.

That is a microcosm of what has happened in this country since Obama was elected in 2008.   The media  followed the lead of a man who basically hates and is ashamed of this country, and taught those who would listen to do likewise.  The vitriol expressed on CNN and MSNBC is stunning, and it will indeed have consequences.   The Democrats have consciously divided this nation into separate racial or cultural identity groups.  By their actions, preventing any possibility of honest debate on the issues which we all face.  We are rapidly coming to the point where another civil war is a distinct possibility.  One of the things Obama did was try to force the good people out of the military command positions and replace them with sycophants who would do his bidding.  Although he himself never served, he was made aware of the concept of the chain of command, and felt our military would turn against the people if commanded to do so by their superiors.  Sadly, it may come to that if there is massive civil disobedience against a Biden/Harris administration and its policies. Continue reading 1861 vs 2021

The Death of Fox News?

When Lachlan Murdoch took over as head of Fox News in 2019, the “Fair and Balanced” concept which had made it the undisputed leader in cable news networks was in for a big change.   Lachlan, an avowed Progressive, had been instrumental in the firing of Bill O’Reilly in 2017.  At that time, O’Reilly hosted The “O’Reilly Factor” on Fox, which was the highest rated cable news show for over 16 years.  If he could be fired because he was considered too independent and conservative in his views, then no one was safe if Lachlan wanted them gone.

That concept was not lost on the hosts of the the other popular opinion shows on Fox, namely Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Jeanine Pirro.  If superstar O’Reilly could get the axe, none of them was bulletproof from the new regime in charge. Since there isn’t another network which allows conservative hosts, losing your show on Fox would basically put your broadcast career in limbo, possibly never to return. 

The heavy hand of Lachlan Murdoch was on display when “Justice With Judge Jeanine” was taken off the air last Saturday night, after Pirro had criticized the network for it’s actions on election night coverage, particularly calling swing state Arizona for Biden, with only 65% of the vote in, and with many of the states largest counties not yet reporting.

Those who regularly watch Carlson, Hannity and Ingraham were taken aback by the tone of those shows starting last Monday.  If not jumping on the Biden/Harris bandwagon, they were all very muted in their criticism of the obvious voting violations in many states across the nation, particularly those crucial swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada and Pennsylvania.  Continue reading The Death of Fox News?

Occam’s Razor

There is a philosophical principle of nominalism known as “Occam’s Razor”.  It basically says that when you cut away all possible theories about an issue, what remains, however improbable, is the truth.  I believe that applies to what occurred on November 3, 2020 in the Presidential election process.

After all the polls had closed across the country that evening, it quickly became evident that President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden by a substantial number of votes in most of the so-called “battleground” states which he won in 2016. 

As it got into the early hours of November 4th, the election commissions in several of those states suddenly, and virtually simultaneously, declared that they were ceasing the vote count, and that it would resume in the morning, after the polling station workers had a few hours rest.  Everyone was told to go home, including the partisan poll watchers from both political parties.

In fact, what then occurred was that after the Republican workers left, the Democrats returned and the count resumed, without bothering to tell the Republicans what was going on.  After a few hours, the situation changed, and virtually all the votes were for Biden, who quickly overtook Trump by a substantial margin. 

When it was discovered that this was happening, the Republican poll workers protested the action, and demanded to be let back into the counting facilities.  They were prevented from doing so in many of the heavily Democratic controlled counties.  Republican poll watchers were now told they must keep their distance from the tables where the votes were being tallied.  In some cases over fifty feet away!  When they protested that they couldn’t possibly observe the process from that distance, they were in some instances told to use binoculars! Continue reading Occam’s Razor

True Grit


One of my favorite John Wayne movies was True Grit, where he portrayed hard nosed, relentless U.S. Marshal Rooster Cogburn, who is hired by a young girl to bring to justice the man who killed her father.  She searched out Cogburn because she heard he had “True Grit”, never gave up, and always got his man in the end.

That sense of justice and purpose is what we need from Republicans who control the State Legislators in five of the six “battleground” states where the results of the 2020 Presidential election will finally be decided.   Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania all are states where both houses of their legislature are controlled by Republicans.  Even in Minnesota, Republicans control the Senate, but unfortunately not the House. Continue reading True Grit

I Smell A Skunk!

My wife has extraordinary hearing for a person her age.  She also has an incredible sense of smell.  I swear he can hear a field mouse break wind from a block away, and probably is offended by the odor as well.  I, on the other hand, after 45 years of flying various airplanes, need to wear a headset to watch television without blowing her off the couch.  Strangely, my sense of smell has deteriorated as well.  Too many years of smelling jet fumes as I walked around the airplane?  Perhaps.  However, there is one thing I can detect.  The smell of a skunk, and I don’t have to have a visual on it to know it’s there.

That applies to this years’ election results as well.  Too many things just don’t make sense, and the whole thing smells like the decay of corruption.  What am I referring to?  Well, here are a few examples:

Why were so many ballots cast, either electronically or with paper ballots, which only contain a vote for the President, but no other down ballot selections?

Why are there, in many critical swing-state counties, more  registered voters than legal residents?

Why in many critical states, was there no requirement to check the signature on the ballot with that on the voter registration roles?

Why are we even using a computer program like Dominion’s, which was developed in Venezuela to insure the election and reelection of Communist Dictator Hugo Chavez?  A program by the way, that many Democratic politicians, such as Elizabeth Warren, have expressed great concerns about in the past.  How can the election results from those states be certified as legal until this situation has been throughly investigated? Continue reading I Smell A Skunk!

War Without End

The painting above is titled “The Thousand Yard Stare”.  It depicts an American soldier on a World War Two battlefield, who is probably suffering from battle fatigue.  He has seen, and suffered through, too much death and destruction.  I believe he could be a symbol for our nation at this very moment.  Unfortunately in the modern age, the high ranking offficers who send our military into harms way lead mainly from far behind the lines of battle, often continents away, from plush offices in the Pentagon. They retire and frequently become lobbyists for, or even executives of, the companies which produce the weapons of war that are used in the actual conflict. So in effect, aside from gaining promotions in rank or corporate bonuses, they have “no skin in the game”.  Figuratively or literally. They comprise the Military Industrial Complex which President Eisenhower warned the nation about when he left office in 1960. They have become part of the Deep State, which benefits a few, but threatens many, of our combat troops sent to do their bidding. They are the ones sent home to their loved ones in metal coffins, or are condemned to live the rest of their lives as severely mutilated veterans.

In the twentieth century the United States participated in World War One, also known as “The Great War” and “The War to end all wars”.  We really didn’t belong in that conflict at all.  It was the latest in a series of power struggles between European dynasties that had lasted for hundreds of years.  A Democrat President, Woodrow Wilson, used his considerable influence to drum up support for sending our troops “Over There”, and we ended up expending a great deal of blood and treasure in that conflict. 

Because of Wilson’s support for the toothless and feckless League of Nations, and lack of support for the “White Russians” after Czar Nicholas Romanov was overthrown, we ended up with a brutal communist regime in Russia.  Because he also backed France in it’s demands for extreme reparations from Germany after the Armistice in 1918, the Weimar Republic was replaced by the Nazis under Adolph Hitler, who followed the lead of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, in forming a Fascist government. 

These two European powers later joined the Empire of Japan in the Tripartite Pact, with the aim of conquering and dominating the entire planet.  The actions of another Democratic President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, got us involved in another world conflict, expending masses of additional blood and treasure.  Some day in the distant future historians will decide whether the Roosevelt administration’s financial actions against Japan actually forced them into the Pearl Harbor attack on December 7, 1941, which brought us into the war.  That’s still open to debate.

After the Second World War ended in 1945, Democrat President Harry Truman approved our entrance into the United Nations, an upgraded version of the failed League of Nations. Over the years, American taxpayers have paid the majority of the expenses for the UN and its subsidiary organizations. Continue reading War Without End