Monthly Archives: December 2019

Flat, Black, and….

Iraq is back in the news.  This time because there were violent demonstrations at our embassy in Baghdad where pro Iranian militia fighters were joined by thousands of others chanting “Death to America”.  This was brought on after U.S. airstrikes over the weekend reportedly killed 24 members of an Iranian backed militia group.

I believe it is time we give up trying to bring any sort of peace and stability to the Middle East Region.  The various religious groups which inhabit the area, most notably the Shia and the Sunni, have been killing each other almost from the inception of Islam in the seventh century. Continue reading Flat, Black, and….

Canary in the Coal Mine

Before the invention of devices which could detect a deadly buildup of poisonous gasses in a coal mine, miners would routinely carry a caged canary with them when they entered the mine.  If the bird died, it was an early warning to escape before they were overcome by the gas or a deadly explosion occurred.

That practice coined a popular metaphor:  “The Canary In The Coal Mine”, to indicate someone or something that is an early warning for trouble or danger.  In the opinion of many, myself included, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is  just such a warning.

“AOC” is a classic example of what many of our educators have been producing for a very long time.  Simply put, they are people who disparage our system of government and the American way of life because they have been told by their teachers that we are a racist, homophobic, misogynistic society which is ruled by a false belief in principals of Capitalism.  These educators believe in the false god of Marxist-Socialism, which has been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people since it first took over a government after the fall of the Russian Czar in 1918.

Our children don’t know that, because they have been told a very different story, one that praises the Socialist/Communist states as the benefactors of the working class, not their oppressors.  As the case in virtually every instance of what is wrong with our country today, these poisonous lies can be traced back to a single source, the Democratic Party.  From the days prior to, during, and after the Civil War, when they were the defenders of slavery and the formers and leaders of the Ku Klux Klan, they have morphed into a party which claims to be the benefactors of blacks and other minorities and the champions of the working class.  However, when you pull back the curtain, you find a group of people who are so power hungry and cynical that they will lie, cheat and steal to keep their grip on the reins of power at all costs. Continue reading Canary in the Coal Mine

Reopen the Investigation!

July 17, 2020 will be the twenty-fourth anniversary of the crash of TWA 800, which took the lives of all two hundred and thirty people onboard.  Individuals from what has become known as the “Deep State” participated in events designed to cover-up the true cause of that tragedy. 

As in the case of the attempted coup against the Trump administration, which has been in progress since before he took office in January of 2017, high ranking members of several government agencies, including the FBI, CIA, NTSB and DOJ colluded to deflect attention away from the real cause of the crash because of the possible negative effect it could have on the re-election campaign of Bill Clinton. 

Utilizing procedures never used before or since, James Hall, the Clinton appointed Chairman of the NTSB, allowed the FBI, under the auspices of FBI Special Agent in Charge James Kallstrom, to take over the investigation from the NTSB, although the FBI had no expertise in that field.  As a TWA 747 Captain, and the head union representative for all the TWA pilots flying international routes for that company, I was appalled at the actions taken by Kallstrom and the FBI agents under his command. Continue reading Reopen the Investigation!

Justice For All? Ver 2.0

In 2016,  I wrote a post titled: “Justice For All?”.  At that time I was concerned about the fact that there wasn’t, at least in the Obama administration, equal justice for all.  The abuses by Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch’s DOJ’s were selectively prosecuting some individuals, (read Conservative Republicans), while seemingly ignoring the transgressions of others.  For example, Hillary Clinton was being given a pass for her egregious violations while serving as Obama’s Secretary of State.  Most notably, she deleted 30,000 emails from her private server after they had been subpoenaed by Congress.   In July of 2016, FBI Director James Comey spent 45 minutes listing that, and other illegal actions, and then stated, although these were serious alligations, “No reputable prosecutor would indict her!”  Hillary was, after all,  on the fast track to become our first female president, a position unjustly denied her by Barack Obama eight years earlier, who trumped (no pun intended) her gender card with his race card, so becoming our first minority president.

Incredibly, the (according to Liberal Democrats and the national media) “Buffoon”, Donald J. Trump soundly defeated her in the 2016 election.  So began the “Resistance Movement” called for by Obama, and eagerly put into action by the Democrats, their lapdog media allies, and elements of the “Deep State” federal employees, which permeated all areas of the federal bureaucracy, including the CIA, FBI and NSA among many others.  Even though their obvious political biases have been exposed, as yet none of them have been taken to task in any meaningful way for their obvious transgressions.  The bureaucracy and “Deep State” protect their own.  That has become blatantly obvious to all but the most willingly blind partisans on the left.  If this continues unchecked, we will lose our country, and the basic concept, stated in our “Pledge of Allegiance”, of guaranteeing “Liberty and Justice For All”.

One of the most basic precepts of our Constitution is the legal precept of being innocent until proven guilty.  Continue reading Justice For All? Ver 2.0

Real ID?

In 2005, when the catastrophic events of 9-11 were still fresh in the minds of American citizens, Congress passed the “Real ID Act”. It stipulated that by 2008, all passengers passing through security checkpoints at our nations airports, and  military or nuclear facilities, would have an approved form of identification to prove lawful status in this country. That was defined as:


A State shall require, before issuing a driver’s license or identification card to a person, valid documentary evidence that the person:

(i) Is a ciitizen or national of the United States;

(ii) is an alien lawfully admitted for permanent or temporary residence in the United States;

(iii) has conditional permanent resident status in the United States;

(iv) has an approved application for asylum in the United States or has entered into the United States in refugee status;

(v) has a valid, unexpired nonimmigrant visa or nonimmigrant visa status for entry into the United States;

(vi) has a pending application for asylum in the United States;

(vii) has a pending or approved application for temporary protected status in the United States;

(viii) has approved deferred action status;


(ix) has a pending application for adjustment of status to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States or conditional permanent resident status in the United States.

Subsequently, numerous extensions to the act were granted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), particularly during the Obama administration. The latest extension runs through October 1, 2020.

Meanwhile, 15 states have passed laws allowing illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses. The latest to do so is New Jersey, following the lead of their neighbor across the Hudson river.  All of those states, with the exception of New Jersey, are supposedly currently in compliance with the Real ID Act. That appears to indicate that illegal aliens, in procession of a driver’s license from the state, are allowed to bypass the Real ID regulations and gain access to the listed restricted areas.  The vast majority of those states are controled by Democrats.

In light of the recent terrorist event in Pensacola, and the real possibility of terrorist attacks on airliners in the U.S., this policy seems incomprehensible. Meanwhile, the Congress has been engaged in spending millions of taxpayer dollars on hearings about an alleged attempt by President Trump to get political dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden, one of 20 plus possible candidates for the Democratic Presidential nomination in 2020.

Makes you wonder who really should be up for impeachment.

The Beginning of the End?

Look at the ridiculous picture at the left.  Question:  Who would try to imply that our President would ever associate himself with an organization based on hatred and discord? Answer: Leftist Democrats.  There is something systemically wrong with todays Democratic Party.  It started a very long time ago, prior even to the American Civil War.  At that time, the Democrats, both north and south, were advocates of the practice of slavery in this country.  Every state which seceded from the Union was controlled by Democrats. 

After the south was defeated, there was continuing resistance to the abolishment of slavery.  The infamous Klu Klux Klan was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Confederate general and staunch Democrat.  The activities of the Klan were supported by most Democratic politicians.  Most of the former slaves, if they chose to engage in political activities, were registered Republicans, the party of Abraham Lincoln, which had pushed through Amendments to the Constitution granting the freed slaves the full rights of citizenship. 

These rights were systematically violated in the south by the passing of the so-called “Jim Crow” laws, which attempted, successfully in most cases, to deny blacks their Constitutional rights.  For nearly a hundred years, southern and northern Democrats fought against any form of equal rights legislation.

Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, a notorious racial bigot and anti-semite, reinstituted the practice of racial segregation in our military and other government agencies, a system abolished after the Civil War.  That system remained in place until being once again abolished in 1948 under the Truman administration. Continue reading The Beginning of the End?

You Can’t Fix Stupid – Ver. 2.0

Just when I think  the impeachment debacle can’t get any worse, something comes along to prove me wrong.  This time it came from Congressman Hank Johnson (D-Ga.).  You remember him, the room temperature IQ individual who, as a member of the House Armed Services Committee, asked Navy Admiral Robert Willard, head of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, if an increase in the number of Marines stationed on the island of Guam wouldn’t overpopulate it to the point that it would “Capsize”.  His actual statement was:

“My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize,”. Willard paused and replied, “We don’t anticipate that.” Continue reading You Can’t Fix Stupid – Ver. 2.0

“Cafeteria Muslims”?

For years their have existed what are referred to as “Cafeteria Catholics”.  These people pick and chose what dictates of that religion they chose to observe, and ignore the rest.  At first, this might have been sneaking a burger on “Meatless Fridays’ instead of eating fish.  Then, maybe skipping Mass or Confession on a growingly frequent basis.  Using birth control methods? Why not!  That was sort of a slippery slope into the acceptance of early term abortion, which led inevitably to someone like Nancy Pelosi claiming to be a practicing Catholic while accepting the concept of abortion on demand up to, and including after the “fetus” had entered the world through the woman’s vagina.  It was only a “Baby” when the mother declared it to be so.

Yesterdays terrorist attack in London by Usman Khan, a Muslim jihadist who had been released early from a British prison because he agreed to wear an electronic ankle bracelet, is another example of how the west has not been able to grasp that adherents to the Muslim faith are dangerous to society as a whole on a scale not seen since the Middle Ages, when Catholics and Protestants took turns burning each other at the stake. Continue reading “Cafeteria Muslims”?