Monthly Archives: October 2022

Into What?

In 2007 and 2008 when Barack Obama was on the campaign trail (that’s him without his hand over his heart as the National Anthem was being played at a 2008 rally in New Mexico) I listened carefully to his speeches and was a bit more than just concerned by their content, I was alarmed.

Though he tried to distance himself from his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, He had attended that church for many years, and must have been there when Wright made his infamous comment from the pulpit:

“God Bless America? No, no, no. Not God Bless America. God damn America. It’s in the Bible!

It became clear to me that this mixed race individual had serious problems concerning race relations in general, and his attitudes towards white people in pparticular. His wife Michelle echoed that attitude when she stated after his nomination to be the Democratic Party candidate for president in 2008 that:

“For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.”

Considering her very privileged life up to that point, that was an outrageous statement. 

As the months dragged on, Obama continued to make statements which revealed the man behind the myth that was being created by an adoring media. Instead of bringing the various races together as simply non-hyphenated Americans, his attitudes and policies would most likely drag us farther apart.

Finally, on Oct. 30, 2008, on the cusp of his historic presidential election, Obama stated, in a speech given in Columbia, Missouri:

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” 

My initial reaction was, and still is:

“Into What?”

That became clear after his inauguration by the choice of his cabinet members, particularly for Attorney General. Eric Holder, the first black to hold that position, stated publicly:

“Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been, and we, I believe, continue to be, in too many ways, a nation of cowards.”

That brought us all together for sure.

The other thing that bothered me was Obamas choice for a running mate. Joe Biden, a Senator from the tiny state of Delaware was chosen for several reasons, the first of which was his race and the second that he wasn’t a threat to the power base Obama planned on building. Known for his many verbal gaffs and propensity for exaggerating his accomplishments, Biden was just “Crazy old Uncle Joe”.

So, during eight years of the Obama Administration, we watched fuel prices rise to the highest point on record up to that time. That of course affected the price of everything else. Inflation raged, but Obama could and did blame everything on the cards he had been left by his predecessor, George W. Bush. It was “racist” Ito imply anything else.

Biden chose not to run for president in 2016 after the untimely death of his eldest son, leaving that task to Hillary Clinton, who was declared by the media to be a shoo in. Unfortunately for her, she believed her own propaganda, and even with the false Russia collusion charges cooked up by her campaign organization and the DNC, she still lost to political novice Donald Trump.

Now, the political machine led by Valerie Jarrett went into high gear. With Obama the self proclaimed leader of political “resistance” to the Trump Administration, the next four years were constant chaos. It was amazing how much Trump got done with the political hounds of hell released by the DNC constantly nipping at his heels.

Now, probably pressured by his wife, brother and remaining son, Joe Biden was persuaded to run against Trump in 2020. The election was one of the most contentious in history, with Biden supposedly winning with the largest number of votes in history, even though he couldn’t attract a hundred people to any of his rallies while Trump was speaking before tens of thousands at his. “Nothing suspicious here” screamed the DNC and the media. “Move along, move along.”

So here we are, fourteen years later. Fuel prices at another all time high, once again dependent on OPEC for oil and China for virtually everything else.  31 TRILLION dollars in debt and threatened for the first time since the fall of the Soviet Union by a nuclear holocaust. In a recession, although Biden won’t admit it in his increasingly addled state of mind. I finally have the answer to my question,: “Into What?” 

Quite simply into a nation in decline financially and morally. Into a nation racially at odds with itself, being pushed towards a race war if we’re not careful. Into a nation where our Constitution isn’t worth the parchment it is written on in the minds of the Democrat leftists who control that party. Finally into a nation being led by a man in way over his head. As was commented by Barack Obama, who should know: 

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up”

We’re seeing that in action, aren’t we?

None Are So Blind…

The phrase “None are so blind as those who will not see” is often quoted as biblical text. In fact, it isn’t found in the Bible. However, Jesus, in Matthew 13:13 said that he spoke to the people in parables “Because seeing they see not, and hearing they hear not.” Examples of that truth surround us these days, particularly in the arena of politics.

Politicians lie, and rank and file members of their political party blindly accept it as the truth. They have, in effect, abandoned common sense and subscribed to a new religion, that of their political parties dogma.

Although Democrats would have you believe that the tens of millions of Americans who voted for President Trump are simply duped members of a political cult, I believe the opposite is the truth. One must only look at the historical facts, which are easily verified, to understand that the Democratic Party, from its very inception, has been and is today a chameleon, hiding its true beliefs and aspirations behind a carefully crafted curtain of lies and distortions.

The Founding Fathers realized that the Republic they created could not exist without a population of religious and moral individuals. That’s why they included in the First Amendment to our constitution the guarantees of freedom of speech and religion, as well as the rights of citizens to peacefully confront their elected representatives and redress their grievances.

If they have their way, the Democrat politicians will abolish those rights and many others. By their actions, they demonstrate that fact on a daily basis. The only question is how have they been able to convince their followers that this is the correct course of action? The simple answer to that question is by controlling the dissemination of what the public is allowed to hear about the critical issues we face as a nation.

Dictators have long known that if they are to control their countrymen, they must first control the news media. Joseph Goebbels, the chief propagandist for the Nazi Party, said it all when he observed: “A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth”.  That is exactly what the Democrats and their co-conspirators in the media have done for a very long time. They have become experts at the practice.

A violent thug like George Floyd becomes a hero of the black community. The violent riots and looting egged on by groups like Black Lives Matter after his death are deemed “mostly peaceful,” while the mostly peaceful protesters at the Capitol building on January 6, 2021 are called “violent insurrectionists”, painted as such with a very broad brush because of the actions of a tiny minority present that day. The very real possibility that violent minority was in fact instigated by FBI agents or their surrogates is ignored. It doesn’t fit the desired narrative.

Democratic controlled cities like Newark, NJ and New York City have produced Public Service Announcements to tell people what to do in case of a nuclear attack. Suggestions are to “go indoors and remain there, remove and discard your clothing, and then shower and shampoo your hair”. This might be worthwhile if you were in a suburb, and not under ground zero of a Hiroshima/Nagasaki sized bomb in 1945. However, it is estimated that a modern hydrogen bomb delivered by a Russian missile would make a radioactive hole a hundred feet deep covering most of the five boroughs of New York City.

We find ourselves in a very dangerous place because of the actions of the Biden Administration. We’re closer to a nuclear war with Russia than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1963, and we’re being led by a dementia crippled 80 year old with a giggling, race baiting idiot waiting in the wings to replace him.

Inflation continues to strain the pocketbooks of average Americans, with food and fuel prices at all time highs, and about to go higher, due to the actions of OPEC and the refusal of Biden to ramp up our own energy production on an emergency basis. Instead of admitting that his policies have failed miserably, and dealing with the self created crisis, Biden bumbles on, doubling down on the insanity.

After he won in 2008, newly elected Barack Obama reminded the American people that “elections have consequences”. He was right. On the other hand, allowing election irregularities to place a totally incompetent regime in power has consequences as well. We are watching the destruction of our great country by vindictive, power hungry fools.

We must all pray that the madness will be checked on November 8th at the polls. If it isn’t, we are left with very few options.

“When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

That’s a quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson. Some “fact checkers” deny that. If he didn’t say it, I wish he had, because it is undeniably true. Right now, due to the actions taken by the Biden Administration to weaponize various federal agencies against the people, many Americans do fear the government. That must stop. Too many of our forbearers gave up their lives to give us the liberties we have previously taken for granted. If reason doesn’t prevail, some of us may be called upon to do likewise. If Americans can’t understand that, it is because, as Jesus said:

“Seeing they see not, and hearing they hear not.”

We must open their eyes and ears to the truth. We must stop the left from Stealing America!

Better Pragmatic Than Extinct

On March 13th of this year I made a post to this site titled “Better Red Than Dead!”. Here’s a link to that post:

In it, I expressed the opinion that even if the Russians used tactical nuclear weapons after their invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. would not respond in kind, especially under the Biden Administration. The events of the last couple of weeks have caused me to reassess that position.

It should be increasingly clear to anyone who is capable of unbiasedly viewing the actions of Joe Biden that he is increasingly unable to make the critical decisions our presidents must make if they are to keep our citizens out of harms way. A man who can’t remember for a few weeks that a very supportive member of congress has tragically died in a car accident.  A person to whose family he sent personal condolences at the time, is increasingly debilitated by the symptoms of dementia or Alzheimers Disease.

Because of that fact, there is someone else at the helm of our government, and it isn’t the vice-president, who has proven herself to be, if anything, more feckless in her behavior that he is. So who is in charge, and what is their agenda for the nation?

Is it White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain? If so, do we want an un-elected individual making what are life and death decisions which could spell the end of our nation, and indeed possibly the whole human race? For make no mistake, that is exactly what might be the consequence if we push Vladimir Putin too hard in the next days and weeks.

A war, any war we allow us to become involved in, has consequences for our country that go far beyond the financial costs involved. The effusion of American blood, as well as that of our allies and indeed our adversaries, is no small matter. I we decide to move in that direction we must assure ourselves that it is indeed not only a just cause, but a justifiable one.

Although we, as the sole remaining “Super-Power” at the end of World War Two, gradually took on the mantle of being the “World’s Policeman”, were we justified in doing so? We have not won a single conflict in the last seventy-seven years with perhaps the exception of the First Gulf War against the forces of Sadam Hussein. However, because of the refusal of Bush ’41 to finish the job, even that was in fact a draw, with the dictator left still in power, and creating a situation where we had to once again go to war against Iraq a decade later, at much greater cost in blood and national treasure. Our disastrous twenty year long military adventure in Afghanistan ended last year not only with the enemy intact, but indeed much stronger militarily than we found them when we arrived after attacks of 9/11.

Now we are told that it is a vital national interest of this country that we defend the right of Ukraine to maintain her current borders. It is much more important to do that, we are told,  than to defend our own. The fact that in the process, we are moving increasingly closer to an open armed conflict with a country that has over six thousand nuclear warheads, many of them pointed at our country, doesn’t seem to matter to whomever is in control of the Oval Office.

The national media continues to carry the water of the Democratic Party and the Biden Administration. Americans have not been told the truth about the dangers we face if we continue to support Ukraine and demand regime change in Russia. Vladimir Putin has nothing to lose and everything to gain by standing firm against Biden’s threats. Our country however, has virtually nothing to gain by not pushing for a negotiated settlement between Ukraine and Russia. Although it is no longer a case of the American Left saying “Better Red Than Dead”, it is instead more correctly “Better Pragmatic Than Extinct”. A nuclear holocaust is forever.