Monthly Archives: September 2021

Not Guilty!

After the Allies were successful in defeating Germany in World War Two, trials were held in the German city of Nuremberg to determine who in the German government and military were guilty of war crimes.  Many pled “Not Guilty” on the basis that they were “Just following orders” which had been given them by their superiors.  Those attempts failed, on the basis that no one is morally or legally required to do things which are manifestly wrong or illegal.

Now, we have a case where United States Marine Corps Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller, shown above, is being held in solitary confinement in the “Brig” at Camp Lejeune, NC.  What crimes did he allegedly commit which would justify such severe measures, even before he was given a pre-trail hearing and allowed to secure legal council?  Now we know.

Scheller is accused of the following offenses under the UCMJ:  Article 88: Contempt toward officials,  Article 90: Willfully disobeying a superior commissioned officer,  Article 92: Failure to obey an order, and  Article 133: Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman.  Let’s examine those in order. 

Contempt towards officials: 

I guess he might be guilty of that, but he is joined by tens of millions of his fellow citizens, who were appalled at the actions taken by our military leaders, from the Commander in Chief on down, who unbelievably botched the withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Eighty BILLION dollars worth of military equipment, much of it sensitive in nature, abandoned to the Taliban terrorists?  Refusing to hold Bagram Airbase as the center of the evacuation efforts, and allowing the Taliban to maintain the security zone around the Kabul airport? Creating the conditions that allowed an ISIS suicide bomber to kill over a hundred people just inside and outside of the barbed wire at the airport, 13 American servicemen and women among them?  That isn’t behavior worthy of contempt?

Willfully disobeying a superior commissioned officer:

I guess that was when he didn’t comply with what was essentially a questionable “gag order” from the Pentagon.  Bill Clinton did this when he signed Executive Order13039 on March 9, 1997.  That prohibited members of the military from telling what they knew about the crash of TWA 800 the previous July.  The reason given for that E.O. was “National Security”, but since the FBI and NTSB had already stated the crash was caused by a mechanical malfunction, what national security issue was involved?  We don’t know that to this day.  In the case of Colonel Scheller, the higher ups, all the way to the Oval Office, didn’t want to be embarrassed, or worse, held accountable.

Failure to obey an order:

As in the case of the Germans at Nuremberg, you are not required to obey an order you feel is immoral or illegal.  Colonel Scheller knew he would have to defend his actions, but he is a man of character, and was willing to take that chance.  I wish there were more like him, both in the military and in the halls of Congress.

Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman:

That is the most laughable of all these charges.  Is it “unbecoming” to speak out when you see an example of gross incompetence, which has needlessly cost the lives of American military members, and put the lives of American Citizens and allies at risk?  The “woke” culture which has been allowed to infect our military by the Commander in Chief, Secretary Austin, General Milley, General McKenzie and other high Pentagon officials puts this nation at risk.  Our adversaries don’t give a damn about transgender quotas, pregnant fighter pilots, or understanding “White Rage”.  They are concerned with defending their countries interests and dominating potential enemies.  As Rush Limbaugh was fond of saying: “The job of the military is to kill people and break things!”  An oversimplification to be sure, but the military isn’t there to “Nation Build” or anything else, but effectively defend this country.

I urge everyone who reads this to contact their Senators and Congressional Representative, and Demand that Lt. Colonel Scheller be exonerated of all charges, released, and if he so desires retire from the military with all his hard earned rights intact after nearly two decades of honorable service to this country.  Anything less will be a travesty of justice.

Irreconcilable Differences

The dictionary says that “irreconcilable” means: 

“ Ideas representing findings or points of view that are so different from each other that they cannot be made compatible”.

That’s where I am with individuals on the left, and I count all Democrats among that group. Sorry folks, but it’s true and you know it.  If you can’t figure out that todays Democratic Party is no longer the party of FDR, Harry Truman or JFK, but basically radical socialists bent on destroying this country, there is no reasoning with you.  I’m done with it, and so are tens of millions of other Americans who hold conservative values.  It is YOU, not us, who have chosen to make us your enemies. 

We just want to be let alone, but you refuse to do so.  As a result, we are at war with you. We indeed have “Irreconcilable Differences”.   That’s what the Founding Fathers said to King George, III and the mighty British Empire when they signed the Declaration of Independence.  In that case, the monarch and his Parliament thought they could crush the revolt.  You feel the same way, but you’re wrong.

It has become self evident that we can no longer rely on a ballot box solution.  You have fine tuned the mechanisms of cheating and voter fraud to the point that we must start over, with paper ballots, voter ID and physically showing up on election day to vote in person.  Perhaps it should be declared a National Holiday, so no one would have an excuse not to participate  but a very small group of essential workers, invalids, or those out of the country.  They could be allowed absentee ballots, but under very strict rules to prevent voter fraud.  You Democrats cannot allow that to happen.  You know you would lose in a landslide if you did.  So, the confrontation between the two sides is now inevitable.  The only question is what form that will take. Continue reading Irreconcilable Differences

Liar in Chief!

If you allow a thief to rob you without fear of punishment, he will rob you again and again. It’s his nature after all.  Joe Biden is a compulsive liar, a man without honor.  From the very beginning, he has proven himself to be willing to do anything necessary to further his political career. 

He has plagiarized other peoples speeches and writings.  He has lied about his scholastic achievements.  As a Senator from Delaware, he sold himself to the highest bidder when it came to protecting the interests of the banks and credit card companies, allowing them to raise interest rates on their customers to levels formerly only seen with illegal loan shark loans.  He used his position as Barack Obamas Vice President to feather the nest of his family at the expense of this nation.  He is indeed a classic thief.

The ultimate theft was when he stole the office of President by allowing, no encouraging, the illegal activities which occurred during the weeks running up to, and on the night of November 3, 2020.  He is a fraud, and he knows it, even in the addled state of consciousness he finds himself in.  Those who aided him in the theft know it too.  They, like him, are without honor, their thirst for political power overriding any sense of honesty they might have held in the past.  For them, it is a classic case of “The ends justify the means”. Continue reading Liar in Chief!

When Will We Fight?


Daily, those of us who watch Fox News, or the few other remaining outlets which broadcast news rather than Democrat propaganda, are treated to images of thousands of people crossing the Rio Grande into our country, unimpeded by Border Patrol authorities.  The worst example of this atrocious behavior is occurring at Del Rio, TX.  There, thousands of Haitians, who have apparently been living in various South American countries since the last devastating earthquake in Haiti, are crossing into our country.  Thousands more are on the way.

This begs the question of who organized this invasion?  The fact that the Biden regime has made it clear that we no longer have borders, that anyone who can get here from anywhere in the world will be allowed to stay, is indeed “Fundamentally Transforming America”.  That was the expressed desire of Barack Obama and his then Vice President Joe Biden when they were inaugurated in 2009.  It is evident that what we are experiencing is the third term of Barack Obama.  However, pointing out that simple truth just makes us, yep, “Racists”.

This country has been demographically changing for a very long time.  The great wave of Caucasian Europeans in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries has been replaced by more and more people from south of our border.  Although many of those are of pure Spanish heritage, and as such are Caucasian Hispanics, the vast majority are “Mestizos”, a Spanish word meaning “Mixed”.  These people have multiple ancestors, including Spaniards, Indigenous peoples and even Africans.  They, in the current lexicon, are “People of Color”.  Covers of magazines like Time and Newsweek in the 1980s described “The Browning of America”, and they were accurate in that description.

Because in fact most Caucasian Americans aren’t “White Supremacists”, no effort was made to exclude these people from our society.  Mexican food joined Chinese, Greek and Italian cuisine as American favorites, along with the foods of many other cultures as well. Since the increase of immigrants from Mexico and Central America (many of them illegal, unfortunately) there have sprung up numerous Hispanic groceries and Mexican food restaurants in even small towns across our country.  Their food has become as American as apple pie, maybe more so. Continue reading When Will We Fight?

The Last Days – A Warning

I recently watched a 1998 documentary titled “The Last Days”.  Steven Spielberg was the Executive Producer of this very moving piece of work, which tells the story of five Hungarian Jews who survived the Holocaust during the period of the Nazis “Final Solution” to exterminate all European Jews, which started in late 1944.  Over 425,000 Hungarian Jews were rounded up in only a few weeks, and sent to the Death Camps.  Very few survived.  Of all European countries at that time, only Bulgaria refused to give up a single Bulgarian Jew to the Nazis, but even they weren’t guiltless, and gave up Thracian and Macedonian Jews living in their country, to be sent to the Auschwitz death camp.

The documentary tells the story of two men and three women, all children at the time, who somehow survived the unspeakable conditions in Auschwitz-Birkenau, Buchenwald and Dachau, and lived to tell the tale.  As of this date, I’m sure they have probably all passed on, but their stories, and what happened to them, should never be forgotten.  Currently, “The Last Days” is available on Netflix, and I highly recommend that you watch it.

We face an evil today which is every bit as dangerous as that which pushed the planet into the Second World War in 1939.  That evil is the forces of Radical Islam, and there are far more of them than comprised the entire populations of Germany, Italy and Japan plus all their sympathizers at that time.

The disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan by the Biden Administration has placed an enormous number of weapons in the hands of the Taliban, and through them to terrorist groups worldwide.  Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas and Hezbollah, each supported by Iran, have all pledged attacks against American Citizens and interests worldwide, including here in the homeland.  Now, they will be better armed and supplied to do just that. Continue reading The Last Days – A Warning

The Most Important Men?

Texas Governor Greg Abbott may turn out to be the most important man in America over the next few weeks and months.  Abbott, along with Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, have the ability to use their state National Guard to close their border with Mexico, and stop the mass migration of illegal aliens into their states. 

They unquestionably have the constitutional right to protect the citizens of their respective states from the dangers that an invasion by unvetted and unvaccinated individuals from other countries pose to Texans and Arizonans as well as the nation as a whole.  Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution gives them that right. It says :

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.”

By any reasonable standard, tens of thousands of uninvited illegal aliens crossing your state line IS AN INVASION! And it’s not just  a threat from the Covid-19 Virus.  Other virulent disease such as Measles, Smallpox, Polio, drug resistant strains of Tuberculosis and even Leprosy are coming in with these illegal invaders. The unfettered flow of extremely dangerous drugs such as Fentanyl, as well as weapons which can be used by criminals or terrorists are being ignored by the Biden Administration.

If there ever was a time for these Governors to stand up and protect their citizens it’s now. Of course these efforts will be opposed by the Biden Administration.  Charges of racism will be levied against them for taking such actions.  However, citizens of these states comprise many ethnic groups, and they all are suffering the negative impacts caused by this unprecedented influx of poorly educated individuals who will immediately put a strain on already overwhelmed social service facilities.

It’s past time for all legal residents of Arizona and Texas to call or write their Governors office and demand he take the actions listed above.  Protecting our citizens should be the first priority of our government.  The Biden Administration has failed utterly in doing that, so now is the time for the States to step up and do the things that the federal government has refused to do. The safety and security of the nation demand it.

Caution or Fear?

I was listening to Andrew Wilkow while driving recently, and was somewhat taken aback by his response to a caller.  This man was a resident of Texas who was very concerned about what is happening in this country.  The open border, the mask and vaccine mandates, the unbelievably botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, and finally the gross violations prior to and during the 2020 election cycle.  The caller stated that his wife was a nurse who worked in a hospital and treated Covid patients.  Being of child bearing age, she decided not to have the vaccine, and was about to be fired for not doing so.

“So”, He asked Wilkow.  “What can we do about this illegal regime, which has staged what can only be considered a coup against a sitting President?   Where can I go for some leadership to tell me how to fight back before it’s too late?”   Wilkow’s response really got my attention.

“If you’re asking how to use violence, you’ve come to the wrong show.  I’ve still got faith in a ballot box solution”.  Wilkow said.  Here, I must stipulate that although I have put the above in quotes, it’s not a literal transcription of the discussion between Wilkow and the caller, but does give you an honest perception of what was said.

So, did Andrew Wilkow speak out of caution, or fear of retribution?  A bit of both, I’d imagine. After the disgraceful way the protesters at the Capitol Building were treated by the government, all of the conservative talk show hosts probably worry about being taken off the air, or being charged with inciting riots.  Strange that this didn’t happen to Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee or the founders of Black Lives Matter and others last summer when they were calling for confrontations and condoning the riots as justifiable before crowds of supporters.  Remember, members of Congress are only held harmless for what they say on the floor of the House and Senate, not elsewhere.  As an aside, I would expect that Ms. Jackson Lee would have her name legally changed.  Remember, those are two prominent Confederate Generals after all.

Because of the actions of the current administration, things are getting wound tighter and tighter.  Many people in this country are losing faith in our electoral system, or have already lost it completely.  The second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence begins by saying:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

If you can’t rely on honest elections, and the current Federal Court System, including the Supreme Court,  seems unwilling to address the obvious constitutional violations prior to and during the 2020 election, what other options are available to American Citizens?  That is the bear in the back room, and perhaps why the Founding Fathers placed the Second Amendment where they did in the Bill of Rights.  No one wants an armed conflict between citizens and the federal government, but under the current circumstances it is understandable why some in our society feel that may end up being their only recourse to throw off the tyranny being imposed on them and a significant portion of the  American population. Continue reading Caution or Fear?

Two Dates….

There are two dates burned laser like into my memory bank, one at the end of the last century and the other at the beginning of this one.  They are July 17, 1996 and September 11, 2001.   I believe they are connected by an evil thread which still exists. 

My greatest fear is that recent events will bring another series of dates to be added to the list.  As in the case of the first two, they will occur because of the stupidity of American politicians, and if we allow it to be so, like their predecessors, they won’t be held accountable for the people who died.

Bill Clinton in many ways was responsible for for the shoot down of TWA 800 in July of 1996.  Why, you ask?  Simply because he failed to act decisively after the failed attempt to capture Somali warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid in the “Black Hawk Down” raid in Mogadishu, Somalia in 1993.  There, a ragtag group of Somali militiamen loyal to Aidid killed American servicemen, and shot down an Army Blackhawk helicopter.  Instead of a swift and thorough retaliation, Clinton ordered an ignominious retreat.

This caused Osama bin Laden to conclude that America was a “Paper Tiger” militarily. Because of that belief, he formed “al Qaeda” and began plotting the attacks against American interests at home and abroad.   These culminated in the events of 9-11.  There is a great deal of evidence that the downing of TWA 800 was one of those attacks, intended to frighten the American public and embarrass the Clinton Administration. 

The coverup of the true cause of the crash was a factor which allowed al Qaeda to successfully plan and execute the 9-11 attacks, using airline aircraft, previously not thought threatened domestically.  The attacks were planned at bin Laden’s base in Afghanistan and executed by al Qaeda members, initially based in Frankfurt, Germany.  It must be noted that when he had an opportunity to kill bin Laden after his involvement with al Qaeda attacks on the USS Cole and our embassies in Africa, Clinton refused to do so.

Bad decisions continued after 9-11. President Bush, using American Special Forces, successfully attacked and destroyed the al Qaeda training base in Afghanistan and drove the Taliban from power.  Instead of sealing off bin Laden’s escape route from the mountains of Tora Bora, he pulled back, fearing to cause an incident with Pakistan, and thus allowed him to escape. 

Then, inexplicably, Bush entered into a conflict with Iraq, thereby strengthening our real enemy in the region, Iran.  Meanwhile he continued what became the twenty year war against the Taliban in Afghanistan, attempting to “Nation Build” a western style democracy in a region where the majority of the population didn’t want one. Continue reading Two Dates….

Two Choices.

As I said in a former post, we have come to a crossroad in this country.   If you are new to this site, and haven’t read it, just click on this link or cut and paste it to your browser:

What I said there has been underlined by the events of the last several weeks. We have two very clearly defined choices.  Either we can reject the fraudulently elected Biden Administration, and reinstall President Trump to office, or we can admit that election  fraud is now the law of the land, and we have devolved into a socialist dictatorship or a Banana Republic. 

If this is indeed the case, we must also accept that the guaranteed liberties so many have fought and died to preserve and protect over the years have been stolen, no given away, by a population too feckless or cowardly to defend them.  For myself, I cannot accept that premise, and I can only hope that there enough Patriotic Americans out there in the heartland and elsewhere who can’t either. 

A classic example of that type of American is Mike Lindell, the “My Pillow Guy”.  In his attempt to bring out the truth about what happened on the night of November 3, 2020 and the early morning hours of November 4th, he has been pilloried by politicians on both sides of the aisle.  The business he worked so hard to build has been savaged by politicians and leftist pressure groups.  Retailers like Bed Bath and Beyond and many others have removed his products from their shelves.  This is unbelievable.

The American left, embodied by the current Democratic Party, has decided to, through what can only be characterized as a coup, seize control of our government.   Far too many Republican politicians, from Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy on down, are willing to allow them to succeed in that endeavor.  Ordinary Americans are going to have to educate themselves as to what is happening, and fight back against these abuses.  If they don’t, the Republic is lost.  Only a shadow of its former self remaining. Continue reading Two Choices.

The Next 9-11?

Yesterday,  I was waiting in line at Home Depot to return an item.  The gray haired gentleman in front of me was wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the seal of the United States Navy.  I asked him if indeed he was a Navy veteran.  He confirmed that, and as I always do, I thanked him for his service.  What he said then really got my attention.  “I’m ashamed of my country”  he said.  “I never thought I could say such a thing, but it’s true”.  “I hope I’m not offending you, but what just happened in Afghanistan was the last straw for me, how could we allow someone like Joe Biden become our president?”

“It’s simple”  I replied.    “Most of the Republican politicians let us down.  they allowed the corrupt election results to stand.  Biden is an addled fool.  The disastrous situation on the southern border, and now the totally bungled Afghanistan withdrawal are proof positive of that.”

“Yeah, but what can we do about it?”  He asked.  “Well,” I said,  “For starters stop the politically correct B.S. and confront those who continue to support Joe Biden.”   “The local offices of our Republican Senators and members of the House should be inundated with irate voters like you and me, telling them to stop trying to ‘work’ with the Democrats, who don’t know the meaning of the word.”  “As long as we grouse among ourselves, but don’t do anything about it, they think they can continue with business as usual.” Continue reading The Next 9-11?