Two Choices.

As I said in a former post, we have come to a crossroad in this country.   If you are new to this site, and haven’t read it, just click on this link or cut and paste it to your browser:

What I said there has been underlined by the events of the last several weeks. We have two very clearly defined choices.  Either we can reject the fraudulently elected Biden Administration, and reinstall President Trump to office, or we can admit that election  fraud is now the law of the land, and we have devolved into a socialist dictatorship or a Banana Republic. 

If this is indeed the case, we must also accept that the guaranteed liberties so many have fought and died to preserve and protect over the years have been stolen, no given away, by a population too feckless or cowardly to defend them.  For myself, I cannot accept that premise, and I can only hope that there enough Patriotic Americans out there in the heartland and elsewhere who can’t either. 

A classic example of that type of American is Mike Lindell, the “My Pillow Guy”.  In his attempt to bring out the truth about what happened on the night of November 3, 2020 and the early morning hours of November 4th, he has been pilloried by politicians on both sides of the aisle.  The business he worked so hard to build has been savaged by politicians and leftist pressure groups.  Retailers like Bed Bath and Beyond and many others have removed his products from their shelves.  This is unbelievable.

The American left, embodied by the current Democratic Party, has decided to, through what can only be characterized as a coup, seize control of our government.   Far too many Republican politicians, from Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy on down, are willing to allow them to succeed in that endeavor.  Ordinary Americans are going to have to educate themselves as to what is happening, and fight back against these abuses.  If they don’t, the Republic is lost.  Only a shadow of its former self remaining.

The forces arrayed against us are evil, cunning and remorseless.  They are determined to make this country into a “Marxist Paradise”, something which has never been attained in the past, nor will be in the future.  If they have their way, a familiar path will be followed. We will end up with two classes, the “Leaders” and the “Proletariat”, separated by a massive gulf of wealth and lifestyle.  Every Marxist society, no matter how it began, has evolved into that state.  It is also historically true that no society who previously enjoyed freedom and then lost it, has ever regained it in its original form.

During his much maligned Cyber Symposium Mike Lindell introduced Dr. V.A. Shiva, (shown above)  a naturalized American citizen of Indian descent.  This brilliant M.I.T. educated individual gave a presentation to show how our First Amendment rights have already been trashed by a willing collaboration between elements of the Democratic Party, Deep State bureaucrats and Social Media.  You can view that on Lindell’s website.  Dr. Shiva started life in a rural village in India.  He was a member of the “Untouchable” caste, the lowest on the rungs of that caste based society.  Luckily for him, his parents were able to legally immigrate to this country, and he has been allowed to enjoy the ultimate “American Dream”, based on his intellectual prowess and work ethic.

In 2006, prior to becoming Barack Obamas V.P. running mate, Joe Biden stated “You can’t go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent”. Later, again before Obama chose him for the 2008 ticket, Biden said: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” What? So that means that the average African-American is inarticulate, dirty and ugly?  Ponder that.  Can you imagine ANY Republican politician getting away with those statements without being pilloried by the main stream media?

Well, thankfully for Dr. Shiva, he didn’t become a 7-11 or Dunkin Doughnuts employee or owner.  Instead, he became an eminent scientist and professor at M.I.T.   Although foreign born, if you close your eyes when he speaks, you would have no clue of his ethnic heritage.  His English and grammar is flawless, and would put many native born to shame.

As we engage in this fight for the very soul of our nation and what it has always stood for, we need more Mike Lindells and Dr. Shivas.  We need more Americans, native born and naturalized, to stand up for our country, not curse, demean and denigrate it as the “Squad” does on a regular basis.  Because of the strength of the mainstream media left and social media, which is becoming more pervasive every day,  American patriots are going to have to buck up and confront the falsehoods wherever they appear.  We can’t let the opposition win by default. 

This is a nasty, mud slinging gutter fight.  If justice and liberty is to prevail, we’re going to have to hold our noses and get down there in the gutter to defeat the left.  It’s the only way.  We are left with two choices, win or lose.  Which do you choose?